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Beginning and End

Before the universe, there were two divine beings, Beginning and End. They lived together happily in the vast nothingness for what would have been billions of years if time had been created yet, until one day, they got into a heated argument after which they both decided they needed a break from each other and stormed off to their own sides of the nothingness. After a few million years, End felt something bump against their back and turned around to look, it was a small star. End looked up from the small star and noticed that the vast emptiness they were used to, was no longer so empty. Stars and solar systems were all over the place and End stood up to investigate where they had come from, bringing the small star with them. After walking for a while, End saw Beginning sitting and surrounded by young stars and humming happily while making what looked like a star but made of rock and lava instead of light.
“Beginning?” End called out, Beginning looked up happily,
“Oh, hello End, do you like my creations?” End looked around at all the stars and galaxies, it was clear that Beginning had been at this for quite some time, “Don't you think its getting a little crowded?” End had been at the very edge of the emptiness and still a star had made it out to them from where it was made.
“If you're suggesting I should stop, no.” Beginning replied coolly, going back to finishing their latest creation. End looked down at the small star they had brought with them, it must have been much older then the ones surrounding them. End stared at it for a moment, and crushed it. A flash of light came from the crushed star in End’s fist, Beginning looked up in horror and rushed over to try and save the star,
“What are you doing?!?” they yelled at End trying in vain to make them open their fist. Eventually the light faded and End opened their fist revealing the star had shrunk alot and was now glowing very dimly, Beginning grabbed the dying star and tried to save it but was too late. The star had lost all light and was now a small black orb. Beginning glared at End angrily, yelled, “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!??” and tried to hit them. End grabbed their arms and said, “Look around you! You're making way too many things! Soon there won't be enough room for anything!” Beginning struggled for a bit then slumped their shoulders
“But, I love making them…”
End loosened their grip on Beginning’s arms and brought a hand up to the side of their face and started stroking it softly.
“I know you do, but if you make too many, there won't be enough room for more of your beautiful creations.” Beginning looked up at End,
“But I don't want to get rid of any, I love them!”
“I love them too, but sometimes the old have to make way for the new.” End rested their forehead on Beginning’s, “I'll only take the very old ones.” Beginning wrapped their arms around End and sighed,

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