Well, not posting on Saturday, thats for sure, got work that day.
I'll be posting on Sunday and maybe testing out my little bros "collage to painting" later on.

Song inspired, most may have a song in the description, so search them up!
- Anime
- Gestural
- Fast movements
- Work Place:
- Gender:Male
I was able to confirm my account! Now I can upload via mobile again!
Still going to post on Sats and Suns
Medibang seems to have trouble sending emails to my hotmail/outlook accounts. I cannot verify my account, cannot change my password, I can't do anything...can post via computer, but not tablet nor phone, which is the part I am currently having a huge gripe with T^T
Alright, I'm going to take a break for a bit peeps.
Until then peeps.
I FORGOT TO SAVE!!!!!!!!!!!
> [ Yep, and it was when I was redrawing too, so *whoosh* everything's gone...
Shoot...that sucks.
> Vaisnac Hrmn.. good point!
> DrawingCat.blah Indeed. But its fine, i guess, makes me less "upload frenzied" and more "wait for a good timing to upload" i guess
Damn, that sounds annoying!