Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Hey also! Should I take inspiration from the ever so smart and amazing FluffyDee20 and create my own amazing three in addition to my other two (Jess and Oscar) or should I make all new ones (except for Jess cuz I like her :P)??? Good idea or no?? ALSO GO CHECK OUT FluffyDee20! SHE IS AMAZING

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  • > Krazy- Art Dude 4 is not that much. Technically master and i have a group of 5. Its the main 3, Akuma's gf and one of the maind 3s friends who they live with. But still, its not that bad

  • > FluffyDee20> FluffyDee20 Thanks. I was thinking of doing 4 but then i was like oof... idk mans 4 is so many XD and im lazy

  • Awwww thx. But i mean ppl may think u r trying to copy me sooo maybe do a main 4 or a main 2. If u do 3, just change up the story, but do what'cha want girl. And see what fits best in the overarching story