John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
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John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
celestia lundenberg
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
celestia lundenberg
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
I have done my first animation, with stuff form a while ago.
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
(Late) request for [qwerty]
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Five Nights At Freddy's- Sister Location
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Five Nights At Freddy's- Sister Location
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
free ugly Hamilton sticker yaY
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
free ugly Hamilton sticker yaY
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
free ugly Hamilton sticker yaY
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
Also, Fact Two:
John’s real personality
The Hamilton fandom, well the play itself is historical fiction (it does have truth but it also has Lin’s creative liberties), does seem to give John the picture of being a “cinnamon roll”, (and yes, he was, but in completely different ways) who was obsessed with turtles.
Historically, John was a little more... bold. He was reckless, arrogant, depressed and depressive, and selfish at times, and could be a bit of a buttthole. He did have a sweet, poetic, and artistic side though, it only showed when people were supportive enough, which, people of his time didn’t seem to take him seriously.
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
Also, Fact Two:
John’s real personality
The Hamilton fandom, well the play itself is historical fiction (it does have truth but it also has Lin’s creative liberties), does seem to give John the picture of being a “cinnamon roll”, (and yes, he was, but in completely different ways) who was obsessed with turtles.
Historically, John was a little more... bold. He was reckless, arrogant, depressed and depressive, and selfish at times, and could be a bit of a buttthole. He did have a sweet, poetic, and artistic side though, it only showed when people were supportive enough, which, people of his time didn’t seem to take him seriously.
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
Also, Fact Two:
John’s real personality
The Hamilton fandom, well the play itself is historical fiction (it does have truth but it also has Lin’s creative liberties), does seem to give John the picture of being a “cinnamon roll”, (and yes, he was, but in completely different ways) who was obsessed with turtles.
Historically, John was a little more... bold. He was reckless, arrogant, depressed and depressive, and selfish at times, and could be a bit of a buttthole. He did have a sweet, poetic, and artistic side though, it only showed when people were supportive enough, which, people of his time didn’t seem to take him seriously.
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Historical John Laurens Tribute
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
Historical John Laurens Tribute
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Happy National John Laurens Day!
Some art will come out later today!
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
Happy National John Laurens Day!
Some art will come out later today!
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
this is a gift for a really close friend
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
yeet read first comment.
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
my original drawing of the last drawing
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
I had to quickly draw this.
John Laurens' turtle left a comment!
It was for the musical, but I think it could be more for historical. This image that says it’s national John Laurens Day the 17th? Does anyone want to draw the boi with me? Nobody has to tbh lol
But I will probably take a break on the requests to put some time in this