for a long time on medibang, i have been inactive. I haven't done that much and it's caused me to become unnoticed on this website.
i've decided to delete all of my artworks and i will now become more active on here, im currently working on a couple of projects on discord and i will be updating and talking about them on here.
ive been distracted due to school and just discord things, so ill start to try and be more active on here. i might start a comic- might not.

You guys know who Chai is? Yeah, MediBang got rid of her account because of “copyright” despite the fact she doesn’t make money. Chai used a image for a background that was a free image and MediBang took the image down twice. Then Chai’s account was deleted this morning.
Chai has a new account that is now labeled “Chai #2” please go and follow her if you’re wondering what happened to her and just follow her if you don’t know her. She used to have around 200 followers and now she has 8.
Thank you for reading.
correction: i had about 500. i know im seeing this just now but still, murderbang is an uh oh stinky >:0
So EVERY SINGLE TIME I post this artwork it keeps getting taken down.
... Why? I have no clue. It’s not offensive and it’s me trying to show the world that I’ve been doing stuff.
Anyhow, I’ve learned that I’m really good at digitally painting backgrounds. So expect more of this stuff.
There’s nothing wrong with this art, Medibang. >:T
oh yes 69 likes
fuccing murderbang
Wow, this is amazing I really dont see why murderbang doesn't like it
Honestly I feel like nobody is going to acknowledge my artwork anymore.
Everybody who does are the same exact people that have in the past
I’m done. I don’t want to be an artist anymore if nobody new is gonna say anything about it
im not famous so what’s so important about being an artist in the first place? so what, i could get into pixar n shit. I don’t care
im just so fucking pissed nobody gives me fucking criticism so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or right
so for now. I’m not gonna change my mind, try and convince me. Fucking try.
and don’t think for a minute that it’s selfish, because art should be something that’s enjoyed by you.
hey bud, ive been feeling the same recently. i know art can seem like a popularity contest at times, and you may be doing it for popularity, but you gotta take a step back and ask yourself, “am i doing this because i enjoy it, or am i doing it for other people?” because honestly, if you’re anything like me, you’re never gonna be satisfied with the following you have. hell, just 1 year ago i didn’t even think id see the day that id reach 50 followers, and definitely not 100. but even now, with those numbers, i still don’t think it’s enough. what matters in art is that you’re doing it because you want to. not for likes. not for views. not for favorites. not for anyone else but yourself.
*new ones
The way to get popular is to do fanart and gifts and squeeze in your own art when you can. Interact with some popular people on the site and get to know people better. Having a personality helps when people look at your page. Chat or rp. Take requests. Make adopts. Idk. In the meantime, take a break and keep practicing your style and experiment with no ones.
It’s great man
For quality memes and randomness.
i’ll join as soon as i can
Oh cooool. I have the same bday as... *google searches* Taylor Swift.
> Ambz' Art WhY nOt—
WELL— I guess I’ll be making two gifts in the same day lol
a lot of things had happened that I mainly keep secret of, I’ll be telling you just about that
so I have discord, my discord is in my description, and I’ve been manipulated several times on there
before I had a friend named J, J was funny for a while but slowly I drifted away from him, I didn’t want to be friends with him due to how many fights we had in just one year, I can name many, and I promise you, I bet we had about 50 fights. It’s bad, Yknow? And I just wanted to tell him one day I didn’t want to be his friend, but I hadn’t.
That was until recently I told him I didn’t want to be his friend anymore because he got into a argument with me when I invited him to a roleplay server I was in, complaining that I don’t roleplay on his (which is very very inactive), and I started to explain to him why, which he replied with a negative comment, and then we jnfriended each other..
For the 7th time.
Then he made a new account, and guess what. He friended me, not knowing who it was, I accepted his fr and when we talked I asked him if he was J, and so he said yes. Then I told him didn’t want to be friends with him anymore and stuff, and he got mad, blah blah blah.
The cycle of unfriending continued.
then I just stopped accepting his Frs. While this isn’t what I wanted to vent about, I just wanted to tell you all about this. This calmed me down. Thank you for reading.
Thank you for telling us.