Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
Hey I’m gonna be Sakura on this account


  • > *•.♡ 🇩​🇪​🇱​🇹​🇦​ ♡.•* :3

  • > SakuraWolf Dats nice! Always be proud of your self remember that

  • > *•.♡ 🇩​🇪​🇱​🇹​🇦​ ♡.•* Part of it was this one time, I was letting my aunt watch something I made. I got a notification from Amino and I swiped it up a bit quickly so she could see the full screen. She then goes “oo was that your boyfriend haha” And I had to stop myself but I almost meaningfully, without really thinking said “actually it would be my girlfriend but no I don’t have one.”

  • > *•.♡ 🇩​🇪​🇱​🇹​🇦​ ♡.•* Oh um... One way was....

I bottle it all up too E7

I hide it.
All my emotion.
Fake smile.
All the time.
I don’t tell my friends
I don’t tell my parents
I just keep it all inside.
And they complain about what happens with them.
But I never say how I feel.
Because when I do all my friends seem to disappear.
For example
I rarely talk to Luka
Dawn moved to another state
Reese I rarely see
Sofa and Rosie are the only people I talk to a lot and see a lot.
I wish I could talk to them more.
I feel like I’m slowly loosing everyone.

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  • Sofa is moving to Kentucky in thanksgiving Wow. I’m gonna be really thankful. ...


I need to stop.
I hold all my emotion in and it isn’t good.
I have moments where I just wanna yell it all out.
But I hold it in anyway.
And It just seems to make it worse.
So what’s the point? of anything?
Is death or life better?
What’s the point to this stupid life of mine?
The other day I quickly slid the side of a spoon across my arm
It hurt for being plastic.
I think I smiled.
It hurt and I laughed a little.
And if I did smile...
That time I think it was a real one.

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  • > AccaliaTheTrashcan Yeah...

  • ... You know you can talk to me..

  • > GalacticPetal But why

  • Look. I know life is hard, but you can’t just give up. You have to stay strong and get through it!


This happened in real life (I’m gonna call my fren SA)

Me: everyone has been so depressed lately...
SA: it’s been affecting everyone and it slightly bothers me that all my friends are depressed- see even we’re starting to feel a little bit depressed
Me: u don’t recommend getting medibang and checking my most recent post
SA: TUX what was it about!?
Me: ... *looks away*
SA: TUX!!?
SA: it wasn’t about the SU word (suicide) was it??!?
Me: ...
SA: Tux...
Me: ...
Me: *looks away * N-no
SA: good...

I didn’t tell her what it was about because I didn’t wanna worry her
Ya I know
My post was... (I’ll repost it)

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