These are Lyddens, and they're an open species I want to work on!
Info on how they make babs and their common anatomy, more to come soon.
If you want to ask any questions, feel free!
Loobydoo Poppycock
If you like good drawings and/or funni jokes... Go follow these peeps, what are you doing here!?
★ IronicFish
- Work Place:Don'twork
Favorite color
Thing you interested in
Books, drawing, music
Future goals
To collect bones and become a librarian!
What you eat when hungry
Crisps, biscuits
Things you always carry
My sketchpad, a book, my pencilcase
Time spent online
Too much
After the medi update, my notifications are just... Gone for some reason?
Does anyone else have this bug?
I don't think I want to do the requests anymore.
Sorry if I've disappointed anyone.
I just haven't had a lot of motivation to draw recently.
I hope i get back into the swing of things soon! 👌
They may take a while to be done but don't worry.
I will try my best to complete them soon!
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for uderstanding!
> MoodyMaeko Now you've said that I have to draw the bannana XD
AboUt thE buRnt bAnanA thing I said uhh I asked my friend if she had any requests and all she said was "Burnt banana" so you don't have to draw it XD..
Fricc i miSSeD iT
i have done my part
Thank you for all the support!
\ (♦^U^)人(≧V≦♦)/
I'm 4 days late but congrats on 200 followers mate!
fucking congrats man!!
CongrAts! ewe
:—) 👍
Just wanna check before I make one so I don't get left by myself 👌👌
> Djoga 👌
i'm here
Ack me too I’m late
> •♡✨𝓛𝓸𝓵𝓲✨♡• Same Xd
fuck im too late :(
There's this gross horny anon that goes on public whiteboards, erases everything and draws awful stickman porn (not well drawn) and gets upset when you erase it. Just beware fellas, maybe stick to private ones for now
Eeeewww bad anon
That will be all.
aww das so cuteeeeee!
> Loobydoo Poppycock Aww he’s adorable
D o g g o
♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆♪
Y'all miss me lmao
♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆♪
Yay^^ it's me charnel but I changed to bendy cause why not XD
oh and also, ;^) did you see what i did ;DDD
HOIIII :^DDD hope your trip was awesome :D
welcome back mate!
I'm going on a trip from today to 27th (it may be shorter than that i dont know) but I just wanted to put this down before I go, so me being offline for a couple days has an explanation.
That's all mates, have a lovely day/night!👌👌👌
> WinnWynn happy birthday :^)
April 26 is my birthday! I'm finally 13 years old!
Be safe!! Have fun!!
Splendid I'm joking hope you have a good time
Happi borthday 2 meh 👌
> .✧"fluer✧・゚. or 364 day early :^)
happy 1 day late birthday.
Happy B-day
ooo happy birthday!!
The Easter holiday starts for me tomorrow!
My birthday is on Sunday and I'm going on a trip on the 24!
Lots of stuff!
Happy birthday to ya hope you have a awesome day ^^
happy early birthday!!
My brother is moving out Sunday, hope you have fun though!
Happy early birthday man!! Hope you have fun!!
Does anyone else just shiver for no reason? Like, not from being cold but like just a one second long body-racking shake? Idk, I've just noticed that I do it multiple times a day. Is this normal?
I do it too when I feel disgusted or without any reason
i think it’s just chills, i get those a l o t
> just.alex Ikr? I don't really hear other people talk about it so I kinda assumed it was normal.
I’m not the only one?? Bro I get long shivers multiple times a day. Sometimes I can control when it happens but.. I thought that was just a weird thing that happened. Kinda glad to hear that it happens to someone else too. It’s weird tho right?
Doing an ask my characters thingy friends!
Join me!
Might do a Q and A to celebrate 150 followers, would you rather it be on me or my characters?
Ps thanks for 150! \(゚ヮ゚)/
> 🌱 H a i B a i 🌱 Okie dokie, me it is!
I third that!
> 🌱 H a i B a i 🌱 i second that!
Let's try this again mates
Join me!
So am i
i’m on!
My bro and I were playing with the dog and broke a lamp.
They always tell at each other when stuff like this happens, getting louder and louder.
They've stopped but I'm still sobbing
Sorry, I just need to vent about this. You guys can just ignore this.
It'll probably be fine.
Poor you and lamp
hope you’re ok mate;-;
It’ll be okay, my dear ;w;
Hope you’re ok ;-;
Ok was I supposed to draw smthn
Your drawing is so cool
Feeling uncreative
You could draw a feral white cat with ginger patches, one green eye, one yellow eye, and a grey flea collar That’s my cat..... hope you don’t mind but she’s cuuuuuute
> Loobydoo Poppycock 2D from Gorillaz
> Ursa_Minor Done!
He's here!
┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┤
> Royal_Fantasy I just copied it off this:
Lol how long did it take you to do that!?!
oh no it's a stalker
Huh Happy Valentine’s Day my friend
100 followers! This is great!💕
Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉
The requests will be a while, sorry!
Feeling a little drained from school, sorry
that’s totally ok! i very much understand and relate. take your time man! hope you feel better soon. relax
Totally relatable!! I literally have 3 huge exams next week :(
> Pixel Planet Thanks for being understanding
That's understandable, take your time and feel better soon
Not gonna lie, I'm really happy with the anatomy on the post with the Cyclops.
Bleh this sucks
Lamo same trash
Same for me
Me too smh