I’ve decided not to bother most people with this.
My friends are making me feel super left out right now.
I don’t know if they even are my friends.
I’m way too sensitive, it’s stupid.
Sushi™️ Is Vibin' again
Y’all ever just think your friends find you annoying and aren’t your friends.
And do you ever wanna be popular?
Like for some reason I want to be really popular, probably so people will care about me.
Okay wow I'm such a cringe fest wtf
Okay this post is really old but I was just clearing out all of my notifications and I came across this- I have a mental note of every popular kid on this website and you're one of them. Like, actually I think you are the most popular kid tbh. ( I want to be your friend please don't let anyone make you feel like you're less than you actually are
YeAh, but if I was popular my friends would actually notice me.
Yeah,, I get what you mean
I was going to take a shower but I’m too scared of myself.