Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Just weird and really gay man. Idk what to do about it.
ok. It's time we have a talk

Art is supposed to be a beautiful thing but when we post things about our lives that are sad and depressing it takes away arts beauty and makes you the center of attention. Let's all just stop ok? Try and be positive quit putting yourself down and take a look at the beauty and opportunities people are giving you. You take life for granted and it makes everyone made at you. You take the people in your life for granted and make seem like everything is your fault. Well stop, just stop. It's pathetic. Let art be art. Not everything is about you ok?

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  • You mean the world doesn't revolve around me? /s

What about you?

I'm sick of everyones bs. You say you don't gossip yet here you are talking trash about someone. Everyone tries to be a great person, but you lie to yourself. Don't sit on your high horse and act better than everyone else in the school. Do not talk about or judge someone you don't know! It's stupid and petty. I know im a petty person but I'm not talking bad about someone I barely know: unless I know they are mean and rude, or did something absolutely horrible. Be kind, Be humble, Support others.

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  • yeah, just gonna put this out there also don't judge someone because of the way they dress. ive caught myself doing it quite a bit frequently recently because someone is wearing THE SAME OUTFIT EVERYDAY BRO I SWEAR IT BOTHERS ME!! but I realized I shouldn't judge someone just because they wear the same thing everyday, but that person and I used to be best friends in fourth grade! like best best friends! and we ended our friendship because I realized she bragged about how much "more money" her parents had than mine did, just because her dad works at amazon. (smh I wish I slapped that son of a b**** no ones gonna talk about my parents that way) and in my head I am thinking "if this girl said her parents had more money than mine did why th does she wear THE SAME EXACT CLOTHES E V E R Y D A Y? smh I don't know if its okay to judge that tbh

The Hospital

It wasn't too bad. Although I got sick. I made a lot of friends there. Everybody was really nice. I kinda want to go back. I missed a lot of people while I was in there. Now I miss the people that I was in there with. I had a lot of fun. Especially when we went to the gym. I didn't think I was good at volleyball, but I thought wrong. I did throw out my back a couple time though. A couple of the staff were really rude. Bobby and John. Johns old so its ok, but bobby is like 30 something. He's really mean and I don't like his groups.

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Shane is my trans friend there. Every time someone used his incorrect pronoun I'd shout at them. But...... I started developing feeling for him. Idk why, but I did. I have a girlfriend too. Idk how to feel about it so right now we're just friends. He likes me back and he has a boyfriend. I'm really confused because I LOVE Lucy, but I also really like him. Anyways, when we figured out we both liked each other, my other friend Paris started to make things weird(she's another story) Well....for now I guess I'll just have to get used to liking these two people because I don't want to hurt anyones feelings or make anyone cry.

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  • Oh....

For you guys who are sad!

If I ever hurt you. Just know that it was either because you were gating on my nerves or you continuously say bad things about yourself or that you never want to be happy. I know that you guys think no one cares but you are just saying that because either you want attention or you are just hurting so bad. DO you know what I go through? No, because other peoples happiness comes first. I try to keep you guys happy, I try to not show what im feeling because I don't want to make anyone sadder than they already are. So everyone, Keep your heads high and your self esteem higher! You guys are beautiful in your own way, we are all only human, but we are all beautiful. Don't let anyone take that away from you!

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  • my pfp will make everything better

  • oh

  • > shippingfuel people are saying bad things about themselves >:l

  • > felcity.franks I aaaaammmmm

For real

Almost literally no one is active enough talk to me. Brooooo im so bored. I can't message yet bcz I need burrito get a new phone so literally someone have a convo with me on here in the comments

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  • > Furfuel I see people that aren't really there. like figures and glowing eyes. im really fucking scared. I have a screw driver right by me

  • > Furfuel I see people that aren't really there. like figures and glowing eyes. im really fucking scared. I have a screw driver right by me

  • > felcity.franks why



I regret everything in my past. I was so stupid. why just why did I do those things?!?!?!?! Its giving me a panic attack! I literally want to set my wrists and give up. Just because I know that someone knows and thats their dirt on me. Now im scared someones gonna snitch. I fucking hate myself. Why was I born. I don't deserve to live. I'll probably end up killing myself. Whats wrong with me. I regret my choices but I know the world will not show mercy. Fuck my life. If I don't respond to anyone. either i'm crying and can't see. or just really wanting to end it all. No one cares so I don't think it would matter. I'm pretty sure my parents don't care either. I mean why would they. Dads always in prison. Moms always wherever lord knows where she could be right now. I'll try to stay strong for shipping fuel and Lucy.

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