uh grass patch ^-^

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Future goals
for once learn how to be a good burb parent
uh grass patch ^-^
chicken ^-^
just a random drawing? :b
random drawing :v
two lil peeps ^-^
Highs midway :v
more birb doodle ;P
doodle ;v
birb doodle :P
ack 200+ followers yay TvT
noodle :>
doodle :>
starting point :>
mimi :v
doodle :>
lil thing :>
something quick :>
lil doodle :P
A scribble :>
doodle :P
Aw welp I'm dying on the inside ;-;
blap ._.
doodle uvu
Hali ^-^
Violet ^^
scribble yay :>
doodle :>
Bugger ^^
Precious :>