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v laggy hp laptop
Favorite music
anything that shows up in my YouTube recommendations
Favorite color
✨r a i n b o w ✨
Things you always carry
the weight of my sins
Thing you interested in
cryptids, crows, frogs, mushrooms and rodents
Future goals
not be a failure
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Half-Baked Art left a comment!
do you guys like my digital art more or do you like my traditional art more?
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
These are just body practice stuff also some poses. You can see some new OCS in there like Genocide and Joice uWu.
Genocide//Genesis is the one in the checkered skirt.
Joice is the one in bandages he was inspired by Egypt and mummies
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He's here!
┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┤
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
Morning peeps!!
So anyway~
How is everyone so far.. 7 hours and 32 minutes into Valentine’s Day...??
Because you are not alone!!
I’m here 🤪
hey people happy valentine's day!
to be honest i actually don't care too much about this holiday but it does bring back memories of this one time we got to put on a play in class and it was the story of cupid and psyche but we had to have a boy play psyche so it was like a gay romance thing and at the end when they got married they kissed and everyone applauded
also the word of the day is heartstring
don't know if that information will ever be useful but there ya go
hope you guys have a great valentine's day
this one's a honduran white batt
I have spammed the thumbs up
y Es
The tiny leaf bats? Cute!
this came out really bad
i got the idea basically from a bat
Adorableee!! :D
Aww, cute!
i think it's cute! :D
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Good Morning my people!!
How is everyone today???
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A contest
So I think I’ve need a new profile picture, since I’ve had the same one for a looong time now. So yeah
Profile picture contesttttt
1. Must have my persona thingy (I’ll add an image)
2. Tell me when it’s finished, and if you’re going to enter.
3. Due February 23rd
That’s pretty much it, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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IS IT BAD THAT I FORGOT HOW TO DRAW GIRLS? I'm struggling so hard with this body rn.
Im making a pirate princess XD just.. don't ask how I got that idea.. and no it wasn't pirates or the Caribbean.
i feel like this frog could be meme but i have no idea what to caption it with
When you go to unplug your phone to get ready for the day and you realize it never charged
God has left the Christian minecraft server.
When you're friend wants to talk in private
When so someone repeats the joke you made and everybody laughs
idk what to call this
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Greek mythology is one of my most favourite, besides norse mythology but that's for another day-, types of mythology to learn and talk about, like if you want a long conversation with me then bring up something about mythology (ahemorcryptidsahem-) and you'll have my attention for as long as you want me to pay attention and actually socialize.
Wut ish dis?
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
I won't be on for a couple of days because of something personal, but I'll try to be back as soon as possible
Have some memes
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Okay so today we got out of school early because some idiot got caught with his gun at school!!
Hahaha they shit down the school and made us go home bacause we were “in danger”
Oh well!
I get almost a whole day to do absolutely nothing!
We were at the Natural History Museum and I begged my mom to get me this
Now I’m gonna scare everybody at school
YASSS SCORPIOSSS!!! Also that is very freaky you'd definitely freak me out.
scorpios unite!!!!!!
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
have you ever sketched something and it's so rough and you accidentally touch it and you go and you move your hand and it sm u d g e s and you have stuff all over your hand and it gets everywhere, it's so fricken annoying-
I’m having some severe artists block
And I feel like my art is getting worse
;-; Your art is really good tho! If you keep working at it you'll get even better and don't give up. Maybe have a break day today and try looking for inspiration?(music, other art, outfits, etc) I love your art, and I hope you continue drawing! :3
I’m gonna ask the fireman why are firetrucks red
XD ok you go for it
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
okay so I'm learning a language -ahemjapaneseahemahem- and on like level five they start throwing kanji at me so I'm here panicking because, crap I don't know much kanji how am I this far into the less o n? I mean I failed at least five times and still past but still ho w-
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
There really is a meme for everything
What in the actual f-
Oh god... it looks like Thanos vomited on the fries O.o
> Loobydoo Poppycock Yes we need to bring back the shrek ketchup
Don t forget the green one!
There really is a meme for everything
What in the actual f-
Oh god... it looks like Thanos vomited on the fries O.o
> Loobydoo Poppycock Yes we need to bring back the shrek ketchup
Don t forget the green one!
If there’s tomato ketchup could there also be apple ketchup and orange ketchup and grape ketchup and carrot ketchup
They made purple ketchup!?!! Why would you do that!?!
Also: remember when Heinz made purple ketchup? Look it up!
don't do this to me-
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
This is what I’ve been trying to tell my math teacher why we shouldn’t have math but he don’t listen...
I’m bored help me
I'm in the car rn so maybe later?? I'll try to enter when I'm out. Which is like in 15 mins O-o
I’ve wasted a whole 2 hours looking at my hero academia memes
M e
Thing I drew for my friend
Happy valentines day to you too! And.. YASSSSS I APPROVE OF THAT PLAY!! :333