插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

随性 *shrug* I’m open



Sorry for posting on MySpace so much ; v ;
This is just a stupid thing I did
I had to like update Procreate but it wouldn’t let me
So I thought if I deleted it and then added it again it would let me download
Then I went into the app and put all of the things I drew into a folder (just in case it didn’t give me back the drawings(even though there were just 5 items)) and deleted it
I went back into App Store to add Procreate again
Turn out I couldn’t add it so I would have to purchase again
I was then like w t f
so then I realized “it’s because of that damn refund” (insert long story about how I got Procreate pocket and Procreate but then my mom got pissed because they were a lot of money she and refunded it but I still had the apps) so now I’ll have to purchase it AGAIN (if theres ever enough to get it again because Procreate is fracking 10 dollars)
so yeah
very stupid idea-




Rant thing: “Drama Busters”

(REMINDER!!:This is opinionated. You don’t need to agree with me honestly. So don’t bash me just for doing this)
If you like just saw the posted art on MediBang Rn
There’s a “team”
Drama Busters?????
they’re like trying to stop drama
For what’s happening Rn I guess
(insert whole explanation of this account ranting on Moonlight here)
And so
but the team seems a bit childishhh??..
Like I know there’s drama and like everything sucks
But like
Could you n o t?
It just seems like their making a joke out of the drama
like the anti anon group that started last year (it happened around summer till like fall/winter)
So they’re doing the s a m e thing like last year
putting #dRaMabUSTer on their usernames(again,like last year)
Making a collab about it (also last year(I think))
But yeah
It seems pretty stupid at this point




I'm probably going to go on another really long break soon. (Or just leave alltogether) I plan to go once I get my iPad back, which should be soon. There are just too many toxic people here. I was doing well. I was developing my universes a lot, making characters (like, a lot. You guys haven't even seen them all yet), and practicing, but once I got back, I remembered why I left in the first place. idk you guys are nice, but you're also the minority here. I just don't have faith in this place like I used to. Plus, a lot of my friends on here aren't even on that much anymore, so you guys will be fine without me. You were before. I never even talk to anyone anymore.
