Have a great day at school fwiends!~

~Have a fantastic day everyone!~
~I’m more active on my Instagram, Discord, & Art Fight!~
- Discord: T!nySai#8132
- Art Fight: https://artfight.net/~TinyCY
- Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/TinyCY
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/tinycy49?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Bai bai fwiends~
Very late nighty night!~ uwu/
Good nighhhttt!
Good night!! \owo/
I’m really bored rn since I don’t have any homework to do and all my chores are done. Plus, I want to practice with my prismacolors.
Choose a character I should draw
2 or 3 uwu
4 She looks more easier
Sucy or Akko idk
I’m going to redraw this but with my OCs :’)
Sucy (The purple haired emo) = Error
Diana (the child who is gasping her frickin’ heart out) = Hatter
Akko (the child who shouldn’t listen to the cussing) = Squidy
The child with the glasses can be one of y’all if u want to be in there. Just a little FYI ;)
I watched like the first 5-10 minutes of this show and somehow didn’t finish it— I might finish it tho—
FRICK YEEE -also I kinda wanna be in it (.-.)-
#43 Middle Name:
Gaea (pronounced Gay-ah)
Omg the irony of that gay part, amIright?
#6 Girl best friend:
Irl- Sydney “Woomy”
Social media- Blue,Petal,and Echo
#18 Shoe size:
I think a range from 5-7 on woman’s. Depends on what kind of shoe :T
#42 Zodiac sign:
#8 Crush:
On social media- Echo
Irl- None :’)))))
#16 Favorite animal:
Cats and stingrays (I call them stongrays)
#41 Jealous of:
Multiple art styles that I’ve been trying to accomplish. They are like my dream art style :’)
Noice 👌
-hug- :DDDD
•pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly•
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice
The irony behind this is that I feel good today again~
Also, hai fwiends! How’s your day?
Echo (bishIknowsheainthereanymorebutshoooooosh)
Tiny, if I'm being honest.... You are super chill. Like, you have more chill than me! You are also really funny on Discord and your traditional art is epic. Keep it up~!😉
Tiny Ur art is L O V L E Y and ur one of the greatest ppl on Medi!!
Your art is pwetty and you're a really awesome person. ~~♥!
I must protecc this precious child
I shall assist.
I will assist in the protection >:3
I’m so tired...... After waking up around 11 by accident I decided to stay up till 3 then I fell asleep till 5. Then I fell asleep again at my dad’s till then woke up again just now.......:.Im so so tired....
Meh, I'm tired too... I feel ya. Hope you have a great day otherwise!
Morning dear
Goooood morning!~
*sees all this depression stuff goin' on*
O-O ...
Ō-Ō ...
My depression- *nudges me* C'mmmmoonnnnn~ You know you want to be saddddd~
ōAō Wut.
D- Everybody's sad, don't you feel bad for them?
D- *holds me by the shoulders and leans in close to my ugly af face* Then bish, be sad.
D- ;)
I'm going back to sleep wthecc!! *zooms back to bed*
*cough* Shoosh. Just pretend I was never here
I wish I could take back a few words last night.. :’) But what is done is done... And I’m glad you’re fighting it! :D
Sweet dream ówò
I can tell these are getting very annoying......sry...
Good night~ No? I like them ;-;
> Roka Revalelairhin Yee
It's more cute then annoying
GalacticPetal’s irl friend came onto Medi!~
Go follow them!
Thanksss :3
Just stoppin’ by!~
I’ll be off Medi here and there since I rlly need to focus more on my school work and fam instead of staying on my phone all day. Hope y’all understand
Anyways, how’s your day fwiends?
Mine was rlly calm and good!~
Pretty good~♪
Mine was pretty good thanks! Also have fun on your little breaks :3
> TinyCY Oof
> Kigiraffe101 I procrastinate until last minute then I work on my school work/projects. The weird thing is that since I’ve mastered doing things last second since I was little, everytime I turn my work in ppl think I worked hours on my work even though it took me under an hour :T
I just feel like hecc right now so I’ll just log off for tonight. Sry that I sounded rude,hypocritical,stubborn. I just get really sensitive when Im tired (like I’m having my . while I’m drunk. It’s horrible.) Night night fwiends~
(_ _).。o○
Good night..
I’m sorry if that last post was taken offensively. That wasn’t my intention. Y’all can vent all u want, fake or real. I don’t care, this is a trashy site anyways.
> Lacunatik It’s ok
> TinyCY That makes sense I guess. Sorry if that question came off rude :T Wasn’t my intention
> Lacunatik ‘Cause of the good ppl on here. Not the attention seekers or idiots who steal art and stuff like that.
If it’s a trashy site, why are you here? Just keepin’ it honest
Ok first off, I’m not trying to offend y’all in any possible way. This is my opinion anyways so it doesn’t really harm much.
Medibang has suddenly become the place where ppl say things like:
-I’m depressed
-Kill me now, I want to die
-I hate my life
-ooooo I’m so depressed
And so it just makes me want to shut up because I know y’all will be ok the next hour. Y’all are just depressed for one day or two and that’s it. Idk anymore. I just want to keep quiet about my venting now because nobody cares. It’ll just sound like I’m “pretending” to be depressed, but I’m not. Look, Medi used to be such a good place to me. For months, I was glad to talk to y’all about my problems about my parents,family,friends,etc. It was happy, it was fun, but over time, ppl started getting sad and depressed. I don’t understand why. And it just pains me to think about if the vents are for attention seeking,maybe y’all will be ok the next day (80% chance y’all will), are they actually hurting,etc. I’m sorry, I just feel really uncomfortable venting on Medi now ‘cause how I see it, apparently being “depressed” means attention.
Watch, someone will say, “But there are ppl who are actually depressed though!”
And I know that. But that’s how you see it. I see about 5-20 vents each day in a week or even a month. And I’m just tired of being like, “Oh it’ll be ok” or “Hey, don’t be sad!”
I’d probably just post a MySpace about life and me being a wise child.
U know what, I’ll just stop venting on here when it’s something big. I just feel like this isn’t the place to talk about my problems anymore. I’ll just vent on discord or somewhere else...like art.
it feels like a breath of fresh air that somebody finally said this lol
Tbh I kinda agree.... And though I don't vent on here, i've been tryna cut down as well. And you are right, we could always save it for somewhere else... But still idk. :/
I agree tbh..
The next moment they'll be super happy which takes up my notifications and get super fking annoying bc I get like fifty notifications which 3/4 are about venting. It's pure shit and it makes me tired because I have to clear that many notifications each night
I have 3 projects to do :T
Anyways, take some random art/photos
First photo- Trying to match Eskimoe’s style
Second photo- Trying to match KrookedGlasses’s style
Third photo- A photo I took of the sky since it looks like a painting. I might use it as a color palette
The last photo- what I’m going to work on. It’s going to be little emojis for my discord or something :T
Wow, that picture is beautiful!
I like the third one the most. Socute~😊👍💗
•w• b
I was bored so meh :T
James Jaiden Ari I know who it is I just forgot her name— And idk the last one .-.
1. TheOdd1sOut/James 2. Jaiden Animations 3. Ari uwu 4. ?? Idk, I think I’ve seen her before but I don’t remember 5. ItsAlexClark
1Theoddonesout 2JaidenAnimations 3Ari 4Emirichu 5Tisalexclark
Step Juan:
Don’t do anything for a couple of hours/days/weeks/etc.
Step 2 (may vary):
Do the subject last minute, if you’re a master , then it’ll look like the work took hours instead of a minute.
And that’s How To Basic with Tiny!~
Thx for watching/reading!
(I might animate these but idk)
Yay! Now I can finally know! X3 also you totally should animate these it would be so funny😉👉
How did you know I’m doing that
I never knew I would be close to 200 followers _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
Thank u so much fwiends!~
Yee you deserve more!
N A N I ?!
You deserve all of them!! Including more!!
You deserve more.
Congrats! You deserve all of them😄🙏
Oh boi oh boi oh boi. Get reggie for my stupid spam :’)
How’s your day so far, fwiends?
Pretty good, thank😄
Pretty bad tbh..
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Pretty good. Skool was boring
I’m off to skool -3-)b
No more spam!~
Bai-bai! Have an awesome day!😄
Have a good day!
Bai ;w;)/
Step Juan:
Step dos:
Draw things
Step tree:
Very helpful😄👍
I’m so helpful :’)
How to tell who’s the real Tiny. (If there was a copier)
Famous words of Tiny:
Squidy >:0
I don’t cuss .-. (If I do, it’s blerted out)
Good night
And that’s all for How To Basic with Tiny.
The look at the amount of followers they have and see who they follow ;) It has to be exactly like mine
> Tealtea550 Then...........uh.............|:T
Oof (-w-)b
Hi Bish.
It’s ma new show :’)
Anyways, how to spam MySpace.
Step Juan:
Bish get a squidin’ topic to talk about.
Step dos:
Spam MySpace.
The End.
And that’s it for How to basic with Tiny
> TitaniumPegasus Amen
> TitaniumPegasus xD
If Unholymom says it’ll take 2-3 weeks, then I’ll wait 2-3 weeks.
But I’m still going to cry every night :’)
doG hoover dam parents, am I right?
Sorry that’s weird
How about I just adopt all of you when I’m 18 and a legal adult
Have a few drawings.
Bootiful x3
> TinyCY Yup
> GalacticPetal Tank.
Hai :3
> Jeff2kgamer (alternate) :’)
its Jaiden! gallade watches her a lot on youtube.
Is that you talking???
Aaannnndddddd everyone is offline :T
‘Cause of school. *sigh* The weekend is like the only time ppl are always on :’)
Oh well.
I’m always on Unless I’m busy.
Good morning!
Morning! Yeah a lot of people are offline rn -w-
It's already afternoon for me but thank you uwu You too!
I'll try! And you too! ^ v ^/