Can someone help me catch up :/

> Cavavos4 :3
> tiredbloom :3
> Chesni OwO
This impacts me in a high level! IT IS ADOWABLEEE
> *•.♡ 🇩🇪🇱🇹🇦 ♡.•* :3
> SakuraWolf Dats nice! Always be proud of your self remember that
> *•.♡ 🇩🇪🇱🇹🇦 ♡.•* Part of it was this one time, I was letting my aunt watch something I made. I got a notification from Amino and I swiped it up a bit quickly so she could see the full screen. She then goes “oo was that your boyfriend haha” And I had to stop myself but I almost meaningfully, without really thinking said “actually it would be my girlfriend but no I don’t have one.”
> *•.♡ 🇩🇪🇱🇹🇦 ♡.•* Oh um... One way was....
I just want it all to stop.
> GalacticPetal Can’t wait
I know it’s hard, but you’ll get through this.
Sofa is leaving
Dawn left
Luka- I don’t really talk to
Rosie I barely get to see
(And all my other friends I barely ever see too)
Just great
Sofa and Dawn will both be gone,
I knew I shouldn’t become close to people.
I knew I shouldn’t have made friends.
> U⃒s⃒e⃒l⃒e⃒s⃒s⃒ i⃒d⃒i⃒o⃒t⃒ Good.
> GalacticPetal I’m trying.
Listen to me. Never loose hope. It WILL be ok.
Looks like im loosing sofa too.
(She’s moving to Kentucky In Thanksgiving)
> GalacticPetal I hope so. I hope I make another close friend that doesn’t leave like sofa and Dawn.
Hey I’m in Kentucky! (I’m not helpful) I assure you. Everything will be ok.
I hide it.
All my emotion.
Fake smile.
All the time.
I don’t tell my friends
I don’t tell my parents
I just keep it all inside.
And they complain about what happens with them.
But I never say how I feel.
Because when I do all my friends seem to disappear.
For example
I rarely talk to Luka
Dawn moved to another state
Reese I rarely see
Sofa and Rosie are the only people I talk to a lot and see a lot.
I wish I could talk to them more.
I feel like I’m slowly loosing everyone.
Sofa is moving to Kentucky in thanksgiving Wow. I’m gonna be really thankful. ...
I was gone for a long time....
I was gonna say something but I kept forgetting- or I was busy.
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Wait wdym “I’m sorry”?
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Yeah and, it’s ok.
I’m sorry.
Very true..
I’m just changing my username and pfp...
> Experiment 7 I think she’s going to be here for winter..... but idk.
> U⃒s⃒e⃒l⃒e⃒s⃒s⃒ i⃒d⃒i⃒o⃒t⃒ I know how you feel. I can't really say it will get better, but I hope she comes back...
This is because.... Dawn left.
I need to stop.
I hold all my emotion in and it isn’t good.
I have moments where I just wanna yell it all out.
But I hold it in anyway.
And It just seems to make it worse.
So what’s the point? of anything?
Is death or life better?
What’s the point to this stupid life of mine?
The other day I quickly slid the side of a spoon across my arm
It hurt for being plastic.
I think I smiled.
It hurt and I laughed a little.
And if I did smile...
That time I think it was a real one.
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Yeah...
... You know you can talk to me..
> GalacticPetal But why
Look. I know life is hard, but you can’t just give up. You have to stay strong and get through it!
I’ve been gone for....
A while.
> Experiment 7 Yeah I’m sorry about that I’ve been on amino and drawing and school and stuff.... .....
Omg your back!!!!!!! That's all I care about right now...why did you leave? Is there something wrong?
Sorry all I’ve really done on here is rant
Figuring out your sexuality is hard.
Am I pan?
Am I lesbian?
Am i bi?
Am I...... a potato?
I’ve decided-
It was relatable ( u-u)/
> Cattacomb W o t XD
Because we’re tighter than bark on a t r e e
Sofa cut herself all over her arm- she showed me in person
Dawn... seemed to almost commit suicide
SAs a little depressed because all of her depressed friends
Luka’s been going to therapy since she was like 6
Most of you are depressed
I think you guys are affecting me...
Just like it affected sofa and SA...
> AccaliaTheTrashcan It’s fine...
.. I’m sorry..
I wonder ...
What it would be like to be dead.
Is life useful?
All it does is brings more pain
Maybe being dead would take away the pain.
Bring me freedom.
Make me happy,
Would it be better?
I honestly want to know
> AccaliaTheTrashcan ...
Death Brings More Pain To You And People Around You Then Life Ever Will
This happened in real life (I’m gonna call my fren SA)
Me: everyone has been so depressed lately...
SA: it’s been affecting everyone and it slightly bothers me that all my friends are depressed- see even we’re starting to feel a little bit depressed
Me: u don’t recommend getting medibang and checking my most recent post
SA: TUX what was it about!?
Me: ... *looks away*
SA: TUX!!?
SA: it wasn’t about the SU word (suicide) was it??!?
Me: ...
SA: Tux...
Me: ...
Me: *looks away * N-no
SA: good...
I didn’t tell her what it was about because I didn’t wanna worry her
Ya I know
My post was... (I’ll repost it)
> Tux Cattø Morning.
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Modning
Dawn..... sent this... and just left the chat.
I think she said this in the chat she’s normally in....
Idk what’s happening
Is this a joke?
Do you just jog wanna be here anymore?
Is something wrong?
Are you ok....
Do you have her phone number??
> Tux Cattø idk either...
> CryBebe I have no clue what to do.... she lives in another timezone so she probably isn’t awake
I have no clue... I would’ve broken down and cried...
1) E7 (expiirement 7)
2) GP (galactic petal)
3) Accalia
You’re so sweet, and pretty and your art is awesome!!
You’re very creative and your art is adorable!
H sorry if I tagged you and you already went
> GalacticPetal Np
Thanks :333
My friend
He hasn’t come to student council for a couple times but um
Last time he had track
I didn’t see him at all today but he may have just been out of school
I really hope he’s at book club tommorow
He’s a grade below me so i don’t get to talk to him much
I wish I could tell my friends irl how I honestly feel about them
How I rant all the time
What kind of friend I think they are
I wish I could tell dawn how I feel about her
I wish I could tell my friends how alone I feel
But I can’t
You’re the only ones I can tell...
The only ones that can know how I feel...
Idk why I’m saying this.... h
> Qiroen Lol :3
> Tux Cattø XD same
> Qiroen ;-; Hugs- I lOvE HUGs XD
*huggles* ;w;
I gtg to sleep soon ->-
Morning everyone Even tho it’s night now
Morning dear
Sorry I wasn’t really on today D:
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Yeah.
> Tux Cattø You okay..?
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Night fren ...
It’s alright. Gn~
> Cattacomb Oh fricc
> ╰☆☆FLOOFYDRAGON☆☆╮ OH FRICC- THEY LEFT?! oh god, I hope Zander has responded since I made this post And hello fren! I couldn’t figure out how to login
Soooo mostly wars going on
people drawing nsfw stuff But it’s not really showing private parts And people saying that people can be so sensitive these days