일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Difficulties & Problems (Hiatus Notice)

Hello Everyone! SaKu here! I know it's been a month since I last uploaded my Medibang made artworks and I gotta explain why.

I still do try to get used to Medibang (since there's so much difference between ibisPaint X & Medibang Paint) I really want to produce a great and amazing art like my old ones... But then...

You see I left my country (Philippines) and went to UAE, for 1 month I don't have any access to WiFi and I don't have a phone nor a tablet with me (because I thought they would buy me one that's much more better than my old phone)

When I got back, I wasn't able to get back my old phone from my cousin due to another fact that it was already going to be another hell of a school semester/year that's why it was highly restricted, and I couldn't even download it here on my big bro's old laptop because it's too laggy that might cause Medibang to constantly crash down...

This comes my hiatus announcement/notice : I will be not able to post or share any digital art to any social medias I have (in my Tumblr blog and FB page I will not post any art) because I'm going to go on another School Hiatus (I'm a very busy highschool girl as I said so in my intro)

I might constantly share some of my Traditional Artworks/Doodles tho since it's the only thing and way I can do to practice art for now.

I hope you all understand and thank you for having time to read this..


(Art by me which is a doodle of Juniper Woods from Ace Attorney : Dual Destinies, I made it while on-board the plane back to my country and for the first time I used ballpoint pen for doodling practice and such)

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