Look at my new baby!!! It's beautiful 🥺

🇵🇱 || 🇬🇧
QnA post:
- fantasy
- warrior cats
- original stories
- anthropomorfic
- feline & canine
- Work Place:Poland
- Gender:Female (She/Her)
Life Event
- 05/2021 High_School Graduated
Pen tablet
Huion Kamvas pro 12
Huawei P Smart 2019; Finger
MediBang Paint, GIMP 2.8, Lightroom, PhotoScape
Favorite music
Industrial & Metal
Time spent online
I'm basement dweller, so…
It's probably glitched, so…
Here's link!
Anyway collab w/Midnight. A bit old, but… whatever.
ugly animation test 😳
So… I have one ToyHouse code left that I got and I want to give it to someone. Anyone want to create an account?
I will not give the code to the first person who will write under this post, if you already have an account on TH please do not write here…
> AurumLupus Ohh okay, thank you for explaining!
> Clover1 This is a site where you create profiles for your OC's, you can connect them to the created world, create forums for roleplay, etc.
What exactly is toyhouse? I’ve heard of it, just never really looked into it much.
I'm just curious how medi will break this gif… 🤔
Yes… something wonderful 👌
Well, I'm not very active on this site anymore… so I didn't manage to post this earlier.
Anyway, Merry Christmas! :D
Stolen from Zyvra Dragonfyre :D
Fullbody OC drawing win The Jewelstone Queen and OC illustration win Zyvra Dragonfyre!
Congratulations! And thank you everyone for joining! If you have a dA account, you can also join my second raffle, which is still open!
I will try to make drawings as soon as possible, but lately I'm a bit busy creating custom designs, so I hope waiting time won't be too annoying! Once again, congratulations!
Congrats! :D Czej co :0 Druga loteria!? No ślepa jestem xD Idę poszukać :3
Thank you so much! :D
Look at my new beautiful baby 🥺
I remind about raffle!
Deadline to join raffle is Friday!
I'm out of ideas </3
you coud make the kit a small spotted cat, and the aprentice like a exited looking brown tabby???
I know I'm not very active here lately, well...
But maybe someone will see this topic, idk.
I wonder if I should make a drawing-lottery on the occasion of 100 followers instead of contest (Something like, when your number is drawn, you win e.g. full body OC drawing). What do you think?
Taaak!! :D
Ooh, that sounds cool! I’ve never seen anyone do that before, it seems like an awesome idea to me!
Sorry, I'm not very active on this site lately... I'm a bit lazy, LOL
Thank you all for 100 followers! <3
For this reason, I'm thinking of making a contest/raffle. What do you think? What would you prefer?
Gratki!! :D Oba dwa pomysły zapowiadają się świetnie! :3 Tak, pomocna jestem, że aż xD
I really should start finishing my projects instead of creating another rough WIPs… xD
> ✧ Midnight ✧ Dziękuję! :3
Tylko szkic, ale i tak fazowskie :0 Czekam na efekt końcowy :D
I decided to redraw one of my old drawings :'D
https://medibang.com/picture/7q2106240408419600000846992 <- Old ver.
> AsherGrimmm ♠ Thanks! :D
> Clover1 Thank you! :D
It looks cool so far!
It looks good so far!
WIP illustration for ~ℜ𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔢~! :D
> ~ℜ𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔢~ Ty! :D
awwwww this is so cute!!!!
Rough WIP for Clover1's contest! :D
> ❦ 𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕚𝕕𝕚𝕠𝕥 ❦ Tysm! :D
> Clover1 Thank you! :D
:OO the anatomy and poses are so good!!
Don't let your kid chase the rooster.
Never. XD
LOL is true tho. also the liike running anatomy is so perfect!
> ✧ Midnight ✧ Się doigrał dzieciak xD
Nie mogę. Ta drapierzna kura XD To będzie coś pięknego! xD
...for my next planned simple illustration.
Little bad girls :D
> ✧ Midnight ✧ Hehe, może :3 Dziękuję! :D
O ja cie :0 Szykuje się coś świetnego!
> AurumLupus np! <3
> Clover1 Thank you! <3
Guess who 👀
Hey guys!
This is quite an important announcement (for people who made drawing requests).
I updated status list, I'm currently trying to finish all requests, but so far it's not too easy for me because my motivation has dropped completely since I posted this post. However, I still remember overdue drawings, no worries!
The updated list is in the description:
you are Doing Requests and I Didn't a Request before
Next OCs WIP from planned illustration! :D
> Clover1 Thank you so much! :D In general, drawing paws is very difficult for me, I studied them practically for a year of drawing cats every day. I'm still experimenting with style of paws, so far I like this one the most :)
The poses and the way you made their paws looks so good!!
WIP characters from my newly planned illustration! :D
Their designs are a bit difficult, uch...
> ✧ Midnight ✧ Dziękuję bardzo! :D
> 🌈✨ Azalia✨ 🌈 Thank you! <3
Ahh!! Już wygląda świetnie! :D Nie mogę się doczekać całości!
So cute!! <3
I did a bit redesign of Jasper's piercing because I wanted it to look more realistic but I'm too lazy to redraw his reference, LOL… 😅
So, I drew this ugly avatar for his ToyHouse's profile.👌
I lost my all motivation. I don't cancel requests, I just need a break. Please be understanding.
I'm thinking of doing neon-fluorescent style portrait/bust requests, something like my recent publications (furry and animals only!).
Would anyone be interested?
Yes please
Czy ktoś będzie zainteresowany?? JESZCZE PYTASZ!!? Ja na pewno :D Trochę głupio będzie mi prosić o jeszcze jeden rysunek, ale ja na pewno!! Te rysunki, które opublikowałaś do tej pory są cudowne :0
Ỳ̵̛̝̼̦͇͇̽̓́͝ ̵̧̤̰̫̳̤͇͍̹̂̊̈́͌̎̏̊̄̕Ẽ̸̛̫̝̯̳̙͉̘͈̀̒ͅ ̷͔̿̒̍̇̽̾S̶̢̧̮̮͓͕͎͙̼̑͒
-violets are blue,
Jasper will probably kill this whole wild crew 😳
(*o)^(*o) *Gently holds*
Why is this dude so hard to draw? 😩
cause wings
He's always annoyed. :0
> ✧ Szczerze mówiąc to używam do tego randomowych kolorów XD
Pierwszy raz widzę żółty szkic :0 Tak... informacja szalenie niezbędna do życia xD
piss off vibes
OMG, it works-