Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


My mom is very upset at me for having one bad grade WHICH IM FIXING and she doesn’t even ask ‘us there anything wrong’ just HEY! BAD GRADES I SEE LETS COMPARE YOU TO YOUR SISTER WITH PERFECT GRADES! I hate my family, but it’s fine. In five more years I’ll be able to leave and have my own life. One day.
(To lighten the mood: memes)

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  • > Tyberiousfiresrone Wow

  • > ~ Amelier ~ Heh, ONLY 5 MORE YEARS TILL IM FREE OF YALL IDIOTS (in my head said to my family)

  • Oof. My friend irl is having the same problem lol


Luka Lost
Asami Draws
Unknown Warrior

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  • For all of these people, please name an oc and provide a reference! I’m drawing something for 50 followers!

  • > Pixel Planet For 50 followers I gave everyone a number and pulled out 15 names! (I know there’s 14 right now, I’m fixing it)

  • It’s for a thing...

  • ?


I’ll be doing as requested, 15 random followers will be put into a drawing, if I draw you, state which oc, or i’ll Ask! If not, I’ll choose one of your ocs. If you haven’t posted, I’ll draw a personified version of your icon!
And I need a few themes... for something else (it’s related to the 50 followers I swear)

Also, unrelated... A scenic picture from the backyard of my dad’s!

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  • > 😻OcelotLover114😻 It’s for A L L of them. And, that’s a good idea! Though nobody looks at my posts, it’ll be a good heads up! Thanks!

  • Are you going to post something on the app so people see it in case they don't check this site. And for anyone else that has this question. Is this only for people that were your follower between 1-50? Like can someone follow you just for this?

  • Ooooo Nice pic

  • > ~ Mia ~ There is an order, and I give each a number, use random number generator. :3