Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2 hours / Day
Maybe I'm a little busy but idk

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Just a little random thing about me:
I keep a die in my backpack, and also a little rubber ducky with hearts on it. Some days it gets really bad to the point where I can’t talk, so I will pull out either a die (usually when I’m upset, sad, angry) or the duck (when I’m happy, excited, feeling loved), that way, my friends know what to do and what not to do. Lately it’s been the heart duck, which is good! When I aas going to go see my therapist tho, it was the die since I hadn’t been there in over two months, and I was nervous.
Okie, that was just a fun fact about me :P I would take a picture of them, but I’m on the bud and it’s really dark, so I would have to use flash o.O

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I self diagnose myself with a lot of things and it really is a bad thing...
I hate that part of me but it’s always there
No matter what I do
I find those things and they tear me apart
I’m really the only thing that can hurt.. me...

I’m going to be honest..
I’ve been scratching my arms and using pens... so yeah :D
Bc I have the urge to use something more but I can’t?.. like somethings holding me back...
I stopped the scratching but I might do it again—
due to things irl...

K bye! :D

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AccaliaTheTrashcan left a comment!


I need to stop.
I hold all my emotion in and it isn’t good.
I have moments where I just wanna yell it all out.
But I hold it in anyway.
And It just seems to make it worse.
So what’s the point? of anything?
Is death or life better?
What’s the point to this stupid life of mine?
The other day I quickly slid the side of a spoon across my arm
It hurt for being plastic.
I think I smiled.
It hurt and I laughed a little.
And if I did smile...
That time I think it was a real one.

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AccaliaTheTrashcan left a comment!

This is me when I try to spoop ppl:

*puts on a scary af costume on*
*goes up behind my irl friend*
Tiny: RAWR!
Error: Ō-Ō Tiny wtf.
*friend walks away*
Tiny: *cri* _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
*during school and has all my dumb tomboy clothes on*
*I walk up behind the same friend and taps on their shoulder*
Error: *turns around* ?
Tiny: *clenches a fist and “punches” my friend, but I stop the fist like 1 inch from their body*
Error: HOLY SH- *runs away*
Wthecc .-.
I’m scary when I try not to be .-.
Ha. Git gud.

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