Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Yes, much truth
  • > Bluebxrry I have thought about it before but not heavily. However my parents are against Jehovah's witnesses so even if I wanted to I would not be allowed to. I agree, the flood happened because they refused to listen to God and his warnings and mocked those who did listen. Yeah, he views everyone as worthy of living and hopes everyone will come to him but yet many refuse. It says in Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." We are all born for a reason. that reason was to serve and worship god and be one with him (by be one with him I mean friends equals) but we have perverted almost everything holy. As it says in Isaiah 5:20 It says "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Anyways, Ig we can continue this conversation in Dm if you'd like

  • > Jc Now when Armageddon comes that’s when he’s going to wipe out every unbelieving person. Just like with the flood so it’ll make the earth perfect again.

  • > Jc Have you ever thought about studying with a Jehovah’s Witness? We don’t support the lgbtqia+ and none of our members are in the group. We also don’t believe in the trinity. We teach that gods real name is Jehovah. It says his name in the Bible but it was removed several times so it’s hard to find it. Then Jesus is his son and the Holy Spirit is also separate. It’s not all one person. Jehovah is love but when you go against his law that’s when there are consequences. That’s why in the past the flood happened and everything else. Now in days though people blame god for someone dying. But he would never do that. He views us as all precious so why would he take a life away? He knows we’re all imperfect and that we’re trying our best. I’m still studying so I might not make much sense. I haven’t been baptized yet but I’m being raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. If you have any questions you can go to, it’ll have more information on anything you are wondering or interested to learn about.

  • > Bluebxrry they were pushing lgbtqia+ and my pastor turned gay:( They do leave alot out too, they only really preach the happy parts in the bible and say "God is love" Which is true, but he also gives consequences to our actions and decisions.


I hate it.
Why would you want to take the life of an innocent child who has done absolutely nothing for the sake of "not wanting a child". The least you can do it put it up for adoption after it is born, let THEM decide if they want to live or not, give them a chance. It did absolutely nothing wrong, It was not made of it's own choice.
Did I mention I hate it? lol

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  • I also hate those people who are like “oh kids are stupid I want them to d!e” they are basically kinda saying that they have never been a child :/

  • Nigga about rape huhh?? Abort the fucking child

  • > Jc Hmm idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ i feel like r*pe is the only good excuse otherwise its a big no no

  • I agree. I hate abortion with my whole heart


  • step 2 is when you question why you're here i'm currently going through that phase...well everyone is until they die i guess

  • the 3 stages of elite 1. spawn 2. shit 3. become cinderblock

  • > EriGloom 👑 Indeed