Totally up for requests, be it an OC, a preexisting character, or random prompt. I'm up for it!
15 years old
He/Him pronouns
Was gonna' put full time bitch under profession, but they didn't have it as an option. >:C
Ya know dogs are kinda neat when you think about it.
- Work Place:
- Gender:Male
Favorite music
Mother Mother, The Toadies, Hoizer, and Studio Killers.
What you eat when hungry
Can never go wrong with potato bread, pickles, mayo, and turkey.
Favorite color
Any colors you can get during a pinkish sunset.
There's a ton of em' out in the field by my house.
I've been the owner of a dream catcher for three years now, so
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Not any of those boring ones like "Smith" or "Jones" or something like that. Give me interesting ones please!
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Oh no it's raining pen ink

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I'm trying to stay happy.
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I only used a MicroLine for all of these which was challenging at first but then I got used to it :P
Kinda proud of these besides the female hair :/ Still gotta work on that
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I completely forgot to attach the picture of LÄMP BRÖTHËR XD here you go
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I found him in our theater room hallway. We named him Number
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1) I've been thinking, and I'm probably going to go on another really long break soon. It's because a: I've been unhappy with my art, and b: My scattered mess of many many ideas is slowly organizing itself into one BIIIIIIIG project. (the end result is probably gonna be a short comic book.)
2) I'm going to see Gorillaz on saturday, so that's basically the main thing keeping me alive.
3) (you don't have to read this part, it's just for me. Read it if you want, but it won't make sense and I'm never gonna explain it on here.)
The blue book will become my bible. I must live by it. I must live for it. I will pour my soul into it. I must never separate from it. Their lives depend on it. Their souls are contained in it. DO NOT FORGET THIS. NEVER FORGET THIS.
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Coraan (unfinished)

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BBC and plenty of other news channels are talking about Jack and Signe splitting up. I swear a spear just pierced my heart. It made me cry when I watched the video and read the article because they showed moments of them being happy together and..
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My heart just yeeted off a fucking bridge
Jack (Jackseptuceye) and Signe (Wiishu) broke up hhhh
I really liked seeing them together and making eachother hapoy. Not all relationships last though, and if they’re happy, then I’m haply. I found Signe through her art, not Jack, and I will never stop supporting her. Just because her and Jack broke up doesn’t mean I hate or blame either of them. They both have their own lives, and they’re both people with feelings like us. It’s sad that their lives are greatly affected by fame and popularity, and it shouldn’t be. My deepest wishes to both of these amazing ans talented people.
Goretober Day 8: Burned

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Done boiss
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Goretober Day 3: Someone Else's Blood

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Welp, I still feel empty inside and hate my art and I'm stressed as all hell and I don't really want to be alive anymore. What's up with you guys?
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Try to drown yourself in memes so that you don't have to think about the fact that you feel empty inside and you hate your art and you're stressed as all hell and you don't really want to be alive anymore?
Or is it just me?
Anyway, these memes aren't gonna read themselves.
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I have 3 book reports, 1 book project, a German project, 2 math papers, 3 drawings for Biology, study for German test on Friday, and on top of that, InkGoretober :,) Kms
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Goretober Day 3: Someone Else's Blood

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Goretober Day 3: Someone Else's Blood

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In my band class, theres these stairs that lead up to a door (another way out of the class) and Chaz and I were standing up there. Well I turned to him and said “Try to go down without falling” So he did and I tried to push him (but failed since I’m a bit weak rn) and he turned around and had this like, offended face on xD it’s was funny. Anyways, he was lower down on the stairs, and I folded my arms and smirked and said “I’m taller than you” and he stepped up one to where he was taller, so I stepped back and we continued this until I was on the top step and he was one lower. Well anyways, he pushed into me with his shoulders and came up the step and then pushed me against the wall (I was super embarrassed bc there were people around and... just no) then stepped away. I mean, we were laughing the whole time so it was okay I guess. But now my sweatshirt smells like him and hhh I don’t like it. Even if we’re friends, we’re still exes and there’s still that “I don’t love you but I don’t hate you, and I also don’t really want to be friends but still want to because you’re a good person” kind of vibe. So yeet, every time I move my shoulder I can smell his scent (?) and I don’t like it.
So yeah, there’s your Chaz story for the day. Moral of it: Don’t get your exes scent on your sweatshirt, because you will be reminded on why you broke up, and what happened when you were in the relationship with them. oh
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I seem to have misplaced my will to live.
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What are your guys’ phobias?
My List:
Acrophobia - Fear of heights
Trypophobia - Fear of holes
Monophobia - Fear of being alone
Autophobia - Fear of abandonment
Gamophobia - Fear of commitment (which is ironic)
Pediophobia - Fear of dolls
Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns
So yeh, now you know a bit more anout me :P
Goretober Day 6: Stitches

Goretober Day 5: Scars

Goretober Day 4: Cuts

Goretober Day 3: Someone Else's Blood

Goretober Day 2: Using A Weapon

Goretober Day 1: Creepy Smiling