일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

╰☆☆FLOOFYDRAGON☆☆╮ 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


》》Hello everyone!《《
I know I have been really inactive lately, but I am trying to fix that. I actually have a lot I'm planning on doing, so I made a list! 》》》《《《《
•I am taking traditional sketch requests! Feel free to request anything you like!
•I will be hosting a profile picture contest. More about the contest will be posted on a different post.
• Before the contest starts, I will be changing my username. If you have any ideas, feel free to comment below!
I also decided to hop on the trend train! You may not know me that well, and that's perfectly fine. I just posted this for fun!

Once again, I apologize for my inactivity. I am trying to set up my account and such. I promise I will get better! <3

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╰☆☆FLOOFYDRAGON☆☆╮ 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Some WoF character info

I have some Wings of Fire character hybrids I made a couple of years ago, and they're up for trade (art or another character). Here are the listings: https://toyhou.se/FLOOFIESTBOI/characters/folder:838222
If you wait for a little I'll make actual refs and what not I just haven't gotten around to it yet but I wanted to post before i forgot

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  • > ╰☆☆FLOOFIESTBOI☆☆╮ Thanks!

  • > ColorsAndCats™️ Yeah! I'll reserve him

  • Can I wait for a ref of hurricane :0

Some WoF character info

I have some Wings of Fire character hybrids I made a couple of years ago, and they're up for trade (art or another character). Here are the listings: https://toyhou.se/FLOOFIESTBOI/characters/folder:838222
If you wait for a little I'll make actual refs and what not I just haven't gotten around to it yet but I wanted to post before i forgot

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  • > ╰☆☆FLOOFIESTBOI☆☆╮ Thanks!

  • > ColorsAndCats™️ Yeah! I'll reserve him

  • Can I wait for a ref of hurricane :0

╰☆☆FLOOFYDRAGON☆☆╮ 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


You guys dont mind if i..vent or rant right?..i mean..i dont really like to express my feelings to public but..the reason i dont do that is because i dont want people to think im a bad and scary person..im not all positive and happy as you guys think i am...i try really hard to be happy and enjoy life really! But alot of the times i run my mouth to often and its really annoying tbh. Now um..during my vents and rants i might tend to be a hothead but thats because theres just some people who just..cause trouble and anarchy that it makes me so mad!..and to tell you guys the truth it kinda gets to me if i just keep it all in..so really i only have my gf to spill my emotions out but..i wanna show who i really am and stop being so sad and aggressive all the time..i promise you guys i wont be so depressed and upset everyday, I'll be as happy as ever!! And its a promise!💛

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╰☆☆FLOOFYDRAGON☆☆╮ 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Bit of a rant?

So i heard about "to much screen time can cause horns to grow at the back of your skull" and honestly all of it was a huge joke, the xray picture in the article wasn't horns, infact it was a bone spur that often happen to men if they stress too much! Stress develops bone growth causing that. Plus i honestly think its impossible for us to even grow horns since we were not made that way, But other then that the whole stupid article was debunked and it was probably put out there just to scare young adults to not use their 100$ phones or whatever. Anyways the rants done! Later m8

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╰☆☆FLOOFYDRAGON☆☆╮ 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Bit of a rant?

So i heard about "to much screen time can cause horns to grow at the back of your skull" and honestly all of it was a huge joke, the xray picture in the article wasn't horns, infact it was a bone spur that often happen to men if they stress too much! Stress develops bone growth causing that. Plus i honestly think its impossible for us to even grow horns since we were not made that way, But other then that the whole stupid article was debunked and it was probably put out there just to scare young adults to not use their 100$ phones or whatever. Anyways the rants done! Later m8

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╰☆☆FLOOFYDRAGON☆☆╮ 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Bit of a rant?

So i heard about "to much screen time can cause horns to grow at the back of your skull" and honestly all of it was a huge joke, the xray picture in the article wasn't horns, infact it was a bone spur that often happen to men if they stress too much! Stress develops bone growth causing that. Plus i honestly think its impossible for us to even grow horns since we were not made that way, But other then that the whole stupid article was debunked and it was probably put out there just to scare young adults to not use their 100$ phones or whatever. Anyways the rants done! Later m8

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