I’ll draw Ocs! I’ve always found them interesting, although I will say a lotta them are really edgy in a funny way
I’m running out of things to post

Gloria Borgar
🅱️onus meme is all i care for 😩💦🤪😎👌🦀😤✊😭😔
will draw whatever cuz I’m so quirky and relatable 🤪👌😂😭
- No sé
What you eat when hungry
S k i n
Future goals

I just realized I act very dramatic on this app oops
It prolly has to do with the fact that this is the only place where I can express my anger
Mm it’s great having a sister whO litTeRs MmmHM ungrateful little whiny betch needs to know her place or even the devil ain’t gonna want her disrespectful attitude
Lmao stOrY tiME
So yesterday I had to take the PREACT but i felt really sick the whole time, but I pushed that aside cuz i thought it was just me feeling nervous
Anyways after school I’m practicing with my group for our play and I feel even WORSE
My director checked me and said I have a fever
I practiced yesterday anyways (which was a bit of a mistake for my health) but today i didn’t go to school which is horrible cuz today was one of our fully-casted rehearsals and I missed it :((
MY SISTer won’t shut up!! It’s not even THAT late but she’s so fucking loud I wanna yell at her
She’s makes me always feel really uncomfortable and guilty for things that aren’t my fault, she’s very ungrateful, she’s overly dramatic and always uses the excuse that it’s bc she’s had a “different” and “harder life” and on top of that she HITS me! Constantly! It’s horrible! And i try to think of reasons to defend things she’s said/done, but more and more recently I’m realizing that she’s just a rude person. She needs to fix her own life, not blame it on our family and make us feel like “we failed her”
She says she’ll never come back, but once her whole angsty mood disappears, maybe she’ll mature and regret her actions
> TitaniumPegasus It rly be like that sometimes
> S-ingrate Lmaoooo
> Gloria Borgar Clorox Bleach is best Lesbian is also super cute and so is Sipping Lean
> S-ingrate Bruh i love chloride and bendi-hoes 😩💦😩
It's like Message Man but even weirder XD
Y’all (y’all=like 1 person lol) trench is basically out n i WANNA LISTEN TO IT RNNNN BUT I C A N T
> S-ingrate Oh hell yea a fan I love 42 bus drivers 😩🐆🦅🅱️
HHHNNNNNNNNNNNG--- one more dayyyy
Lol how does this website even work
> TitaniumPegasus U right u right
> Gloria Borgar Actually as long as you are active in talking to other people here you can get popular quite quickly since MediBang is quite small compared to sites like Deviantart.
> TitaniumPegasus Woah someone actually saw this? Wow is this what it feels like to be famous?
It doesn't.
Sure! I won’t be done till later cause I got work, but I’ll try to finish sooner or later
How about mine: https://medibang.com/picture/h31802250622413540003737541