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SAO Silica
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Has more than 400 views!
SAO Silica
Has more than 100 views!
Red Scarlet
Has more than 300 views!
SAO Silica
Has more than 50 views!
True Colours~
Has more than 100 views!
Coming Home
Has more than 100 views!
Cherry Blossoms 2
Has more than 200 views!
SAO Silica
Has more than 100 views!
Rainbow Shade
Has more than 50 views!
Red Scarlet
Has more than 50 views!
Coming Home
jung kojima. liked!
Fushiguro Megumi(Fanart)-Jujustu Kaisen.
True Colours~
Coming Home
Happy 2019 everybody and I wish you all for an amazing and awesome year!!
Red Scarlet
jung kojima. left a comment!
Aaaaa if you have a question you can ask me! ^^
I know some people asked what brushes I use. Well I usually use Pencil, Pen, Round Brush, Airbrush, Blur(sometimes, depends), Smudge(sometimes as well) and I think that's about it really. U v U
jung kojima. left a comment!
jung kojima. left a comment!
Aaaaa if you have a question you can ask me! ^^
I know some people asked what brushes I use. Well I usually use Pencil, Pen, Round Brush, Airbrush, Blur(sometimes, depends), Smudge(sometimes as well) and I think that's about it really. U v U
jung kojima. left a comment!
SAO Silica
SAO Silica
jung kojima. left a comment!
Cherry Blossoms
Rainbow Shade
Cherry Blossoms 2
jung kojima. left a comment!
My friend ❤❤❤
Cherry Blossoms
Welp Gonna need to do a Christmas themed art work soon. Tired but not sleepy. Can you relate?