no one :
no one even the ones who make memes like these :
me : is sad for no reason and isnt even sure if is rlly sad or just being dramatic
(anyways happy halloween :((((( )

hay :d
call me renie D;
- what's that
- Work Place:i-idonthaveone
⋰⋰ ☂ (ृ ˘ ꒳ ˘ ृ )ु ⋱⋱
Favorite music
uh, it's complicated
Thing you interested in
alot of stuff
What you eat when hungry
Things you always carry
my love for God hallelujah 🙌
Favorite color
i like alOt of colours
Future goals
adopt all homeless dogs

hh i wanna travel to othr countries and meet my online friens hhh so badd
ive already thought abt places i wNna go to :((( :: spain, italy, brazil, canada, murica,indonesia, malaysia, other more
:((((((((((((( 💖💕💘💘💕💝💞💝💓💘💓
i shall do my very best in school and studies so i couls be able to go visit yall some day, hope we would still be friends, till the end uWu💖
i isnt ded i swear!!¡ i just rlly having hard time tryna fit drawing in my sched
expecially now!!¡ sorry¡+1! i just have to study for exams and do projects blehh
and not to mention its past my sleeping time like srsly.,., ugh pray for me im sorry yallsters' im workin on somth. but then i remembered tomorrw hshhhshs so yeH... sorryss...s..s
:00 i misseD you!! am glad ur back <33 take as much time as u need tho and get some good sleep >:))
aw yeesssssss I thought you left medi or smthn hdkskskssk
glad you're backkk :>>
wait,,, did i alrwady post a myspace abt my bday?¿i remember posting one but idk🤔🤔🤔
hap py belate d birth da y
hAPPy laTe biRtHdAy????¿¿¿
uhm?¿medi¿? why u delete ny iverly dramatic post-- anyway glad it got deleted- ( not rlly i typed a lota a hecks there ) but uhm ig i should start over here?
:: sory i wont be able to be active much ig??
:: is my birthday on june 12 tho and is independebce day so i have a free day??
:: school sucks its just my first day and all but idk i sorta despise it already
:: or not idk maybe my point of view'll change
:: im rlly nervous abt this new school,, its a big school with nothing compared to my old school-(no offens old school u still bae)
:: i miss my old school i dont like it as much as this one but idj like i said maybe how u see it'll change
:: i feel uneasy with all these ppl and them being strangers
:: atleast i have frens from my old school
:: i wanna cry
:: i hate my uniform
:: my hands r cold
:: i dont wanna live anymore but i also do
:: why school
:: *agressively breaks glass*
happy e birth yeag but like i said,,, take a s long of a break as you need to ywwpp
just take a rest mah fwend uwu N happy early Bday 🎉
thx guyth, i wanted to say more but i needEd to sleep srsly theres still alit i havata say
happy early birthday **oof noises intensifies**
school starting, woke up early, surprisingly got woken by alarm, sorta smad i still feel sleepy, its cold, i hate this--, atleast uts only for a few hours sigh 😭
mine just ended??
cri, school is starting soon for me too :'((
Wait schoolsstartingforyou?
how can ppl even do detailed stuff and bootiful wotercoloyr stUFF I CANT EVEN DRAW A DOGDAMN TREE
Trees sMUCk
it’s ok trees are Uber hard and n o your art is super good anyways watercolor is a big stonker >:00 ur hecc of an amazing at art
I can't draw a tree for my life
Trees are hard to draw though, so many branches.
ok so frRhrhrhrhr unfortunately u have to like invite ppl grrrr on the group so uh commnet if u want to joiN or watEver
thanks for inviting me :D
mE please uwu
sure! :)
i mean u dont rlly have to join or chat tbh im just bo red ( if u dont know how to get the pc site thing, just go down the medi site and press pc :// sorry for bad direccions lOL )
oOh!- Could you send me an invite? I’d like to join :>
Sounds fun, could I get an invite?
I vish to be invitd
oh shi right
eee so i tried ibis paint and ig its ok??ig it just needs a few times b4 i get the hang of it,,, tho the quality isnt rlLy as good???idk why i tried making the canvas big but its sloww,, and the "online gallery" hhhh tbh i didnt see a single drawing i liked
''' and uh its very blOory??anyways i didnt have any ideas on what to draw so its not v good cuz im v lazy and ibis doesnt seem like they made for lazy ppl like me or im just---
it's been 5 years
Never used Ibis before!
>anon THE COLOR WHEEL- i literally just remembered what its called- sometime's i forget english sorry :')
dan g so i had this girlfriend(its not real it was sorta just like roleplay for funn??)
and we kissed and hugged and stuff (not totally kiss,like on cheeks and we wouldnt totally kiss on the lips) we lowkey did it to disgust othrs lmaooo it was fun, but is over now sadly were all goin in different schools so "we brok op" oop
i swear im not gay or anythin,, i think
In some cultures people kiss each other on the cheek, even if you're not in the culture like if it was to your mom or dad. People these days... Nasty thoughts
Um, it's fine since it wasn't sincere.
thAts a liTtLe gaY my doOd
eef that's tough
so i had another oLd account?? and like lmao i literally only had three followers and im one of em---
god my old drawings suck but your's somehow still cuteee
i smell improvement (also chimchim??? ? ?)
man your art was good even back then :0
um oK-
i am free 2 fryyyyyy(flyyy)
yes TwT *clapping intensifies*
dis cos tan
Oof Hope they can let you post soon
dang i have so many unfinished stuff in my cloud saves or thing,
and grr i hate how i aint able to make a good oc atleast oNce?? liek i hate myself hhdhd
If you are trying to get a good oc, try going to a random animal spawner thing website, maybe you'll find a good collection to combine.
My school doesnt need uniforms...
I hate school uniform too.
in have school uniform but ours isn't even uniform that much
i have one too mate
.. i would add more but ..
lmao :''''''''''''''''''')
our God is an awesome God he reigns from heaven and above with wisdom power and love our God is an awesome God
lmaoooo XD
My sckol friends are the sky scrapers. Im only a few inches shorter
that last one is just yes too true h
> ♛☽ᎠᎪᏒᏦᏦᎥᏁᎶ☾♛ Same!!!
I’m a tall person and I agree with the first one, I’m just a grumbling skyscraper.
damn i cant believe i just watched mystery skulls now, i found abt it yrs ago i think i was just lazy to wat ch and i regret it cuz its like so amazing hh the songs and the animated one acK
: also why is it that i like fictional characters more than actual people---
alnyway for those who dont know, das lewis from mystery skulls check it out or somth
I love it 2 uwu
mystery skulls is awesomemememe also lleewWWWWIIISSSS
i love mystery skulls
I only know like one of their songs oop
h uhmn this isnt real, well i was supposed to post it but then i changed my mind '._.)
also ac k wow can i say songs from aback or somth like 10 yrs ago are great, so much happy so much cheesy lovie dovies
its just my opinion but ig i have rlly random taste in music, at first ill listen to some lofi then later on youll see me lustening to some edgy stuff eeck
who’s most likely to kill some1 for a million dollars ?
holy cows yall actually asked questions i-- alright then :'))
sere, what’s your favorite item?
Who's the most gay?
this reminds me how ling ive been using medi :ooo
:: also ee k idk maybe can u guys suggest somth to do as a thank you? h i suck at these big timeee sssbleeehdhdh
big congrat !! ! ! !
congrats,, !
you deserve em
h so uh i was suppposed to post this but i realized its too fugly and stonky so
and its sOoo friGging hot i cant take drawing srsly like i "usually" do u rgghhh
but i might work on a lil oc refs thing?idk if i dont end up messign it up so bad
:: also i redesigned the purple hair guy whose name i forgot ehhhh ill just talk abt it later ++ thnks for 900+ followers i rlly rlly rlly rlly dont deserv it
Wowwow!!! That's awesome! Your art is so great, you deserve it!
first of all thank u 4 blessin my eyes with ur art holy heckin secnd of all uM YES U DO DESERV IT STOB U DESERVE 9 TIMES THE FOLLOWERS U HAVE u beautiful doofus
> ʙɪʀᴅɪᴇ™ YeA
yEa u dO YOur aRt is rEallY gOod.
h old art
also i might delete my laTest post??cuz idk it look like real crab and i i it worse than my othr crabs so---
gosh it looks really good though the colors are absolutely pretty as all heck
> rine☕🌱 (gazes doubtingly)
> ~SadSack~ i swear i meant to say nuggers---
I just realized u said the n word
ft finley ig
and chikeni thimk
and uh contrybol?? idk
Can you repeat?-
lmao ok er uhm i didnt get to make them look like how i usually design em but hhh i ran out of motivation im trYi ng to keep it together but ackkkk
:: also ugh my mood always wrong timing smh ::
Tysm!! It’s perfect-
I love your art style its very cute 😄
Aww I love theseee and you did requests?? Are they still open?
ughhhh, so fuckin cute 🤦♂️
haha shOOTCAKES HAHA I- so i was workin a sorta huge illustration and it kept crashing,so i tgought if i uninstall it then install it again itd stop doin that, aND I FROGGING FORGOT THAT THE LOCAL SAVES WILL BE EFFIN DELETED AHAHA WOW AND THAT ILLUSTRATION AND THE REST I WAS WOR KIN ON GOT DELET ED!! HOW FUN,HOW GR8 IM OK ! !!!!! ALSO IT JUST UPDATED WHEN I INSTALLE DIT AGAIN I-----
1. Mood 2. Pray it finally doesn't crash
no fr though that actually sucks, i know the physical and emotional pain it causes when that shit happens
bruh moment
i feel SO sory for u rn i feel ur pain my bro, its even more painful when the pic took u years i hope you a safe recovery from this cus im sure ur traumatized now ;u;
wholesome memes for the most beautiful ppl in za world (all of u--)
I love you 3,000 😭😭💖💖💖😘😘💕💕❤️❤️✌🏻✨✨✨
1. that title made me wanna cri 2. 💝💞💓💖💘💕💘💖💗💓💓💖💞💝💞💗💖💘💕💘💗💓💝💝💞💖💘💕💘💖💗💝
awWeeie u make me poco loco too❤️❤️❤️💕💕💙💙💛💛💛💜💜
ok so we been watching the umbrella academy and hory crab its its
fontostiCc! ! like oml yes finally wherve u been ol my life ( i havent watched it ol yet so d-dont spoil ) also number five yes yes yes santa klaus alsi yes uwu oL OF THEM YES ( i'd add more but artstreet only allows four smh )):< )
My boy Gerard way wrote it
ye S oml he is precious they r all precious i cant wait for season two hh---
GDKDJD klaus is my fabourywf dndjdjd
yEs also I love Santa klaus too
yooo dreams r wacc !11!(
> g0atmeal aw e ilyt uwu nohomo
dreams r wack
May he find love
havent drawn em together since forever- i think,whwhhh btw blue one is sere ( orginaly serenity but eh ) pink one is pamela hhh cringe names ik reason why i dont like givin names-
Awww Kids
Awe I love them. Give them hugs for me uwu
Sere and Pamela are perfect names for ‘em uwuwu
o0feRs,, I love them :’’>
when u wanna rant abt somth but u dont know how so u just ugly cry
How I feel all the time tbh
sam e my dude
yesss, same !!
honestly same