Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

A question

Does anyone else just shiver for no reason? Like, not from being cold but like just a one second long body-racking shake? Idk, I've just noticed that I do it multiple times a day. Is this normal?

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  • I do it too when I feel disgusted or without any reason

  • i think it’s just chills, i get those a l o t

  • > just.alex Ikr? I don't really hear other people talk about it so I kinda assumed it was normal.

  • I’m not the only one?? Bro I get long shivers multiple times a day. Sometimes I can control when it happens but.. I thought that was just a weird thing that happened. Kinda glad to hear that it happens to someone else too. It’s weird tho right?