Favorite music
MM, Mostly emo, a little bit of screamo, and some alternative.
Favorite TV show
OO, probably Voltron.
Pen tablet
I use an Apple pencil on an iPad ;3
Favorite color
What you eat when hungry
Time spent online
wayyyy too much. . . o.o
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"Helena (So Long and Goodnight)" by MCR

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Autumn Ref

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Um.. have I improved since December 10th, 2017? ;3;
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Our Own Little World

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How to draw a chibi

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How to draw a chibi

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Can everyone just chill? Just forget about everything that happened.. focus on something happy.. not all the damn drama.. everybody, just chill please.. this is making everyone stressed out, and yelling about it doesn't make it better. Ya'll please just calm down...
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A vent thing I guess..
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Should I do a special when I get to 35 followers?
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I just had a great idea
What if I draw all of my followers in one picture??
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I made this coz why not. Should I color it digitally?
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I’m almost at 20 followers.. what should I do? Meet The Artist? Requests?? You guys choose.
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I paused Steven Universe AT THE PERFECT MOMENT. xDD
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How much longer do I have to do this?
How much longer do I have to live?
How much longer do I have to hurt?
How much longer do I fake a smile?
It hurts, and I don't know how much longer I can do this.
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A Gift For a Friend~

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Midnight Winter Clothes (For TheBassInSpace)

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Small vent..

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that moment, when you're trying to draw a brick wall, and you realize, you have no idea how the fricc to draw briccs. PLEASE HELP. ;3;