MediBang ID:
I am an artist & I 💖 being Kreative! Check out my blog... myavartstudio.blogspot.com! I try to be Kreative everyday! Right now I'm into trying out the new MediBangPaint app (android version), having a lot of fun kreating art with it!
- The genre is based off what inspires me the most as an artist!
> ★Auzzie★ I'm not sure yet, will see when October rolls around again.
> leartiste67 lol I find it funny you replied a year later haha (heh that made my day) and I'm also doing it this year too! are you?
> ★Auzzie★ That's ok! Just keep doing it!
Yup. I'm still doing it. Using official prompts in the theme of "Dragons". I only missed the weekends till now. I miss on the weekends because my mom's home then and she hates it when I draw.