插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang


☆ goodnight + good news! ☆

so many of you know I wont be able to see austin barely for a month, well I started to put a lot more thought into it. we go to each other's houses pretty much every sunday and saturday, and during school I only really get to see him for 2 hours because I have 2 classes with him. here's what i'll do at school:
☆in the mornings we have to go to the gym and chill until class time☆
I have my friends aubrey miguel cole aryanna and katona to hang out with.
☆1st period☆
I have cole and my other friend melissa
☆ break time ☆
I have cole miguel hunter cheyenne aryanna
☆ 6th period ☆
I have aubrey cheyenne and katona plus our history teacher is pretty strict about talking anyways
☆ after school ☆
i can just message my best friend ava, draw, and watch anime :3

im still gonna really miss him though..



☆ goodnight + good news! ☆

so many of you know I wont be able to see austin barely for a month, well I started to put a lot more thought into it. we go to each other's houses pretty much every sunday and saturday, and during school I only really get to see him for 2 hours because I have 2 classes with him. here's what i'll do at school:
☆in the mornings we have to go to the gym and chill until class time☆
I have my friends aubrey miguel cole aryanna and katona to hang out with.
☆1st period☆
I have cole and my other friend melissa
☆ break time ☆
I have cole miguel hunter cheyenne aryanna
☆ 6th period ☆
I have aubrey cheyenne and katona plus our history teacher is pretty strict about talking anyways
☆ after school ☆
i can just message my best friend ava, draw, and watch anime :3

im still gonna really miss him though..




☆ ;w; ☆

since most of you love it when I tell you peeps cute austlie moments, i'll tell you some stuff that happened yesterday plus I haven't done an austlie post in a while !!
☆ austlie moment #1 (when he did this I blushed really hard >////<) ☆
austin: you're so short~
me: what? no im not *stands on tip toes to look taller than him*
austin: *pushes me back down to get on my feet* no, don't do that!
me: why?
austin: *pulls my chin up putting my face closer to his about to kiss me* *whispers* I think its adorable that youre short~
☆ austlie moment #2 ☆
(i forgot how this convo started so i'll just say the cute part)
austin: i dont have a heart
me: huh?
austin: its true, i dont
me: uh, okay? xD
austin: wanna know how?
me: yeet
austin: you stole mine~
☆ austlie moment #3 ☆
austin: *keeps talking about random stuff*
me: oh my god child, will you please shut up xD
austin: make me xD
me: okay *leans in and kisses him*

there was a lot more but im lazy to type them xD
