插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


"Hey Jamie, over here," a voice calls Jamie over to a tree.

It's a calm day outside, puffy clouds float in the skies, a slight breeze blows by, and the air reaches that sweet spot of a cool spring day. School just released and it's finally Spring Break for Ridgewood High.

People swarm the campus, spreading out from the two sets of four doors like little ants. Jamie has a bookblag slung around one of his shoulders, a plain green tee, and rich dark hair that glimmered in sunlight.

"Hey," Jamie wanders over to a tree where his friends are.

Two boys sit just outside the tree's shadow, another seems to be laying face-first in the grass while the last hangs upside down from a branch on the small oak.

"So y'know what I hear," the boy hanging upside down says. Jamie dumps his bag on the grass, finding a spot by the trunk to sit. "I hear Crusty Lake's homecoming is next Friday."

"Why, are you going to it, Max?" One of the boys in the grass looks up at the pale boy.

Max wears a deep pine colored hoodie that slugs over his shoulders as he's upside down. His deep brown hair falls over his eyes as he lifts himself back to sit upright instead. His ears are slanted upward to a crisp point and his right ear holds a piercing.

"No, gross," Max shakes his head and grins a little, his eyes are a dark, attractive maroon when he looks back down. "I hear we're versing them."

"Why would Max ever go to a Crystal Lake dance," the same boy chatters, "hey Jamie, don't you go to those every year?"

Jamie pauses, trying to hold his blush.

"Leave him alone Matt," the boy sitting next to him adds. He has a tan skintone with green freckles covering his body. His hair looks gelled back and his eyes are a bright emrald. "Are you going again this year?"

"Yeah, with Juniper.." Colten mocks, hovering just by Jamie.

"Yeah, what about it?" Jamie crossed his arms under the tree, giving a distasteful stare. Matt raises an eyebrow under his tattered, blue-tinted hair. He wears a yellow noodie filled with ripped holes and jeans that hang over his shoes.

Jamie liked his friends but he hated when they did this. Colten knocked Jamie's side, winking at him. Colten was always the one to get on his nerves, which hopefully he could control right now. He and Maxwell were always the troublemakers, and usually the first one's he'd probably punch.

Max was the "pretty boy" of the group, always the ladies man. The girls always fell for his eyes, guess it was kind of a natural thing for a vampire. He was the only vampire ever admitted into a public school, when the multidimensional cleave happened vampires became as real as demons. He should know, when demons were also admitted panic spread like wildfire.

Matthew was more quiet, but Max's rugged personality rubbed off on him. He was a werewolf shapeshifter but it was so odd for a vampire and a werewolf to get along so well. Matthew was one of the 7 sons next in line for Riddenvale, the werewolf Kingdom. He was the middle son, everyone usually forgot about him. But at Ridgewood, he was known for being friends with the only vampire.

Next to Matthew was Connor, sitting cross-legged in the grass. He was the son of the Spiderbites, Slime and Penelope. Connor was more of a laidback and chill type with people, but more likely to break loose and live a little on his own. Jamie saw him as the mature one of the group, I mean compared to Colten he was wayyyy more mature.

"I always hear you guys talk about Juniper, but I haven't seen her yet," Maxwell remarks. "She that cute for you to go Crystal Lake?"

"Shut up Max," Conner takes a clump of grass and dirt to fling it at him.

"Well I have a point right?" Max shrugs swinging back upside down on his branch, when he opens his eyes he finds Jamie glaring him in the eyes.

"You say anything about her, I'll personally deliver you to hell myself when I kill you," Jamie's hair spirals in thin whisps of fire. His eyes begin to glow a faint yellow until he feels someone yank his arm.

"Yo, James, I'm kidding alright," Max clumsily fixes himself, floating into the air to avoid him. "Don't go all demon on me again."

When Jamie whips around he finds Connor gripping his lower arm. Jamie jerks his arm back to his side as his hair flutters back down over his head. It cascades from a orange to a desaturated red, then finally shifts back to his rich black hair.

"If you care so much why aren't you with her yet?" Matthew pipes up tilting his head. "It's Sophomore year, so basically four years since you've gone to every Crystal Lake dance."

"Aghh, look I don't know, okay?" Jamie crosses his arms, giving off agitated vibes, walking next to the tree to lean on it. "I just never thought of her that way. Besides, I'm a literal demon. I'm nothing like her."

"Okaaayyyy, sure," Colten sidles up next to Jamie. "But you're always so protective and stuff that you kinda seem like you do."

"Do you know what she thinks of you though?" Connor came up to Jamie, holding him by the shoulder. "Like, any info from Diane?"

"Yeah, your sister and her are like best friends right?" Max came back down to a soft landing back under the tree. The sunlight annoyed his eyes.

"I don't know, I wish I knew sometimes," Jamie donked his head against the tree, scraggling his hair and horns along the bark.

"But it's your fourth dance together, isn't it?" Diane shuffles through different clothes in her closet, picking out an outfit for the next day.

"Yeah but, I don't think I feel the same anymore," Juniper holds her head in a confused, tired way. Her hair is fallen below her shoulders and her sea blue eyes look weary.

"It's Sophomore year Juni, shouldn't it feel normal when you're together now?" Diane bites her lip, picking out a laced black shirt to set it aside.

"No, no," Juniper swivels around in the chair she's sitting in to face Diane. "I mean I still 'admire' him I guess, but. . ." Juniper trails her words.

"Maybe I could explore new people y'know? I've had this stupid crush since 7th grade. Besides, I'm just a human, I'm nothing special," Juniper takes her hair and tucks a strand behind her ear.

"Okay if you weren't special then I guess I'd have less anger issues, but we both know that's never going to be reality," Diane laughed, tossing a pair of cargo pants onto her bed. "But if that's the case then what about your Homecoming his year?"

"I'm still going with him, it's like tradition now," Juniper glances toward the floor with a soft smile. "He makes my homecoming worth it."

"Gosh, you two are so clueless," Diane mutters under her breath, shaking her head slowly while cracking a smirk.

"What?" Juniper looks up from her chair.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering what shoes I should wear tomorrow, c'mere and help me choose," Diane quickly whips around with fpue pairs of boots.

Juniper rolls her eyes, stepping off the chair and next to the closet. Sometimes, she wished she knew how he felt.



So homecoming is coming back up and my life is all busy again, but I have sketches >:0
I drew the kids from my comic as adults, i feel like i should give more background on them since you guys may not have seen the show SVTFOE. (Also i post all my info on them on my amino, but you guys may not have amino either so maybe I'll start giving info here as well 🤔)
Anyway, I tried to make the most accurate height chart I could but lining up their feet was hard since I start sketching from the head.
Diane also looks like she's 5'7" but that's because she has heels.


Crystal Lake Dance: Short Story

"I'm doing what?" Jamie looks up from his bowl of ceral, eyeing his mother.
"C'mon Jamie, it'd be fun to see a new school," Janna says to comfort her son's nerves. "It would also make Juniper happy."
Jamie stops to think, slowly chewing the ceral in his mouth. It's Friday morning, and tonight would be Crystal Lake's 7th Grade Dance. The only problem was Jamie didn't go to Crystal Lake, he went to Ridgewood, and Crystal Lake and Ridgewood we're NOT fond of each other.
"I know Crystal Lake and Ridgewood are sort of.." Janna turns around to find her words.
"Rivals? I know," Jamie finishes his mother's sentence, placing his spoon in his bowl. He sighs tiredly, leaning his head on his hand on the countertop.
"But James, do it for her. It's her first year at Crystal Lake and she knows no one there," his mother sets a dish down to face her son. "If you really don't feel alright with it, I can talk with Marco and Star about it."
Jamie scrunches up his face, poking at the spoon laying in his mushy ceral. Janna turns around, setting the same dish into the sink and grabbing a towel to dry her hands.
"Yeah," Jamie finally says after a long pause.
"Hm?" Janna turns around, coming up to the counter.
"Yeah, I'll do it," Jamie says plainly. He didn't want Juniper feeling alone, but he didn't exactly like the hated looks he got from Crystal Lake either.
"I'll go for her."
"Oh Juni, you look so beautiful!" A soft voice exclaims.
"Really? I think the flower crown is too much mom.." Juniper takes the yellow and orange floral crown from her head, fixing her hair behind her. She wears a dress that makes her look like a fairy wrapped in marigold and daisies.
"It's only a dance, I'm not going to prom or anything mom," Juniper sighs and puts the crown on a shelf by the door.
"Maybe we'll save that dress for another time then?" Star says shrugging her shoulders. "I also have this one for you? Not AS floofy as the last but nonetheless still beautiful."
As Juniper turns around she sees her mother hold up a plain dress with orange frilly flowers lining the bottom. The top half has an off-shoulder style and more frilly flowers.
"It's orange too! It's so cute!" Juniper comes over to the dress, her eyes lightning up with joy. "I'll go and try it," her daughter says excitedly as she runs up the stairs, the thud of her feet tramping to her bedroom. Just then a soft knock is heard at the door, when she leaves the living room she finds her husband already opening it.
"Hey Thomas, how are you," Marco says as they share a pat on the back.
"Ah, tired. Arranging new plans for the royal family photo, but the photographer's out of town. And don't get me started on Diane's piano instructor," Tom says annoyed. Someone stands next to him, only reaching Tom's chest, dressed in black dress pants and a slightly loose maroon dress coat.
"Hello Jamie, and how are you?" Star comes by as Jamie and Tom step into the house.
"I'm alright," Jamie says nervously.
"Juniper is somewhere upstairs, she'll be down soon," Star clasps her hands together and rests her hand on Jamie's shoulder. "Thank you for doing this Jamie, I know you wouldn't want to, but this makes her so happy."
"Mom! I heard someone walk inside?" Juniper's voice trails from upstairs, drawing nearer as she bounds back down to the foyer. "Oh Jamie's here! Hi Jamie!"
Jamie gives a slight smile, waving lightly as she tread into the room, trying to put on her sandals while standing up. Her hair is pulled back in a half up half down braid, and her eyes shine like diamonds.
"I wish Diane could've come, I know she'd have wanted to.." Juniper gives a sad look, rubbing the back of her neck.
"We're sorry June, she had piano lessons," Tom answers. "But hey, I know you'll have a great time."
"Okay Juniper, ground rules," Marco immediately turns to her daughter, bending down to meet her face.
"Daaaad," Juniper mumbles.
"No leaving the school unless something terrible happens, don't talk to strangers, don't ever ta--"
"Marco I think she understands," Star rests her hand on Marco's shoulder.
"Alright just-- stay safe Junebug," Marco lightly kisses Juni's forehead, letting them walk out with Tom.
"Ready?" Tom looks down at the kids, holding out his hands.
"Oh yea! I love it when your dad does this," Juniper pumps her fists excited.
Tom looks down and smiles and the next second they're engulfed in flames, suddenly appearing on the front lawn of the Middle School. Tom closes his hands as the flames receed back into the earth, the ground closing beneath them.
"Thank you Mr. Lucitor! Jamie! I heard they have a chocolate fountain and I wanna see it!" Juniper starts off toward the school.
"Alright James, take care of her," Thomas pats his back and disappears back into the flames.
Jamie slowly turns around to meet the school, huge letters say "Crystal Lake Middle School" just above the main door. He takes a gulp, keeping his eyes low.
"Jamie?" Juniper yells, halfway coming back out the door.
"I'm coming!" Jamie looks up and runs in after her.
Eyes, eyes everywhere. They all stare at him with hatred. Whispered murmurs beneath breathes terrify him and make his hair stand on end.
'Look it's a Lucitor.'
'Isn't he from "Richwood"?'
'What is HE doing here?'
'Look at his horns.'
"Jamie?" A soft voice startles him, when he looks down all he sees is Juniper, her eyes as blue as the sea."Hey, are you alright?"
Jamie blinks a few times, his eyes darting back and forth every now and then at the other 7th graders around them.
"Hey, if you're nervous we could leave," Juniper grabs his wrist. "I knew you wouldn't like the idea, but my mom set it up anyway.."
Jamie felt a squelch in his chest. He was supposed to make her happy. He was supposed to make her feel great at her new school. He was supposed to be there for her, and he was totally ruining it. Juniper felt Jamie take his hands in hers, holding them tightly.
'What? How is she dancing with a royal?'
'A royal and a commoner? Weird.'
'She shouldn't be here.'
"Jamie, people are staring," Juniper whinces urgently, clutching his hand tighter.
"Who cares," Jamie replies, shrugging his shoulders. "After all, this is YOUR dance, make it a good one."
Juniper lightly laughs, brushing the brown hair from her face. Something feels different though, something different in both of them. Like Jamie's heart wanted to leap out of his chest.
"Thanks Jamie," Juniper wraps her arms around him in a hug, laying her head on his shoulder.


  • > Galactic_Flow aaa npp :3 ty for making something good for me to read xd

  • > DanDraw Probably why he has so many sad boi hours

  • > Lunar I hate how I cant like comments anymore 😂😂 and ty!

  • awww cute story :3

Scars: Short Story

This short story is actually canon to my comic and I know I posted these on my Amino but not on Medibang so this'll definetly help clear up questions that happen in the comic.
Without further ado, i give you smol story! (I also still have to use periods to seperate the text and its annoying that I cant use the enter key to just do that)
"Alright James, just concentrate on how you want it to form," his father says steadily, holding a small flame in the palm of his hand.
It curls in smooth wisps, little flickers of flame lift off the sides in synchrony as Tom closes his hand, poinger finger and thumb touching to kill the fire.
"Urghh," Jamie grunts, shaking his hand frustrated. "How come Diane can do it so easily?"
"It'll come to you eventually," his father comes over to Jamie, taking him by the shoulder and looking down at him.
"Is it because she's more like you and I'm not?" Jamie stares at his palms darting his eyes away from his father's.
Tom feels of sting of sadness for his son. Jamie was reaching his 12th Birthday, but still hadn't managed to get the hang of his fire abilities. Diane caught on so quickly, it was almost natural for her, but Jamie was another story.
"I can't do it," Jamie flops onto his father's bed face first, his words muffled in irritated murmurs.
"James don't be upset, everyone learns things at different times in different ways," Thomas sits next to Jamie on the bed, bending down so he can hear him.
"But Diane makes it look so easy!" Jamie yells into the bedsheets, flailing his arms around angrily.
"But you're not Diane and she's not you, if we keep practicing you'll get it," Tom reaches to lift Jamie up but his son suddenly stands.
"NO IT'S BECAUSE I'M NOT A DEMON LIKE YOU!" Jamie shouts pulling away from the bed. "I can't do any of the cool things you and Diane get to do! I wanna go lava surfing with you guys!"
"James you know you'll get hurt doing that," Tom scrunches his face in a concerned way.
"IT'S NOT FAIR!" Jamie holds his hands over his head, turning around to slam a bookshelf in anger, in a quick second something catches fire as a plume of fire sprouts from his arms.
"JAMIE!" His father yells as Jamie looks down at his flaming hands, waving them furiously to douse the fire. He hears a creak behind him as books tumble on his back, and a board on the shelf gives way sending the whole thing down.
His vision blurred in orange flames, the faint words of his mother running into the room. He thought he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder blade, but he wasn't awake long enough to remember.
"Jamie? Jamie!" A light push startles him awake. Jamie lifts his eyelids, not seeming to know where he is. "He's awake!"
Jamie sleepily looks up, his sister is still shaking him, most of her words lost in his thoughts and turned into mumbles. Jamie whinces shifting in his hospital bed, Diane lets go of him biting her nails.
"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry!" Diane quickly backs up.
"What happened.." Jamie looks up at the ceiling, white squares lined in neat rows, lights inbetween every other tile.
"The doctors said you have some burns and bruises, but your skin isn't as fireproof as mine. You have so many burns along your back," Diane comes back to his bed and latches onto his hand. "Dad pulled you out."
"What else," Jamie shuts his eyes tiredly.
"They said you had a large gash on your shoulder blade, they stitched it back but they said it'd leave one nasty scar," Diane replied.
Jamie gives a sigh, taking a slow deep breathe.
"Are you alright?" Diane leans over Jamie.
"Ane," Jamie blinks his eyes open. "Do you ever wish you weren't part demon sometimes?"


What?? HeLp?¿

It says I can't post anything because i have a "temporary registration"?

Does that mean my account was only temporary for 3 years?? What is happening? Is anyone else having this issue because Ive logged out and logged back in and even pressed the thing that says to go to the website and it only brings me to change my username, email, and password I dont get it.


  • > Galactic_Flow I did too. Much annoyed.

  • > DanDraw Hmm, I did change my password, it didn't work

  • Otherwise just post using the website

  • All i've seen from someone is to change your password. Imma try that in a bit.

Guys I got into minecraft

Ok so my friend recently got me back into minecraft after 6 years and honestly there's so many new things I dont even know about, like I didn't know I could get a trident until like 4 days ago. But anyways I need help
I really wanna fight the enderdragon and I need peeps to join and help me but I'll only choose you if I trust you enough because this world is my main one
I can also make another world where we can all just mess around or start a new Quest to kill the enderdragon so yee
My gamertag is GalacticFlow14, add me and I'll send you an invite to my server


  • you should make art of important things that you do like going to the nether or killing the wither or dragon!

  • > ☆~ԃɾαɠσɳ’ʂ ρυɾɾ~☆ awe :'(

  • Owo I would love to but I can’t

Character Ref Sheet

I don't know how many of you see my comic but I got some background for the people who are all confused.
So Jamie and Diane are known as the "Lucitor Twins" the "Lucitors" or "The Underworld Twins" since their father is King of the Underworld. Since Tom himself was already 50% mortal and married another mortal, his kids are around 75% mortal, which explains them being human size rather than huge like their grandmother (Wrathmelior).
So Diane was always known as the "superior twin" even though the siblings get along really well. Diane's nickname is Ane, (pronounced Anne) and will sometimes rarely also go by Di and Annie. She was very spoiled by her father, she somehow always knew she was Tom's favorite since she held more demon traits than her brother. Though she doesn't hold much looks from her mother Janna she still holds her love in macabre things.
Jamie is another story. His full name is Jamison and shortens it to Jamie. He hates the nickname James since it only reminds him he's royalty. He's not the superior twin but he isn't below Diane either, he's just there. He's closer with his mother since she understands him more and they look nearly alike. His father puts a lot of pressure on him since he aims for Jamie to be the next ruler of the Underworld, but Jamie refuses. He knew Tom wanted a strong son to rule the Kingdom but instead all he got was a fleshy human-looking boy.
I could add more but my fingers hurt from typinv a lot, I'll add stuff later maybe


  • > LunarTheMegafury No prob bob

  • > ☆~ԃɾαɠσɳ’ʂ ρυɾɾ~☆ Thank you sm!

  • Cool!

  • Very well explained, thank you!


Hey I haven't been on the Medibang website in a while and it's somewhat nostalgic. I miss all the old people I adored on here, and like you think I don't care about you but I follow only 29 people for a reason. (Was it 29? Eh.)
So I've started a comic and eek, that's all I've been posting for a while. But gUYS- THIS MIGHT BE THE FIRST TIME I'VE MADE A COMIC THAT GOES PAST PAGE 3. I AM SO PROUD. I also have motivation and a good plot to continue it, which is why I love it. Since Star vs. ended I've been really down the past month and I think making this comic is helping me cope somehow, if that's a thing? Man I miss the show so much, I think when the show ended so did my childhood because I ended my 2nd year of high school and that seriously scares me.
I should really start posting on my new YouTube channel, maybe more speedpaints but also the editing that goes into the speedpaints is like a day of work. Urghh. I should also post more on my insta but I just forget to a lot. Meh, not a lot of people follow me anyway. If I do another speedpaint it'll probably be me finishing the w.i.p. I started before school ended for me, which was like....a month ago hah.
Anyway, I'm gonna shout out all the people I miss that probably don't remember me, but if you do see this then hi! Hope you're well. I admire you and your art, I just wish I was more active here.
Fluffy, I'm pretty sure you changed your name to Frosted something. I can't remember anymore 😔 Auzzie, StarSpeaker, DragonArtist, Ahi, That Noddles Guy who I cant remember from the top of my head im sorry dont kill me. DanDraw, you still comment on my stuff, thanks man! LunarTheMegafury, dude you still comment on my stuff too, thank you sm 😭. Thank you to everyone else I forgot about but still somehow faintly remember. I think I have short term memory 😂. Anyway, cya


  • I'm* (hhh)

  • Your welcome! I here every other week or so often if you need me! :)

  • > Galactic_Flow Lol 😂

  • > CrucialTykia Yeah artists block sucks


Ack I still have to deal with Finals, but then after that I'm home free. Hopefully I can actually finish all the stuff I've started (or not, I'm lazy) but these past few weeks have been packed with tests and packets and just a ton of homework in general.
So here's a smol rundown on whats happened:
-- ok well Star vs. The Forces of Evil ended May 19th and I've been in a small depression since then because that show was my childhood and I've been really sad to see it go.
-- I'm working on another book series (ok guys I'm actually dedicated to this one though, I swear 😂) It's a series about a Skywing and and Icewing with firescales and icescales. The first Arc is short and it's called "The Firescales; A Skywing Story." The 2nd Arc is currently being worked on and it's named "Opposites". The 3rd Arc is "The Icescales; An Icewing Story." Which I'm still debating if I should still do that Arc but eh.
-- I want to finish some of the comics I've started, like the Miraculous Ladybug one I have started. Or maybe atleast redraw it because I hate the style I made it in. So expect plans like that for the Summer.
-- I'm still working on AMVs, PMVs and Animation Memes, they just take longer and I haven't had the time. The Peril one I have is still a sketch 😂 I also started one about Moon and Winter but I'll save that for when I upload it to youtube.
-- Idk if I've told my medibang followers yet, but I now use my instagram and I post at least once every week. I don't really have a schedule, I just post when I feel like it. It's galactic_flow.10 on Instagram.
-- I've also gotten a DA account now, it's just named Galactic-Flow but with a hyphen inbetween 😂 I don't post there very often.
I think that's about it, idk if there's more I'll write later.


  • > Astro_Not Awe luckyyy

  • > WisteriaPhantom 😂😂 my whole summer will be literally nothing

  • Oof school ended yesterday for me

  • Ahh that’s s cool! School ended a few days for me and I have done absolutely nothing T-T

Hey back for a quick second.

Seems like I haven't been on a lot just to chat, but I'm here to spread the word.

Go and vote for your favorite bands in the link below. (WHERE'S MY LIMELIGHTS AT??)

Please tell me you all know what Why Don't We is ☹☹ because I'D REALLY LIKE THEM TO WIN.


I'm in school rn I might write more afterwards.


  • Ik what why don't we is, my friends introduced me to the band, I'm still deciding whether I like them or not.


I had to retype this whole paragraph, thanks Medi. Ok thats another reason why I don't use this app a lot anymore. So this is just a recap and rundown of what I've been doin.
I've been more on Amino doing art trades and such, and I haven't been on Medi a lot 1.) Because the menus suck. 2.) A lot of the people I admired before are now gone or are planning to leave Medibang/ aren't online alot. 3.) It's harder to find out if someone is stealing art again.
On Amino the menu and guis are easier to understand, my school wifi doesn't block it (it blocks Insta, Snapchat, and even Medibang) there's variety and I see the type of art I like, (none of that kinky anime stuff I see on here alot--) and the community is so NICEEEE. LIKE EVERYONE IS SO SWEET.
Some projects I've been workin' on, uhhh Im doing a Peril PMV (the sketch version is up on yt), I've been doing art trades, I'm working on a base commission for a new Wings of Fire fantribe, and have even done some commissions. So yeet everythins gud.
I won't be on here a lot anymore, but if you find me on Amino I'll say hi!


  • No kinky anime stuff? Hehe, no thanks. But really, it sounds like you're happy and thriving. I am happy for this stranger! See you around, dude.

Goodbye 2018

Bye 2018, you were a terrible one but hey I survived, uh barely.

Its only 8 where I live rn, so I still got a while until new years, but if you're already living in the future then good luck.

I used my old alt account on insta to make an art one- galactic_flow.10
I now also have the Wings of Fire Amino - Galactic_Flow

Just some new stuffs before 2018 offically ends.

Anyways, have a good rest of the year, and a great 2019 (ok, I SAY that, but I won't, I really won't. BUT I'll try.)


  • Me: clicks on video Wifi: kicks out Me: only sees the word goodbye Me: does the only rational thing to do... freak out

  • Haaaaappy NEW YEAR! now where did I hide the illegal fireworks...


I was typing winter break in all caps and it wanted to autocorrect to Winterbottom, gingerbake and fingernails.
I'm finally done with school and freaking finals, gahh.
Anyways my collab will be first come first serve, I have 2 spots taken, and 2 more left. Idk how to do collabs, so uh, I'll just draw my OC with a wintery background, and space around the sides for others to add their OCs. It'll be Christmassy themed, with my OC and in the middle and snow falling on our heads. I either will be flying/laughing/ or trying to throw snow at someone (mehehhe) Oh and can someone explain to me how the downloady thing works to do collabs, can people touch the layers? Because if I draw snow and a background I wanna make sure people can like change the snow or add tree or something.

Starseeker had first pick, then Someone.exe.

I'll post one more reference sketch soon.


  • > Frosted_Flake Eek but I feel bad sooooo, I'll make you 5th. 😂😂

  • > Dragon Artist You have received the last spot.

  • > Frosted_Flake Sorry, all spots have been taken.

  • Can I join?

A very stupid idea

Well I did day I was doing a collab, and i still am, but I just gotta finish finals and stuff. So maybe on Friday I'll explain stuff on the collab, get some art out and ref sheets, and hopefully catc up on a lot of things. Sorry, Sophomore year is killing me right now.
Anyways, I had the stupidest idea and infact I've already started it. Uh, anyone remember Meet The Robinsons and Bolt? I'm doing this stupid thing where I merge characters from different movies, and make a comic out of it.
Ok the comic is actually really crappy, its like a sketch comic (because I don't have the paitence to use neat lines anymore), but it's still colored.
I might post a few pages I've had for a while and see what everyone thinks of it, and if people don't really think it's cool then oh well because for some reason I feel really dedicated to this idea(I say as I lose inspiration and quit the comic 1 week later-)


  • nice

150 Follower Special

So if you haven't checked what I posted already, you'll know I recently reached 150 followers. Sjvahajshkw this is amazing, I never thought to going even over 100.

So for this milestone I don't really know what to do, I might do more requests but this time I think i wanna try a collab. I've already explained on my post that I don't know how to do collabs at all tho, sooooo if anyone can explain to me how that works that'll be great. 😂😂😂 If I do end up doing a collab, I'll probably do 3 to 4 people and draw out a ref for all five of us to do. I still need to decide how I'll choose people. I want to make it as fair as possible, so maybe I'll do a random draw. Hmmm. 🤔


  • Hey anyone want to visit my page? (sorry for selling out)

  • nice

  • That’s sound cool! If you need any help with Collabs, just message me!

  • Sounds lit 👌

Should I continue Vendetta?

I've just been really busy with school and stuff, so I haven't had time to write, but also I think I lost the script I had for the entire book of Vendetta. eek. Soooooo idk if I even wanna continue, I've just lost inspiration for it yknow.
I post the chapters but I only get a few comments that say "Ooooo" or "this is great". And although I'm so grateful for the compliments, I'd like some real criticism sometimes. I promise I won't get mad unless you sound rediculous, oof.
If you think its good so far thanks for the support, there's like a 50% it'll either be discontinued or not. Good news though, I have had another story I've been working on for a while, I haven't published it though.
What do you guys think?


  • This really depends on how much you truly care about your book , you could rewrite everything and make a few adjustments . As for the lack of viewers .. Try to not let it get to you , just keep doing what you are doing , and more people will catch on as the story progresses.

  • It seemed like a good concept

  • Ok

  • > ThisWillEndBadly I draw and write drafts for everything I make, but I lose a lot of them

oH mY GOd

⚠️Book 11 Spoilers Warning⚠️
oKAy, just finished the 11th book of the series and I gotta say I love Sundew soooo much. There something about sassy, agressive badass characters that I like. (*Cough* Glory, Peril, Tsunami, Onyx, even tho she was a short antagonist *Cough*)
Sorry Sunny and Moon, I'm not into the soft heroic ones, I only like Starflight and Clay like that.
Ok Winter being grumpy is the best thing in the world, and Qibli is OKAY, but like he can get annoying. I'LL ONLY ACCEPT QIBLI IF HE'S WITH WINTER.
I KIIIIINDA SHIP CRICKET AND BLUE, but in my most honest opinion it seems WAAYYY too forced and thrown in there just for the sake of a ship. Like cmon Tui. I like Luna and Swordtail though because they have actual history growing up together, but like Blue just finds this random Hivewing and is like "oh okay, hi I like you" EEEEEEEE
AND QUEEN WASP MIND CONTROLLING EVERYONE. LIKE WHAT. I really needa draw some art on this.
I still love Leafwings, like yea, Hivewings are cool but they're basically overpowered dragon (I don't mean to offend anyone here) versions of Hitler and the Nazis. Like they have so many powers and defense stuff with venom that they seem like TOO much. Silkwings are pretty, have cool silk, and butterfly wings, too good to be true. I wanna learn more about mysterious Leafy bois. I mean I still like all 3 tribes, but they made Leafwings sound so powerless and dull, I feel like theres more behind them.
Anywayyyys, I think Im done for now. (Unless some SU episodes come out, or Svtfoe or anything) thanks for reading this incredibly long fangirl post


  • Also "bullet" ants... LEAFY BOI DON'T HAVE GUN (as far as we know)

Chapter Seven: Feelings

    The sun had waned late into the afternoon, and the busy parades of dragons had died down. Finch walked around the area, picking the best flowers he could find.

     His mind raced. One day he was a murderous assassin, the next he was a mourner. Sometimes he wondered who he really was. He was so confused. He didn't know what he'd do with his life, where he'd go or what he'd do, heck, he didn't even know himself. He found a small patch of orchids and picked orange and red ones here and there. Was he seriously doing this? If Sahara saw him doing this he was pretty sure she'd be on his tail in two heartbeats. What did he get himself into.

      He glanced at the orange tinged sky, the sun was reaching it's time to set, and dragons who once flooded the beach dispersed. He found a vine hanging from a tree near a lake and tied the bouquet of flowers neatly together. It was now or never.

      He edged up the same path that led to Fernwing's den. A lantern glowered inside, along with all the other dens around. Almost each den was glowing a shimmering yellow from lamps and lanterns. He peeped his head around a thin tree and through the cave window, he wasn't able to see past a wall that led to back rooms, but he saw a glimpse of brown scales pacing in the back. He came to the door and tapped his talons lightly along the side of the entrance. He heard the pacing pause, then thumping of talons along the stone floor draw closer.

     "Hello?" Finch gazed up at a large Rock Dragon before him.

     "I- er," Finch stuttered.

     'Don't think, don't show,' Finch chanted in his mind. 'Don't let anyone know.'

     The dragon stared at Finch with an odd expression.

     "I'm sorry for the loss," Finch awkwardly rubbed his neck. "Your loss, your- yeah." He thrusted the flowers to Landslide.

     Landslide held the flowers in his talons for a moment, stared at them, then at Finch, with amber eyes.

     "How'd you know?" Landslide asked in a half tired half suspicous tone.

     "Word gets around.." Finch said quietly. "And um, someone asked me about a Fernwing going missing-" he lied. "When I found out,  I figured I'd do something to make your family feel better."

     Finch wanted to fall off a cliff right now.

     "Oh, well, thanks?" Landslide answered. Just then a head popped through the door.

     "Who's here?" Cattail glanced at Landslide then Finch.

      "Who are you?" She asked.

     "I'm Finch," Finch said quickly.

     "He's just giving condolences," Landslide glanced down at the flowers in his talons.

     "Oh.." Cattail gave a hurt expression toward the bouquet. Like she was imagining her younger brothers right next to them. "Thank you, we appreciate that you care." She said gently.

     "I'm Cattail, and this is my brother Landslide," she said right after.

     "I know," Finch said. "Err- I mean. I know it's difficult losing family." Finch quickly corrected himself. His heart pounded. "And yeah- I thought flowers would make you feel better."

      "Thank you, I'll make sure to put these in a vase," Cattail grasped the bouquet from her brother and left inside. Landslide hesitated leaving the door to suspiously stare at Finch, nod, then continued inside with his sister.

     What the feathers. Finch was usually so good at keeping in his emotions and feelings. Talking to these dragons made it awkward. Maybe it was just the THOUSANDS OF POUNDS OF GUILT ON HIS NECK. He walked away clutching his head.

      'I'm thinking things, which is leading to showing, which will lead to knowing, ' he thought.

     It was almost like his life was repeating itself again. But he already knew how it went in the end. He knew what was happening, and it was happening again, but for some reason he wanted it to play out this time. Was that the right thing to do? The last time he did that, he was shunned by his parents, teased by other students, and avoided by his own friend..

     Finch came to the West side lake and stared into his reflection. Sometimes he hated himself. He wished he could've been someone else. Someone worthy of having him. Maybe then his best friend would've liked him. Or, ex- friend. Finch shook his head then stared angrily at his mirrored image. No, he wouldn't have liked him, even if he were another dragon, because she was always there, the hybrid. He liked a hybrid..over Finch. He had a deep resentment for hybrids ever since they became legalized.

     This time it'd be different. Maybe. Orrr, maybe Finch was too hopeful.

     He was in a new place with dragons who didn't know him. He had a chance to fit in around here, was he willing to ruin that?


Chapter Six : Landslide

     Feathered wingbeats plowed overhead, an Air Dragon twisted his neck, scouring the ground. Finch rubbed his hair, what and who exactly was this other dragon? He took the tiny scrap of paper in his talons and opened it, hovering in air while trying to read it. No dragon's face was sketched onto the page, but multiple notes had been written down, quite hurriedly he guessed by the sloppiness of the writing.

     'Don't think, don't show, can't let anyone know.' Finch repeatedly said in his head.

     He needed a way of getting money, and he was NOT willing to work in a monotonous shop. Atleast with this place everyday would be new. He was with other dragons, other dragons who didn't exactly fit in, just like he did. He felt safe here because no one here knew him. He twiddled with the paper in his claws.

     He needed two dragons. Landslide, and Cattail. They seemed to be siblings, and their scales were very similar. He saw quickly written down names, two others to be exact, that had been scratched out.

     Mosstail and Fernwing.

     Finch wondered what this dragon wanted with these four. What had they done? The Fern dragon certainly didn't seem threatening. He was quite an easy target actually. Were all of these siblings working together or something, or was this all a part of some bigger plot? Finch stopped in midair, gazing along the ground. He spotted a large Earth Dragon sitting by a lake, her horns were a deep chocolate brown, the scales around her tail had faded into the grass, then shifted back to her normal scale colors, then back again. She skimmed her tail along the water solmenly. That must be Cattail.

     She was just outside of Fernwing's den, the family den, and the description matched her perfectly. Finch was about to swoop behind a tree when another dragon came. He was far larger than he and Cattail, about double Finch's height. Finch landed on a cliffside behind a bush and observed from up there. He saw the new Rock Dragon's wings flare outward then close quickly. It looked like he was urgently telling Cattail something. Finch strained his ears.

     "He's gone, he's gone, he's gone-" the Rock Dragon said. He had a deep voice that sounded very hurt.

     Cattail looked up and held the dragon by the shoulders, trying to calm him down.

     "Landslide, calm down, what are you talking about?" Cattail looked worried.

      'Landslide, that's him.' Finch thought.

     "He's gone, he's gone.." Landslide repeated again.

     "Who's gone?" Cattail rubbed her brother's back.

     "It's Fern, he's gone-" Landslide choked on his words.

     "What do you mean?" Cattail asked.

     "I told you, I told you I should've stayed. But now he's gone, and it's my fault," Landslide mused.

     "No-" Cattail started.

     "I came back to the den, no one's seen him today," Landslide held his head in his talons.

     Finch watched Cattail's arm stop stroking her siblings back, then reach up to her mouth. The rest was inaudible, and she began to cry. He saw Landslide turn to his sister's side to hug her, and Finch was able to catch his face.

     Finch sat and stared, amd stared only. He didn't know what to do. Right now was probably the worst time he could've came. He suddenly felt very guilty. These siblings didn't look like they deserved any of this. What was Sahara's plan? He gazed longingly at Landslide. Cattail's tears dripped into the lake below them.

     "First Moss, now Fern," she shut her eyes tightly.

     Finch gripped his claws into the ground, feeling uncomfortable. He had a sick feeling in his stomach, like a million pounds of guilt squishing out his insides. Finch sat up, he'd make it up to them, or well- try the best he could to make them feel better.

      He'd find a way.


Chapter Five : Mysterious

     Sahara tilted her wings, suddenly veering left back into Willow Forest. She glanced to the West side pond, where long brush and weeds covered the water. A small Sea Dragon eyed her and popped out of the water, slithering through the grass and disappearing behind a tree.

     Sahara glided down and around to the back of the tree. The Sea Dragon had climbed the bark and was sitting on a branch, twitching his tail nervously. He had a greenish tint to his scales, like he was covered in alge from head to tail. His claws were a dusted brown with streaks of tan scales travelling up and down his arms.

     "So?" Sahara landed. "Nothing to say?" She was about a third taller than him.

     The Sea Dragon remained quiet, staring at the ground.

     "Lingcod, look up," Sahara commanded. Lingcod wasn't the best dragon, but he was better than average. Sahara could tell something had happened though- what was that? She could've sworn she saw a glint of scales, it was probably Lingcod's atrocious colors.

     "Alright, sorry okay, but I'm backing out on this one, " he finally said. He had a nasally voice that Sahara resented with a burning passion.

     "What are you talking about?" Sahara hissed, narrowing her eyes menacingly.

     "OK. Cattail is a pretty big dragon, and I am NOT going after her," Lingcod shuddered.

     "You're pathetic," Sahara snapped. Why couldn't he be more like Pearl.

     "Forget about your sapphires, you don't deserve them," Sahara growled at him.

     Lingcod looked dejectedly at the ground, but he didn't even dare fight back.

     'I should just murder him for being here,' she thought.

     Sahara flinched, she saw a glimmer of scales from the corner of her eye. She turned her head, glancing to her right, but no one seemed to be there. When she looked back she saw Lingcod slip back into the water and disappear. She hoped she never saw his pathetic face again.

     She rubbed her head in a frustratrd way, lightly pacing behind the tree mumbling to herself. She needed another dragon to take care of Cattail, but Scorch was out and Pearl would be busy. That's what she'd do next, she'd pay Lingcod a taste of her rage after she was done with this whole mess.

     "Camel dung.." she cursed, then jumped when she heard a brush of leaves behind her.

     "I'd be willing to take her off your claws," an Air Dragon stood.

     Sahara fixed her wings lightly, it was hard to startle her, but this dragon made her uneasy by just how unreadable he was.

     "So you've been following me?" Sahara realized. Did he see everything? Did he HEAR everything?

     "Never left the pond area," he simply replied.

     Sahara stood for a few moments contemplating. He was able to gain her trust by taking out Fernwing so easily, but she still had an odd feeling. Like something would go wrong, he would slip up, and if not now eventually. How did he have the knowledge to kill so easily if he was a newer dragon? Sahara guessed he had been trained as an assasin. Venom needed more trained assassins, but- she couldn't trust him quite yet. Plus, she'd have to speak to Scorch. They led Venom together. (Venom is the name of a notorious underground assassin and con business, only known to dragons who specialize in the same thing. They have a few other rivals, but Venom remains on top.)

     "And? You want something in return don't you," Sahara said slowly, hoping he wouldn't take any more currency from her.

     He only stood there for a brief moment, staring at her with a face that said "Well, what else would I want?" and the next second, he wore a face that looked desperate.

     "Cattail lives with Landslide still, they are siblings. But they are both stronger, and larger than you," Sahara warned. "Are you prepared?" There was a small hint of worry in her voice.

     He but only nodded. Sahara uneasily took another scroll grom her bag with Cattails info, it also had been hurriedly written, it was messy and had no profile picture, but her scale colors and looks were written down. It was the extra copy an accomplist had made for her, the original was at Sahara's den. Without a word the Air Dragon flew off again, and they parted.

     Sahara glanced at the sky, alright. She did all she needed, now she was free. She had one particular Dragon she wanted to see.

     "Hey, what are you doing here?" A Sand Dragon from the back slowly sat up, rearranging his wings.

     "Finished all my errands," Sahara replied sitting next to him.

     "So, Cactus told me Pearl would be out for a while," the dragon spoke. "Why's that?"

     "Scorch, I thought I told you," Sahara rolled her eyes. "She had to meet someone else, y'know a significant other." Sahara replied simply. "Telling you right now it practically invading privacy."

     "What, so you can't trust me?" He grinned. "I think I'm very capable of handling confidential information." He tilted his head up in a superior way.

     "Hm, what about that nougat colored dragon?" Sahara leaned her head in, narrowing her eyes.

     "Okay okay, that was one time- and plus. He shouldn't have been around anyways," he shrugged.

     "How are you healing?" Sahara asked, observing the gash along his body. It looked better...better-ish.

     "Uh," Scorch spread his wings as far as he could, then pulled them back in. "I guess okay? I mean, could be better, but atleast I'm here with you," he grinned again and brushed her side with his wingtip. Sahara sighed and darted her eyes away, she hated that idiotic smile.

     "Oh-" Sahara suddenly remembered, changing the subject. "The Air Dragon." She started.

     "Finch?" Scorch asked.

     "About him-" she continued.

     "What about him?" He said.

     "Would you hush and let me speak," she elbowed him. "I used him to take care of Landslide for you," she said quickly.

     "What-" he sat up. "But Landslide is huge, like- bigger than me. And I'm pretty big," he said acknowledging himself.

     "Aaannnd Cattail-" she added.

     "Sahara, are you trying to kill him? He's a kid,"  Scorch replied.

     "He's an alchemist, he knows about poison. Do you know how beneficial that is to Venom?" She whisper-yelled.

     "How do you know?" Scorch said dipping his head to listen to her.

     "He managed to kill Fernwing with poison, there is no one with the ability to create poisons except our two Sea Dragons, and they naturally have posion anyway," Sahara said sternly.

     "But Finch knows how to create them and use them, he could be very useful-" Sahara said.

     "But also very dangerous," Scorch warned.

     "You were the one who decided to bring him to Venom you idiot," Sahara lightly hissed.

     Scorch backed into his nest again, rubbing his forehead. Sahara wondered what he was thinking half the time.

     "Why is he handling Cattail if he was assigned Landslide for me?" Scorch looked concerned.

     "Lingcod is a waste of scales," Sahara spat. "He didn't come through," she grit her teeth.

     "He was never the opportunity taker," Scorch said, thinking. "So you want Finch in Venom? Even though he's literally been here in Floral for two days?" Scorch questioned.

     "He is valuable," Sahara argued. "He could be helpful to Venom. Plus, I doubt I'm going back to Lingcod, Finch'll just replace that Sea Serpent." She hissed.

     Scorch sat staring at the floor, then looked back at Sahara with deep hazel eyes. He sighed, shifted his wings, and rearranged himself in his nest.

     "I trust you Sahara." Scorch said.


Chapter Four : Unsure

Sahara flinched, whipping her head around the room. Her eyes landed on the same blue dragon from yesterday. He was just. Sitting there.

"Do you have any idea how rude it is to intrude into someone's den?" Sahara spat, eyeing her shelves to make sure nothing was touched.

"Well I couldn't just wait around outside," Finch started.

"That's EXACTLY what you should have done," she hissed. "What do you want?"

"Fernwing is dead," he said with no hint of emotion. No remorse, no sadness? Not even a a little bit of guilt?

"Oh really? What's your proof," Sahara raised an eyebrow. Without any other words Finch walked past her, travelling outside, she followed. Where was he going?

They came to a den. Sahara glanced up, it was two dens down from Lilypad's, on ground level. She knew this den, it belonged to four siblings. Finch edged inside, squinting. Sahara scanned the area, a slightly tattered rug, a clearly knocked over vase with a chip on it's side had been put back up. Sahara eyed the floor, the dust and dirt on the floor followed a path, leading outside, claw marks from a struggle had been covered by a rug.

He was terrible at hiding evidence, but she didn't see Fern anywhere.

"How do I know if he's dead?" Sahara came up to Finch, glancing behind her now and then. She knew Cattail and Landslide were usually out at lunch this time, but there was always a chance they'd come back early.

"And how do I know you actually got rid of him?" Sahara scowled.

"Not everything needs to be gory, poison works just as well. That Fern dragon was a piece of cake," Finch said, continuing outside.

Sahara stared in astonishment. This dragon might be a very helpful alley in the future. Finch came to a lake, stopped, and stared at the water. Of course, he dumped the body into the lake. But wait- there was still no evidence.

"Well, I don't see anything," Sahara hissed.

Finch then walked to a nearby bush, plucking a golden horn ring from an inner branch and set it in her talons. Sahara stared at it, it was the ring. The horn ring Fern always wore.

"Alright, take it," Sahara mused, pulling a bag from her satchel filled with coins. She was supposed to give these to Pearl, but she had more at her den.

"Glad doing business," Finch nodded, then started to walk off.

"Hey wait-" Sahara called after him. Finch stopped in his tracks and turned his head, giving her a side look. "I may just have another job for you." She added.

Finch paused, nodding slowly like he was interested.

"One of my dragons is..injured," She started. "And therefore the dragon I need dead is still alive."

Finch nodded again.

"Can you take care of another dragon named Landslide?" Sahara said with a hint of curiousity. This task would prove of Finch was worthy or not. Landslide was large, larger than Scorch, and Scorch was probably as big as an adult Air Dragon. If he took care of Landslide, it'd mean he was skilled enough to work for her.

"Depends, how much we talking," he said in a monotone voice.

"He's larger than you an I, and difficult to take down. But I believe you can pull it off," Sahara said. "We can talk a bag of gold, might even add in some emralds or something."

Finch stood, pinching a coin between his talons and rubbing it.

"Have a description?" He added.

Sahara grinned, taking a scroll from her bag and handing it to him. She seemed to have literally everything in her bag.

Finch glazed through the paper, looked at Sahara, and without a word travelled off. He was a dragon of little words, which was actually perfect. She glanced at the sky, it was nearly past noon now. She traveled to her den for a quick break, grabbing out hidden boxes from under stones and under the dirt, and collected specific ones in a tiny green bag. She then went back outside, fluttered into the air and lightly glided down to the beach. Children skidded around her as she tried to dodge them. Dragons by shops hollered, 'You look like you'd need some food ma'am.' Or 'Buy one get a second for FREE!' Or something like, 'Last rugs in stock! Get 'em while they're here!'

She slipped past the swirling crowds of dragons, reaching a secluded bay where no dragons sat, legends have said it was the very spot Hydrolon died, but it could've also been a ploy to get dragons here at Floral Beach. She rapped her claws impatiently along a stone she sat by, laying her head on it. The same Sea Dragon from before slipped out of the water, shaking her head and sending droplets everywhere.

"So, she's gone?" Sahara said carefully. Something had obviously happened, Pearl had scars all over her.

"She was difficult, but just because she was older doesn't mean I couldn't handle it," Pearl lifted her head in superiority, swatting seaweed off her tail. This beach was very dirty and polluted.

"Hm," Sahara replied skeptically.

Pearl then sighed, and with one quick movement took something out of a bag she had slung around her side and threw a claw on the ground in front of Sahara.

"You know me so well," Sahara smirked, and tossed Pearl two bags, the green one from earlier, and a brown one already inside.

She saw Pearl open them greedily, gazing at all the gems inside. Pearl nodded, trodding off into the ocean with the bag clutched in her claws.

She needed to make sure that Pearl hadn't lied though- Pearl never let her down before, but it was good to make sure. Sahara twisted her neck toward the shore. It was funny to see all the dragons going about their normal business, not even knowing what was even going on under their snouts.

She lifted off into the air, dodging other dragons in the sky with her. They didn't seem to care or even acknowledge any other dragons in the sky, they just flew to get where they were going. She eyed a corner of Willow Forest where Lilypad and her mate lived, the 3rd den up from the ground. She glanced inside the den, no one seemed to be inside. Good. Leave no evidence. This was why she liked Pearl. She was smart, she did see a few small things though, Pearl made sure her visit was only visible to dragons like her. The rug on the floor was etched with a small V. She needed more dragons like Pearl.

That brought Sahara's mind back to Finch. Finch could easily replace Pearl- not that she'd do that anytime soon. He could also easily replace Scorch- no no. Scorch is never going to leave her. Sahara rubbed her head in a frustrated way. She didn't have enough gold and gems for a new member.

She fluttered back into the air, hovering just above the Medic Den. She sighed, then flew off.

She'd find a way.


  • Yeee

Chapter Three : Idiot

It was the next morning, Sahara stood up and stretched her wings. Sunlight poured in little patches through the bushes. She stood up, and noticed there was a note at her door. She picked it up, inspected it, then turned it over to read it.
Scorch in Medic Den. Not doing very well. Landslide still alive. -Cactus
That was it? Nothing else? She frowned at her paper, flipping it over multiple times. Well, she had to admit, Cactus was a very good messenger.
She briskly walked to her shelves, she took the belongings she had before and stuffed them into a hidden box she had under the shelves, seperating two bags of jewels she prepared the previous night. She had PLENTY of hidden things around her den. She left the severed horn on top, she was pretty sure no one would take that.

She took a small dagger and slid that into a shealth under her left wing, looping her bag over her neck and placing that under her right wing. She tucked the two nags of jewels inside. Great, now that she was prepared she could KILL SCORCH.

She paused by her door, glancing around for any wandering eyes. It was still pretty early, so of course barely anyone would be up. She then shifted through the leaves, until beams of sunlight blinded her eyes. She grunted, flying into the air, she was NOT in the mood today.

The beach seemed silent, the early morning shell collecters were walking around, picking up seashells before the hoard of dragons came along. Shop owners were opening up their stores again, moving palm leaves around to make more shade. The Medic Den was squashed between the beach and Willow Forest next to it, clinging onto a piece of rock that circled it. The rock showed what parts were a part of Willow, and seperated anyone from the Rock Dragons. There was a vast circle of cliffside dens, like dotted little holes for a beehive. On the ground was the common area, where dragons played, walked, sold goods, talked, and did literally anything. There were two tiny ponds, one near the lower west side of the forest, and one on the upper east.

Sahara tilted her wings, falling west toward the Medic Den. She lightly landed into the grass, poking her head inside. Indoors, Sea Dragons paced inside, carrying food and herbs with them. They hung handmade baskets with their tails, filled with bandages and extra wrappings. Sahara's eyes landed on a particular dragon.

"Hello. Do you need to see somone?" A Sea Dragon came up to ask. Sahara put on her most polite face.

"Yes, I'd like to see a Sand Dagon named Scorch," Sahara replied.

The Sea Dragon nodded and brough her to a nest made of straw and palm leaves, a window let light into the area. The inner rooms had shallow areas meant for Sea Dragons. The Sea Dragon gestured toward the Sand Dragon, then briskly continued away. Sahara saw him sleeping, his body gently going up and down. How peaceful.

"Scorch, you idiot," Sahara whisper-yelled, slapping his face. He abruptly sat up.

"Huh?" He rubbed his face, blinking until he could see. "Oh. Hey."

"You're very stupid, you know that?" Sahara frowned.

"No, you're stupid for trusting me," he replied, grinning.

Sahara rolled her eyes, sighing. He was a pale yellow dragon with a few black and brown speckles here and there on his snout and talons. His wings were a dusty orange, with more speckles around it, same with the ruff around his horns. He was a lean dragon, with wide shoulders and an elegant neck. He stuck his arm out to lay his head on it.

"Shut up," Sahara whined.

"Well, YOU try fighting a million pound tank, especially when that tank is bigger than you," Scorch said shifting his wings, he made a face that said he was still in pain. Sahara felt that too.

"Did anyone know?" Sahara asked concerned.

"No, had the hood and bandana remember, although the doctors and nurses fell for the bear attack, I'm pretty sure they're still debating it." He finished, rubbing his arm tiredly.

It hurt Sahara to see Scorch like this. He held scratches from his tail to his chest. On his arm he held an abnormally large gash wound.

"Oh this?" Scorch asked, noticing Sahara was staring. "He pinned me on the walls with his horns. Yeesh, that was NOT a fair fight," Scorch said sighing.

Sahara rubbed her forehead with irritance, avoiding his eyes. His stupid, caramel eyes.

"So how's your life been goin'? Anything new?" Scorch laid on his back, staring at the ceiling boredly.

"Oh," Sahara snapped up, suddenly remembering something. "What was the deal with Finch?" Sahara mused.

"Oh that Air Dragon?" Scorch sat up. "I don't know, he was newer to the beach and he was struggling," he shrugged.

"He knows NOTHING about our business, I told you, dragons have to have EXPERIENCE before they work with me," Sahara whispered sternly.

"Well how was I supposed to know?" He said raising his arms, he took them and tugged Sahara closer, whispering. "Atleast you got another dragon working for ya, that last Sea Dragon... lets just say he didn't do so well," Scorch bit his lip.

Sahara quickly pulled away, still frowning.

"Lighten up frowny-face, atleast I'm still here," he said playfully.

Sahara stood up, rolling her eyes again and proceeding out the door, she wished she hugged him before she left.

"Just- stop being idiotic," Sahara paused to turn back at him.

"No promises," he chuckled.

Sahara gave a small smile, then darted outside. Ugh, she hated when he did that. He did that thing- where he. He like- he just..HE WAS SO STUPID.

Sahara shook her head as she flew outdoors, muttering to herself. So she had to pay a dragon double, which meant she'd need some more loot, as well as paying off ANOTHER dragon to kill off Fern, who probably wouldn't do it. And now, Scorch was in the Medic Den recovering. Ughh, what camel dung.

She lightly glided back to her den, it was still fairly early, but more dragons had arrived into town. She landed in the grass and bushed away the leaves of her den, walking indoors.

"Hello," another dragon said from inside.
