Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Y’all ever just

Y’all ever just think your friends find you annoying and aren’t your friends.
And do you ever wanna be popular?
Like for some reason I want to be really popular, probably so people will care about me.

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  • Okay wow I'm such a cringe fest wtf

  • Okay this post is really old but I was just clearing out all of my notifications and I came across this- I have a mental note of every popular kid on this website and you're one of them. Like, actually I think you are the most popular kid tbh. ( I want to be your friend please don't let anyone make you feel like you're less than you actually are

  • YeAh, but if I was popular my friends would actually notice me.

  • Yeah,, I get what you mean