Lacunatik (gone)留言了!
School was eh, like usual
But it was all fun and games in art bc Jordan and I got in trouble xD
Then math came and everyone got depressed bc ya know, it’s math
So Jordan got in trouble for getting paint everywhere and then she decided to do finger hand, which led to hand paint xD
She pretended to slap my arm with her hand and I told her to do it and she did xD
When the art teacher saw the paint on Jordan she said she got an x (which means we got in trouble and it takes 3 x’s to get a detention)
Then she saw the hand print on me and almost gave her another x
Me: No! I told her to do that!
Teacher: Oh, then you both get an x
Me: Coolio
Then Justice got kicked out of our, forever xD
And now...
you know about the girl on my bus that’s dating in my class.. Uhm... this is disgusting...
they were doing “things” in the bathroom... involving their finger...
I actually wanted to throw up when I heard about it ;-;
bUt yeah
How do I know this?
Bc supposably they were caught by a teacher .-.
Also the girl she’s dating kept yelling at a 6th grader and calling him Daddy ._.
While her girlfriend was right there .-.
It’s just.. disgusting as hell ;-;
K bye :’D