Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

contest reminders

People who said they would do it haven't so, I'm a little disappointed. I am moving the deadline to June 11. So ppl who joined, please post or do or entry

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  • > CChachiii Oh, well some people are still doing their entry so I'll have to do the results a little later

  • Hi Ripple! I didn't know where to comment about this so I commented about it here. Idk, if you got it taken care of or if I missed it but I just wanted to know when the contest results will be in

  • > Kigiraffe101 Np


I'm thinking about leaving

I don't really do art anymore...and I think my art sucks. I know people might say don't leave your art is amazing, but do they actually mean it??? Maybe they just say that for nothing, they just say it because everybody else is. Besides...a lot of great artists on here are leaving. I don't have any inspiration anymore. I don't know if I'll leave or not, but I might.... I mean if I do, I will still at least talk to all of you.

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  • Wait... WHAT?!!?!?! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE?? And if you are 10 like Kiki says then MY ART WAS WAAAAAAAAYYYYY WORSE THEN YOURS WHEN I WAS THE SAME AGE!!! Just think about where you would be if you continued digital art up to my age. You would surpass me by a long shot. However if you must leave, I understand and I shouldn’t pressure you to stay

  • Thank you everybody, I still need time to think

  • DONT LEAVE MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!! DONT LEAVE!! U said ur 10 right? Well u are a GREAT GREAT GOODLY AWESOME ARTIST for that age!! I mean when i was ten my art wasnt NEARLY as good as urs! Seriously i love looking at your art! I mean it when i say this, i really do! Im also not saying this because everyone else is, u are my friend and i would hate to see you leave!

  • From what I can tell, your art is pretty good, but if you don't like being on the site, you don't have to stay. Friends you have on here (if they really want to keep in touch) will set up another way to contact you. (You'd have to tell them, though) There's really no reason to stay if it doesn't make you happy. Good luck!

Second last full day of school!

Yeeeeyy. But, right on the first day of summer we are going to my grandma's, but that'll be fun, I'll still post art there. Also guys, remember, deadline for my contest is June 5, I did at that date cuz, if I did it this week it would be too soon, the weekend we leave, so, had to do it on June 5. me luv summer

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  • School ends on June 7 for meh ;w; You're pretty lucky! OwO

  • > Kigiraffe101 Poor kiki...TRY TO SURVIVE

  • Siiiiiggghhhhhhhhh School ends on June 22 for us siiiiiighhhhhh

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap aw, lucky, and yea


Ok so, it's like fluffy's contest. I need a design for an oc of mine. Yes, he is a wings of fire dragon. Ok so, his name is Hurricane. But I don't know what to design him. so please join, I rlly need help with this oc. the other design I had for him was ugly, I have to say. BTW, HE IS A SKYWING SEAWING HYBRID, if you don't know what that is, search it up, or look up a seawing and a skywing and fuse them together
First gets: like five oc requests, surprise adopt, their design as hurricane and something else
Second gets: three oc requests, their design as a different oc, and a surprise adopt
Third gets: one oc request and their design as a different oc
DEADLINE IS June 5, if you need more time tell me, have fun!!!

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  • Ok

  • I finished!

  • > ★BlueGalaxy★ Oki


I'm stopping medibang for a little

I'm going through cyber-bullying. Also, many people have been putting me down in the dumps lately. So, I'll come back. soon maybe, once I get all these negative feelings out. Please please on my art work, don't say anything mean, keep it to yourself, I know I'm not very good, but please just don't say anything mean at all. I really hate it, and I'm sure you would too. So, good bye for now fellow artists

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  • > RippleTheSeaWing I'll dig up the bodies and KILL THEM AGAIN!

  • but don't worry, im feeling a little better, also, im pretty sure i buried the bodies

  • well, they aren't on here tho

  • Now please tell us who is bullying you so we can deal with this with maturity