Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Negotiable. :)
New Year...what to do? O___O

ALRIGHT! Im done procrastinating stuff! Imma goin to get that graphic tab out of the box and start doodling some cool random stuff! HAHAHA. XD (つ≧▽≦)つ
(sorry folks, just trying to shake this lazy spirit out of my body. Dont want to let it ruin my 2017, ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ )

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  • I am currently trying to do the same thing, only with sleepiness. God bless BLEACH my goodness I've read fanfiction with better endings than That! Kubo always seemed to be the weakest writer of the Big 3, so it wasn't a surprise to me when Bleach sales were dropping and his publishers forced him to pick up the pace with his snail-like pacing.

Monday Blues. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

I just want to throw my self in a trash bin...*sigh
This eerie feeling is trying t o consume my happiness meter. 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。
plus, I got a crappy drawing after 50+attempts..

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  • Drawings don't always come out the way we expect sadly however if it fails the first time try try again! I'm sure the picture wasn't that crappy you're a wonderful artist. You can do it :)

  • I totally know that feeling! Albeit since I don't fit in the trash bin I tend to throw my script drafts in there =P But don't let it nom and nibble at the happiness meter! Got to Fight~O! I'm sure your drawing will be fine, and if attempt 50+ isn't enough to please you, then go all the way for the 100! Whoever said third time is the charm totally lied anyway =P


Any tutorials or maybe tips on how to turn a rough sketch to an awesome colored artwork using medibang? PLEASE. (。╯3╰。)

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  • > Daphnesorous Whoa! You got a very reliable sensei there! :D My sister's an awesome drawer too.. but she kinda good at everything sooo...but she also taught me a lot so Im very thankful to her. :)

  • > moonmin-chan I didn't really know what Alpha protection did until my sister showed me either. Cool thank can't wait to see your finished product!

  • > Daphnesorous Thankies! XD I'll try to do it tonight with this drawing that Im trying to polish.. never thought Alpha protection can do that..though I didnt really know how it works in the first place...HAHA! I have such a mediocre skill in digital stuff. I'll keep you posted my friend! (≧◡≦)

  • And now it is to the end. Sorry I don't use a tablet or a pad just my mouse so I have no advice for that.... Hopefully my tips helped and weren't things that you already know.

What should I draw???!! (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Im running out of ideas...(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

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  • > moonmin-chan Awww, I know how that goes. It sucks! Hopefully you get time to spend on your own stuff soon! I'm excited to see it! (^w^)

  • > 汀雪村 That's a really cute idea! ٩(◕‿◕)۶ I'' upload one once I'll finish my drawing. Im trying to come up with a new OC but work stuff's getting in the way sooooo.....I got so little time to draw and do my own stuff... .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・.

  • Draw something based on your favorite song lyrics! Or design a new character! Or-or... Draw something in your favorite setting! Or like, a character that belongs with your favorite setting! (Like, rainy city, snowy mountains, summer meadow or something like that!) I hope to see whatever you decide to draw when you get inspiration!

Newbie here! XD

And im still trying to figure out stuffs about how medibang works so...i would really appreciate any forms of help from my senpais! :D

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  • > rineclipseさん Thanks! You're awesome! XD

  • I can provide you with a few links and tutorials if you haven't seen them! >v<)/

  • > chibigowangさん Oh! Thank you! having problem with the lines and the brush..if you could give me some tips on how to use brush for starters that would be awesome! :)

  • Welcome to Medibang. If you have any questions i'll try to answer.