her name is Ophelia, she is a wings of fire oc, she is a fan tribe I made, but the only one of her kind.

Eclipsed Eclipses
My birthday is on Jan 2
My art style is extremely inconsistent. Although I do have fun experimenting.
Here’s my deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/conureclaws
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conureclaws/
And my YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLOGmkP2TQCdTgTXRgb8C9w?view_as=subscriber
Pfp by the amazing Tigerwolf12367
(And old friend of mine)
- Dragons
- Animals
- Humans
- WingsOfFire
Gonna be dead for a while
Of coursee
EvErYoNe Is LeAvInG nOOOoOoO 😢😢
We will miss ya
YAY!!! 101 FOLLOWERS!!! Thank you all so much! I never thought I would get here!
Ignore the random l
Congrats!! You deserve so much more!!I
anybody wanna ship their WoF oc with on of mine?
Eclipse was very near the Sky Kingdom. She could see the faint shape of it as she flew towards it. Mom liked to go there and shop for food and jewelry. Eclipse remembered one time when mom brought her there, Eclipse had gotten a golden ring. Eclipse saw a deep red figure fly out of the kingdom, carrying a scroll. 'wonder what they're up to' she thought. Once Eclipse was inside the kingdom, it was crowded, dragons of all tribes ran here and there. Eclipse saw some dragonets chasing each other, bumping into older dragons, some of the dragons snapped at them, others smiled. Eclipse saw dragons making faces at her. What was wrong with her? Eclipse bumped into a nightwing. "Watch it!" They hissed. " Oh...sorry... " Eclipse dipped her head to apologize. Eclipse had searched half the kingdom and found nothing, it was night as well. Eclipse was tired, the streets got emptier and emptier. Eclipse found an alleyway to sleep in, she partially disappeared into the shadows. Eclipse found cloths and made them into a nice bed. She laid down on the hard floor and looked up at the night sky. Mother was somewhere, just not there, Eclipse was starting to doubt she'd ever see her mother again.
Aquarius POV
Aquarius was working late at night, Duststorm by her side. Her scales were covered in dust. She was glad she had night vision, but Duststorm didn't, so she lit up her scales for him. She was getting tired of the horrible clanking sound, and pebbles falling on her head every few seconds. Duststorm hit the wall hard, revealing a beautiful jewel. "Oh wow!" Duststorm exclaimed. it was a diamond with gold on the edges. An icewing walked in. " you guys get to rest for now, " the icewing said. Aquarius nodded, Duststorm eagerly scrambled out of the mine. Aquarius went after him. They walked across the meadow to their cabins. "Well, 'night Duststorm," Aquarius called. Duststorm nodded at her. Aquarius walked into cabin 6 , there was a lot of sleeping seawings, some being woken up to work. Aquarius got onto her rough bed and quietly went to sleep.
Eclipse POV
Eclipse woke up, whacking her head hard against a wall. Eclipse got up, rubbing her head, the streets were filled with chattering and arguing dragons. Eclipse walked out of the alleyway. Eclipse walked down the streets to the exit of the Sky Kingdom. She flew out, not looking back. 'next up...Mud Kingdom' she thought. Eclipse flew towards the Mud Kingdom. Eclipse looked at the trees below her, each looking the same. It was going to be a long long fly, but Eclipse could deal with it. Eclipse desperately wanted to be home with her mother, they would've been having mangoes for breakfast with each other, but that wasn't going to happen in a while for sure, or, maybe never.
End of chapter
Hey guys, I might be able to add your ocs in my book if you want! They can have important roles or not, also, you get to choose where they are, at poisonfrog's camp? Sure! At the kingdom's eclipse will visit? they can also travel with her! But, I will only choose three people. Also, please point out any mistakes in this
I went to a paint store to paint our walls in my house, my mom and dad dragged me there, then there were a lot of color cards (let's just call them that for now) and I collected a lot. A lot of the colors look the same tho, some just have a slight difference. I may use them to help make colors for my ocs
I take them randomly and hide them so my mom doesn't throw them away
I love Paint and carpet samples
Omg same
Eclipse woke up underwater, when had she fallen asleep? Right, after lunch. Was mom still gone? Eclipse got up, she ran to the hut. "Mom?!" She called. No answer. Eclipse sighed, mom probably would never come back. Besides Eclipse was old enough to live on her own. She was almost 7 years old. Eclipse stepped into the hut, the rough wood floor scratched at her talons. She opened up a bag and grabbed a good sized fish, it was a little bigger than her head. Eclipse ate only half of it, the more she thought about mom, the more she lost her appetite . "That's it, I'm going to look, I have to," she scrambled out of the hut and flew off. Eclipse was not a very experienced flyer, for sure, she never flew since she was never allowed to go outside of home. Eclipse was breaking over one hundred rules by going to look for her mother, Eclipse felt bad for doing it. Eclipse flew awkwardly, she was scared of crash landing into the diamond spray river, which was over flooding a little. Eclipse looked at a scavenger den , it looked really small from up above, like she could flick it away no problem. Eclipse spotted the skinniest scavenger ever walk out of a den. The little fur on it was messy, looking from behind, it looked like a big blonde blob. Eclipse focused back on her journey, wherever she was supposed to go. She flew by mountains, Eclipse had been flying for a long time. She needed a place to rest. "SO TIRED," Eclipse went head first, flying into a tree. "I think I have a concussion..." she was really dizzy now.
Aquarius POV
First few hours of working, and Aquarius was already being whipped, she hadn't done anything wrong though. The dragon whipping her seemed to be enjoying this. When Aquarius screamed in pain, he would laugh. Soon other dragons gathered around. "How long ya been whipping her?" One asked. "I don't know, but I don't really care" they responded. Aquarius had cuts, and she couldn't run away since she was chained to a pole. Finally, the dragon stopped. "Get to work now," the dragon said, kicking her to move as he got her chains off the pole and connected to a big metal ball. Aquarius sighed then got to work. She went deep into the mine she was assigned to. "Saw them whipping ya, you ok?" somebody asked. Aquarius jumped, to see a mudwing, this was the one getting whipped earlier when she first came. "W...what? I'm ok..." She said quietly as she worked on mining. "Good, I'm Duststorm by the way," he said. Aquarius nodded, " I'm Aquarius, and...do they always whip you for no reason? " Duststorm sighed. "They do it all the time for their amusement, a lot of the time the caped dudes are bored, so they just go around whipping or electrifying dragons" Aquarius stopped mining, she sighed, this place was horrible.
It's a pfp contest! The ocs of mine you can put in it are ripple or eclipse, I'll make refs if you need some. The deadline is the 22, I can extend it if you need more time! If you say you will do it, please do it.
First place gets 2 free adopts, and one full body request
Second place gets an adopt, and a half body request
Third gets a headshot request and a dragon adopt
If u join then yey! Probably nobody will join so.... Tell me if I'm missing any information you need
I'm done with Eclipse!
I'll do eclipse bc I know something cool I'll do for her.
I might join too
I might join
I want to do a contest, but I know nobody is gonna join
I will join!
I'll try
I might :> Depends if it involves humans
I will
Eclipse stared out of the hut. She was waiting for her mother, Aquarius. Mom was never late, she only left for an hour or less. Eclipse was worried, she wanted to go look for her mother, but, she wasn't allowed to go outside without mom. What was slowing mom down? Eclipse sighed. "Mom....! Where are you?!" Eclipse couldn't take it anymore she had to go look. But....there were dangerous dragons and so many things that could kill her. Eclipse hesitated, she sat back. Eclipse played with her tail for a while, she was very focused on it... Eclipse getting bored got up and ran out of the hut, she crash landed onto the beach. "Ow...w...." She moaned. She got up, holding her head. Maybe if she looked into the future.. Eclipse shook the thought away, she didn't like knowing too much about things, and when she didn't know things, it was exciting. Eclipse ran across the beach, that broke about twenty rules, but sometimes she had to break rules. She ran into the ocean. 'Underwater is so pretty' she thought. She remembered when Aquarius and her would sleep underwater sometimes together, and the next morning they would have a huge breakfast full of many animals that lived in the reef. Eclipse missed her mother so much. she wanted to go find her, but Pyrrhia was really big, and confusing. Eclipse still didn't have the map of Pyrrhia memorized yet.
Aquarius's POV
Aquarius woke up. Her head spinning. She only remembered leaving Eclipse, nothing else, everything past that memory was gone. She jumped at the sight of a dragon in a cape. Their face wasn't visible. Two more dragons gathered behind this one. They whispered something to each other, the first one nodded. "I guess we bring her to..." Was all she caught from one of them. One dragon grabbed her, she struggled to get free. The other two helped them. Aquarius hissed. "let me go!" She struggled more to get out. "Stop squirming!" One yelled. She stopped, oh no, how long had she been gone from Eclipse. Eclipse was probably worried and scared. Aquarius got dragged into a nice meadow, but West of it was a dreadful looking camp, with exhausted dragons. "Boss will be happy to have a new prisoner ," one dragon said, the other two nodded. Aquarius was pushed into a tent. There were two dragons in there, one, wasn't wearing a cape, they were a sandwing, the other looked a lot more horrifying. The face was visible and there was a huge scar. Their claws were bigger and longer than usual, the end of their tail was ripped off, their pupils were red, and eyes were black. The dragons whispered back to each other. The horrifying one waved his talons, then the sandwing started to pull Aquarius to cabin 6, the seawing cabin. Aquarius was thrown in, the sandwing looked like they felt bad for her. Aquarius was chain up and put to work. 'Don't worry Eclipse, I'll come home soon....hopefully'
End of chapter, sorry if there is mistakes
Black scales darted across the sand. Patches of blood were everywhere, with many dead sandwings, skywings, mudwings and seawings. A huge battle happened in The Sand Kingdom. Darklight flew for his life, three sandwings trailed behind him. His wings were badly damaged and he wasn't flying correctly. The sandwings were catching up quickly. Darklight was dizzy, tired and weak. He wasn't flying straight anymore. 'Oh Aquarius....I....can't make it...back to you....you were right' Darklight used some of the last of energy his to make a big fire blast shoot at the sandwings, taking them by surprise. Darklight had enough energy left flew ahead, he got as far as he could. Darklight crash landed near jade mountain. He was bleeding badly. 'Aquarius...I'll...never make it back...' Darklight closed his eyes, too tired.
The end of the prologue, sorry if it's short
Oh nu
> Orange The RainWing Thanks
Wow! Nice!
And, I don't have a big writing level like everybody else...maybe, what do u guys think
I would read it!
I worked hard, not on the fur, sorry if it's blurry, got a bad camera
OOoOOoOo Lava eyes
I need ideas for a new username, I don't know what to do, pls come up with stuff
> Kigiraffe101 I like your username
Uhhhhh Hmm Idk Anyways, you probably dont want me to help, i mean, look at my crappy username
Their names are summer (firefly) and ashwings, nickname is asher. They live 700 years after the current events of wings of fire. there is only three hives on pantala now, they are both princes, they both have a crush on my hive wing bramble, who is a princess, but hates being one, she is the only fit heir for the throne, her cousins and siblings are either dead or have gone mad. I'm still working on this, in this art ashwings is threatening summer. I may write a story about them on MySpace.
> FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Yuup
> DragonTamer Ok
> Ripple I'm doing a wof rp if you wanna jion
:) here da link https://whiteboardfox.com/96558-4134-2580
Please don't force me to stay. I might talk, so maybe not completely bye(probably will talk). who knows, maybe one day I may just randomly start posting again, hopefully my art is a lot better than it is now. But for now, bye, and just know I may come back.
Welp, fuck my life
Yup, I'm doing it again, not gonna use medibang for a little while. I'm slowly losing motivation to do art, and I'm probably not gonna talk much. (So that means I'm going to miss out on that rp fluffy has been hosting ;-;)
Bai :^:
Bye ;-;
DragonTamer! I really liked how you made it realisticish
Yayyyyyy for you
YASSS THANK YOU Now i feel like a jerk, bc i am one
Ok, so, a floofer is a scavenger. In the books they have fur stuff (I think it's hair.... or something, cuz scavengers are humans). Ripple called scavengers, floofers when she was 2-3.
> Kigiraffe101 Me too
I feel so dumb now I thought it was a dog
Oof. Beetle hates floofers. And yeah the fur is hair
YEY!!!! THANK U!!!! I'm getting so close to one hundred....
well, im not really posting already anyways. i am not telling anybody why. but i will talk. here is a random sleepy kitty gif i found somewhere
Otay, the kat sets it
they have revealed the second wings of fire graphic novel!!!! too bad it comes out in 2019 february ;-; im very exited tho, LIKE VERY MUCH
> QueenSpire at least bok number 12 comes out earlier than this graphic novel
> ★BlueGalaxy★ yup
Everybody is posting such good art and tutorials. Makes me look at my art and then I'm like, I suck.
Omg same
I love your drawings
Don't worry 82 ppl think your art is good!
Top picture is first place, second is second place third is third place! Thanks to anybody else who joined
SCREEEEEE YAY ;W; I'm so so so sorry I couldn't see this sooner. Lol. My notifications decided to stop working but tysm!!
Oof yay!
I wanna be prepared for my 100 special now, so any suggestions? Then if I have it right now, i can start to work on for when I have 100 followers. Also, thank you tank you all for this much followers and support!
A tutorial?
Try your best to draw something realistic
So I'll have to move it to next Tuesday since some ppl are still working on their entry! Ppl don't rush, take ur time
Ripple!!!!!!!!! Sooo hurricane is sky/sea wing (right?) Sooo are u planning on the dragon being able to breathe underwater or breathe fire?
Might change it back, depending on what you guys think
> FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Oh ok...but how am I basing it of of them...
> If Ripple Had A Floofer Petal as in Galactic Petal I believe
> TinyCY No...also, I have no idea who petal is
It doesn't matter whatever makes you happy :>
I don't know how to copy and paste a link. But you can find the real artist on deviantart, also, somebody called Jeremy is stealing MiniCrips's art. I think they're called Jeremy. My memory is horrible.
> FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Yes, true
> ★Auzzie★ Not sure yet, I'm still thinking of one, if you have any suggestions please tell me!
Cool! What's the tribes name?