Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Not the time for Dragons

"Not the time for Dragons" we have the songer Pyrokinesis and he has a song of the same name. Just listening to it made me want to portray something like that.
I love the part of the song in question, which you could say was the basis for this drawing:

But there's no princess or treasure in sight.
And he doesn't look like a monster at all.
Followed me like a fool
The dragon sat down quietly and shook his head sadly.
And he looked like he was hinting
That I should scrap my armor too.

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Try to paint what you're afraid to paint

I'm not very good at drawing people to be honest, my build and anatomy suffer, I still can't get to the art school teacher's lessons on youtube to get a base (yes, it's very useful and shouldn't be ignored, even if it seems that drawing standard and realistic figures is quite boring and not interesting. You need it. Full stop).
So, before I draw, I have to dig through tons of tutorials in pinterest, photos of people, noting shapes, lines, twists, curves. Now I can draw my face better, but my hands (hands, forearms) still suffer .... Not talking about legs at all 😅

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I really enjoyed drawing this work, to be honest. Although she had some problems. But she turned out to be interesting and cool to draw, I rested my soul, but my eyes hurt. So I spent so much time drawing this work that my desktop computer broke down, and I ended up finishing it on a laptop, which has a much smaller screen. But I am very proud that pure 'white color' is not used in this work. Although working on this drawing showed that I have a big gap in understanding the 'figure in perspective'. I spent a lot of time drawing the front wall and ended up getting very confused in it, ahaha.
Maybe I'll try to refine it with details later, because I'm missing something in it, but I don't know what I want yet.
I am attaching a color palette.

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