I’ve been gone all day and now I’m at a sleepover, I have a sloth stuffed animal brother now
His name is jimmy

I’ll repost the rp tommorow I guess
> Deltatheprotogen ;^;
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Yep
> Tux Cattø It sucks sadly but sleep before role play x33
Nooooo I'm here bruh everyone FRICK
So we can actually start..
A ship rp
So far Delta and Lacunatik are joining yay (autocorrect put g a y)
> Lacunatik (Hhhh this happens everytime)
> Lacunatik Hhh I gtg to sleep I’ll repost this tommorow T-T
> Lacunatik XD
> Tux Cattø ((Okie x33
I have so many ocs without ships I need an rp
College rp...?
> Lacunatik Male would work best And probably mocha my gay boi needs a ship
> Tux Cattø Yay! Which OC tho? And gender for my OC?
> Lacunatik Ok! Yay
I’ll make a new boy/girl for one od your OCs!
-Yuki (needs a stable ship)
-Abby will never get a ship
-A bunch of others I can’t think of oof
> Qiroen Ya
HmMmMm Can I ship one of my OCs with yours?
Since I’m not creative her name is Rainbow XD
Wait I forgot my rainbow child
I posted it on MediBang too
I had to finish it on my iPhone cause I didn’t have the right colors XD
> Tux Cattø Me: P E R F E C T I O N. R I G H T. H E R E.
> GalacticPetal Me~EEEEE
> Tux Cattø Me: mhm. Trick: -panicking-
> GalacticPetal Tux: -is asleep- Me: this ship is too good
Mocha still needs a ship
> Deltatheprotogen Hmm
Imma make another protogen that's supposed to be male soon....
Continue this
(Tux and trick ship art)
> Cavavos4 I probably will
If you want
> GalacticPetal :333333333
Trick and tux
I’m making shop art
> Tux Cattø Mm k
> Deltatheprotogen And U can catch up :3
> Deltatheprotogen Mm check my post that’s called “dear trick (galaxy’s oc)”
> GalacticPetal :3
It’s upside down and I’m triggered
From Tux :3
> Tux Cattø Trick: :0
> Tux Cattø Trick: -catches up and helps them back up-
> GalacticPetal Tux kept running cause she didn’t know what else to do, but her running slowed down, she tripped on a rock
> Tux Cattø Trick: -runs after her- w-wait!
Avid has this thing where we can try to design an avid shirt and our mascot is the herons so this is my attempt for like trying to make a design
> Tux Cattø Mm your welcome
> Deltatheprotogen Mm thanks
> Tux Cattø ;3
> Deltatheprotogen :/
Mm rain
Here at least
> @LaZyLawless_ /:
> Zander the doggø oh
wowzers, i wish it was raining where i am :'(
O o f it made it twice
I dare all of u to post the most random image with no context
> Zander the doggø Oof I saw
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Mmk
The gift for sofa
It turned out bad :/
> @LaZyLawless_ Thanks
Aww cute!
> AccaliaTheTrashcan She says she likes it :D
> Zander the doggø Thanks
I’m back for a bit
> AccaliaTheTrashcan :D
:D wb fren
> Tux Cattø I'm gonna start a RP soon. :3
> GalacticPetal Yay
I’ll be back within 2-3 ours
> GalacticPetal I hope so
> Deltatheprotogen Bye nah fren
bye bye
I got the game school of magic because my friend wanted me to try it
It’s a good game so far 👌
U guys should get it if ur interested in that stiff
Delta’s almost to 30!!! I wanna get her at least there because she deserves more
> AccaliaTheTrashcan thanks really anything helps...
> Deltatheprotogen You deserve so much more ;3;
> Deltatheprotogen Congrats on getting to 27 btw!
tank yous guys
Weird things I do/am-
When it’s nighttime I’m afraid of bathrooms... idk y :/
At night I’m scared of closests and the darkness underneath my bed...hhhh still
When my cat meows at me I sometimes meow back
I sharpen sticks with other sticks
Idk that’s not a lot there’s probably more but I’m too lazy to remember
I do all of this too pft. I feel like when I meow back, we’re talking xD
(Includes laziness)
> AccaliaTheTrashcan X3
I do all of these xDD
You can call me Tux or Tuxie
Technically Tux is Tuxcat’s nickname and Tuxie is her other nickname so you can call me those I guess
Just Shorter names than having to type Tux Cattø or TuxCat
I’m awake and bored
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Yep
Times 2
> Deltatheprotogen No u
I can’t fall asleep
Delta I hope things get better for you.... I wanna help u but I can’t because of this stupid screen in. The flipping way of me meeting you
Oof I haven’t replaced any personal info so *lenny*
At least we can all get kidnapped together.
> Tux Cattø Same
> Pixel Planet Well I’m glad someone agrees...yay
> CryBebe Night :3
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Night
Gn dear :3
Good night.
I know it’s hard...
I’ll help you get through it
You take a place
In my heart with friendship
I wish you where here
With me right now
I can’t take the fear
That I could loose you all with tears...
I will help you get through this
This unfair music
They say life is a miracle...
Just listen to my call...
You are my friend
And I won’t let that end
I hope...
We...are good friends....
> Deltatheprotogen I might respond really late but yes....
> Deltatheprotogen Ya
Can I message you????
> Deltatheprotogen I wanna be... I really do
I still need Ideas for Delta’s gift... :/
> Zander the doggø I’m bad at figuring out on what to make for people hh
Hhhh help
I have to go to sleep early cause
I have to go...
Somewhere in miami hhh
> AccaliaTheTrashcan :3 thanks
Sleep well!!
> El ente Night
Are my real friends
I only have 3 real friends irl
I think delta is my closest online fren
It’s just
Most of my friends irl
Aren’t real friends
They just seem like they are...
Until u know they arent
> Deltatheprotogen At least I’m not the only one...
> Tux Cattø Me too
> Deltatheprotogen A little too much XD
> Deltatheprotogen Yah...... and np... hhhhh I wish I could meet u irl
> GalacticPetal Jinmy~ h i
> AccaliaTheTrashcan Jimmy is my brother
> Tux Cattø Me: hoi :3