Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I’m still alive

Hey guys sorry I’ve been Gone for so long but school and Cross Country has took it up a lot of time

So I’m going to try to catch up on everything he promised that I would post like
- requests
- idk what else but I’ll have to look and see

So I had a race yesterday and it was so hot outside that after the race I just started crying so hard and it felt so good I haven’t cried in like a year

After the race I had a headache and I couldn’t breathe so start freaking out and crying 😂

It was fun

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  • I'm glad to know he's better. It's good to know about you.

Just a little random story :)

I have a random story
It’s about the time I stabbed my self

Me and my friend were having a sleepover and I dropped my phone and it when I went to pick it up I found a mini pocket knife
So I opened it and showed her it
Then she tried to take it out of my had and I yanked it back and stabbed myself in the rist
It just missed my vain thingy :p
So I started bleeding and my friend was freaked out and we got blood all over the sink and on the wall and on us
It was a mess
Kids this is why u don’t play with knives

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  • > Inferno Lol wow

  • Playing with knifes is one of my hobbies tho .-.