Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Mangaka University is Easy and Hard!!

So doing a prep college already gives me an idea of what an actual college is like. Essays, Math, and Deadlines.
I already suck at deadlines, I didn't take the first semester the way I thought I could and Math can be overwhelming alongside with English. Plus, all because the first lesson was an easy 15 to handle, doesn't mean the second will be the same. The next lesson can suddenly shoot to a 250 level and become stressful through your mind and your mind alone.
Always remember that it's okay to ask for help from people who know more than you no matter the age. You want to pass, so get all of the help you can! Pace your self and your mind as you reach for success!

Manga University is the same. I thought it was going to be difficult but it's somewhat easy and I have been given great advice and encouragement in the sample trial. I do plan to continue my path to complete the course when I saved up enough. It's not as expensive as I thought it would be and I can't wait to start! I will apply all the various knowledge from now and then in my studies as I become great! I can't wait to share the experience with you all one day!

On the other hand, since I'm on a small leave due to my sickle cell pain, I will be uploading some pictures. If there is something that strikes your interest and you want to learn feel free to ask!

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Goal to be a Mangaka Pro and Sensei.

This post is not war intended but more of a "Show me what you got, son!!!" type. Even if my words seem confusing, I hope that it motivates people to try their best to show their best. I want others to improve and reach their dream goals too. Friendly yet fiery competition is okay too.

I have decided to dedicate my part of my life to becoming a manga pro and teacher. I will be using old techniques and new AND useful resources. I will share them on medibang and maybe YouTube. I will teach some anatomy, animals, inspirations, mecha, etc. I hope all can find the advise and reassurance they are looking for.

I have a young soon to be teen who wants to become a graphic novelist but the young follower is still unaware of how to go about it and stuck between manga or western comic formatting. Also, this kid sees inspiration in me and I declared a friendly war. I also gave friendly and world crushing advise to prep the mind. I do feel bad for the amount of resources I have and the ten years of drawing, reading, and social media wars. So I decided I would share them with others and give friendly talks.

I will focus on both creating and teaching manga and if there are some who want to know how to draw something as I progress, I will be happy to study and share. I hope to at least open fresh new minds and help people find their fire of whatever color(s) to out shine their personal rivals.

I already have a personal goal(s) and I hope that the journey will bring creative challengers forth to face me in the near future! I may not be the best but I hope to be amazing!

I wish you all well and a great and wonderful journey on finding your true potential!

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