I have been working on a tutorial series in my spare time, and I figured it might help somebody here too! If you have any questions or topics you want to cover, drop a comment somewhere!

- Fantasy
- Supernatural
- Drama
- Mystery
- Work Place:Tennessee, USA
Life Event
- 05/2012 AimsCommunityCollege Graduated
- 05/2015 RinglingCollegeofArtandDesign Entered school
- 06/2018 TokyopopInternshipStart! Retired
- 07/2018 PartneredwithGraphixly/ClipStudio Working
Favorite TV show
Fullmetal Alchemist
Pen tablet
Cintiq 16
Favorite music
All kinds! Country, Pop, Metal, Alternative, and Instrumental!

MORE Manga stuff. I have been so busy in the last few weeks. I get to use a XP-Pen tablet at Tokyopop during the day and I absolutely love it!
Some ballpen sketches of some characters. :'D
Busy day busy Day! More fun things I've been up to lately! Traditional Pencils and Inks, the digital tones and text!
Hey everyone! My internship is going great so far. I wanted to share some artwork with you guys so I might make posts throughout the day of some of the cool stuff I've been up to! Don't want to spam too much. lol
Hey I am so excited. I start as a Digital Media Intern at Tokyopop on Monday! I moved to Los Angeles from South Dakota just for this ..... hope it goes well. OTL
Sorry I have been quiet, been busy moving and settling into my hostel and new city. I need sleep now. I will post some art tomorrow!!
More stuff from recent Instagram!
Here are some recent highlights from my Instagram account! I post everyday, so I will likely make a single post a day with my favorite posts of that day.
Hi everyone! I wanted to use this as a chance to say hi! I have a manga series in progress currently. I plan to submit it to a contest, so I want the portion I intend to submit done first. I'll have it posted on July 16th! For now you can enjoy my illustrations! I added my cover art and some WIP pages to show you what I can do! Thanks guys! If you have questions, let me know!
> AhkwardKat It's much faster than I can draw. It would take me 2-3 days to draw a page like yours. I think I would Carpal Tunnel myself if I did try.
> TitaniumPegasus Aha is that fast?! It feels slow!
> AhkwardKat 👍
> TitaniumPegasus From sketch to final tones/text about 15 hours. I can do about one page a day. ouo