It's been a hot minute since I've been on here.
I didn't forget about this place, though. But I'm not going to lie, I honestly don't have an excuse for my absence.
I've been thinking, actually.
About starting a new profile, I mean.
Kind of a new start. I'll try to post new drawings weekly, as that is a schedule I believe I could follow through with.
I might not be extremely active on my new account though, because I do have other important things to do on a daily basis. But I'll still be here.
That being said,
after I finish creating my new account I'll log back into this account one more time and link my new profile in the comments.
That's about it for now.
Later gamers.

- Work Place๏ผ
What you eat when hungry
I use this to draw on. It's a red HP laptop ig
Favorite color
orange, red, green, and yellow
Things you always carry
kaZoO and my moodswings.
Favorite TV show
My Hero Acedemia
Future goals
To be an animator

Oof it's been a hot minute since I've been on here.
But, I apologize for the unannounced semi-hiatus shit (lmao that's if anyone missed me, which I highly doubt)
But, I don't think I'll be making any digital art anytime soon, as my tablet cord that I hook up to my laptop decided that it hates me, and it broke.
And I have to wait until I buy a new one. Fun.
But, I might post a few MySpaces with some traditional tomfuckery for now until I actually buy a new tablet.
(Im not taking the time to buy an individual cord, I need to buy a whole new tablet anyway)
Since I am currently taking two college courses, (yay 4 me ig) I'm more than likely not gonna be thAT active, as those classes need most of my attention if I want to pass, and believe me I do, it gives me credits that count towards college, meaning I won't have to take them in the future. (growing up sucks omfg)
I'm not sure on how to explain this, but I've kind of changed?
ngl i don't know how to explain it further, but yeah.
Since I have a shit ton of notifications that I am not going to check, I was thinking on making a ne w accou nt?
Idk yet, I'm still thinking on it.
If I do, I'll log back into this acc and link in my new acc in a mySpace so you guys can follow if you want to.
Im probably gonna go to sleep after I type this, and I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn, so I won't be online until 5pm or whatever.
That's pretty much all.
All of this probably makes no fucking sense, but it's 10 and I normally sleep at 8 bc I am the equivalent that of an old man. And I like my sleep.
Uh, ye a h.
Talk to you cucks later. <3
Welcome back!
np brochacho uwu
aw hecc yeah ur bacc also here's an f for ur tablet
aw thatโs ok my dude Iโm glad youโre ok I hope your tablet gets fixed uwu welcm bac <3
ok, that was clickbait
i got u didn't i
My mOm is taking me to get my septum pierced on my birthday (and im hella pumped abt it)
(my birthday isn't any time soon tho.
its in like.
February and thats like 7 months SOB
:') )
btw I have literally nOTHing to post so bare w me bls :'''''''''''')
tbh this isn't that important but my username changed
I changed it to my DA user bc
well im too lazy to write my Medi and DA usernames on a drawing if I want to post it on both sites.
(except my DA doesn't have the cursive font)
> ๐๐ต๐๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ป๐ฒ๐ฒ๐ท๐ฎ myes
> macaroni> macaroni hes my spirit animal
mm yes also JUNGKOOK
seems legit
This is probably late as fuck, but thanks for the 200+ followers.
hee hee congrates my dude
> sadistic fin. thank
congrats mydude
Congrats! You deserve it!!
Holy shit-
Okay so My neighbors are shooting off fireworks and they are so close I thought someone was getting shot in my backyard-
> cosmicโขblue oof im sorry to hear that.
it was so loud & close i could hear the sparks fall
dude i stg someone was firing off fireworks in my front yard
> sadistic w h e ez e
I laughed at this for 34 minutes and I thought I would share it with you
> IronicFish rip
at first i thought he was stepping on his pet Xd
i don't know how to draw feet so I drew a cat but I realized idk how to draw cats either so I just looked at my cat and drew her (shes kinda chubbb)
I covered up the navigator with the layers window bc its a surprise ;) (that's going to take me a very long time to do bc I never worked on a piece this big)
(I gave up on this cause it was kind of starting to look like shit.)
> สษชสแด ษชแดโข Np ;>
> โ~ิษพฮฑษ ฯษณโส ฯฯ ษพษพ~โ THA NK YO U ๐
so here is this instead
> Sphynia-Cat Actually The Crow is my favorite
> Brekkiesใใฐใญ 1.) Bnha gets most of my uwu's 2.) I like the woods (I own like 10 acres in the country) 3.) my pupper 4.) Rock music from the 80's and 90's (specifically Pearl Jam, Bush, Soundgarden etc.) 5.) d&d ig
> Sphynia-Cat u H Probably Venom.
so I kind of just realized I'm not far from 200 followers & I didn't know people liked me that much ngl
But uh here's a shitty meme to celebrate:
well his name is big bird we shouldve known it from the beginning
thAt's NoT ThE DaTE tHat's HiS kIlL StReAK-
If anatomy was a person I'd punch them in the gut right now.
I didn't really like how it turned out, but I wanted to post it anyway.
Cause I liked it, but at the same time I didn't?
I don't fucking know, but here we are, so:
frikin' cool as hell.
โคโโคโโญ~ amazing :D~โโคโโญ
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *quietly goes on the internet*
I'm just going to get to the point-
I've decided to draw more Bnha (woah what a shocker)
but I don't know which character to draw.
That being said, any suggestions?
(Except for Mineta I really fucking hate him)
Btw, I'm probably not going to be able to do all of these :') And if I eventually get around to all of them, they more than likely won't be in the order requested. Just fyi
> ๐ธaverage maverage๐ธ The... invisible girl?
> thunderhead o K
> ๐ฑ Ah, wait you mean Tsuyu. Sorry, I'm stupid.
Okay, so I'm kind of discontinuing the Q&A.
I know I won't have the time to finish it, becuase I have a shit ton of other stuff to do.
I barely have enough time to draw, or even be in the mood to do it.
asjkd;alkjds.lajsk and i actually had som good ideasan;lsdna.lsd
So I just made the executive decision to discontinue the Q&A since it probably would have took me a month to finish.
> สษชสแด ษชแดโข Anytime man. ๐
> ufocandy Thanks for understanding. :')
If they do, that is their problem not yours.
Its good man, no one blames you for lack of motivation.
So, I yelled at some ants today.
That was a productive use of my time.
Good point
> macaroni bUt ThEy bIt Me ANd mAdE mE mAd- tHerEForE, i yElLeD AT ThEm-
> Sphynia-Cat Y'know, burn the body afterwards too.
I've been kind of self-conscious about my art lately.
That said, I'm probably not going to post much this week.
And I know what you're going to say, "No, Birdie your art is uber good."
That won't help the situation, so please refrain from making those comments.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not depressed or anything.
It happens all the time to me.
I'll try to get in the rest of the Q&A, but I doubt I will.
I've just got to let this pass. I'll still be active, though.
I'm posting this just to let you know, if you were wondering why I haven't really been posting much, and why the Q&A is slightly delayed.
(Most of you probably don't give a fuck, but I did this anyway)
thanks 4 reading i <3 all of u
And don't forgEt wHat AlL mIgHt SaID, "gO BeYond, PlUs uLtRa!"
(sorry, I'm a bnha noob
if u dont know already)
broski thats totally fine being self-conscious of your artwork is just a part of being an artist
I can honestly relate to that myself QwQ then I get into a rut where I only doodle and never finish anything.
> สษชสแด ษชแดโข ok nvm he a litl shit
> ๐๐๐๐Quini-bi uwu๐๐๐๐ I was like, "why u do this" and they were like "cause its fun" bO Y That's Not A vALid rEaasoN then they were like, "well it is 2 me" B OOOOOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIII AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I'm feeling a little sick, so I might not be that active today. I'll try to get in some of the Oc Request thing, and hopefully a drawing.
So uh
> macaroni> macaroni> macaroni> macaroni> macaroni> macaroni> macaroni a nd th is is re all y la te but I wa s fe elin g bett er than k u
bbruuh this is rlly late but i hope ur feelin better uwu uwu
I will pewpew ur sickness hoPe u get better though uwu
> สษชสแด ษชแดโข I have exact l y 56 mha memes
I'm gonna dO it too, cause that's how lame I am.
sO, what do YoU THInK oF M e?
But, I'm using numbers bc I passed math this year:
1. ilysm (platonically)
2. We are friend s??
3. I think ur rlly cool and wanna b ur friend
4. Ur pretty neato burrito
5. I can stand you to an extent.
6. You're annoying as heck.
7. I hate u sm get out of here
8. other- (comment ig)
(and have a meme-)
> สษชสแด ษชแดโข rฤvรซrลรจ รงรฃrd
> macaroni reverse card
1 and 4
@ anon And I love you too, random citizen.
I honestly don't know what to fucking caption this, it's extremely disquieting-
my new backround
> ๐๐๐๐Quini-bi ikr
> ๐ธ๐๐๐๐ฃ๐๐-๐น๐ ๐ฉ y e ah
Idk what else to post so I drew up a sketch of me again whoa so original
> ๐๐๐๐Quini-bi uwu๐๐๐๐ thank :0
y es such cute i love
> :0
w o a h
> ใโช๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๏ฝ๏ฝโชใ Well, then props to him.
> สษชสแด ษชแดโข it was benjamin franklin, he was credited as the person who invented the bifocals, aka, glasses in like 1784 or something
:0 y u s also ay glasses squad
whoever thought "hey im blind let me put glass infront of my face" is a genius, cause i can actually see now thats fun
So, my dad's birthday is coming up. I'm obviously going to buy him something, but I wanted to draw something for him as well. sO I decided "Why not draw him?" So I did.
(He has a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm but idfk how to draw it so I didnt but I'll draw it later when he comes home so I know exactly what it looks like and won't mess up.)
(And It took me ages to actually find a shirt that he has on the internet :') )
> ๐ณ๏ธโ๐๐ยฐDrawing_Havenยฐ๐๐ณ๏ธโ๐ I do too :'0 And thank you.
Your* qwq
:0 this is amazing. I hope you dad likes it.
> macaroni hes ok ig
So, I'm in an art mood.
Like a normal person would they take out their computer, or whatever they use for digital art. They start to draw.
Well, that's when art block decides to hit you like a UPS delivery van trying to do a one-day delivery.
That being said, I'll be taking requests.
(Three, to be exact.)
oh naw its alright uwu take ur time.
> DADDYFIN Sure. Sorry for the delayed response, I was a bit busy.
caN you draw zaro? hes on my page somewher e
> IronicFish Aight.
"That dog is killing my grass with her acid piss."
- My dad 2k19
> Pumpkine LmAo
lmfaO that's something mY mOm woul d saY
I did a sketch of m e
the circle at the bottom is the cur sor don't mi nd I t
im too lazy to get ri d of it
but I don't wanna post it, so Im puttin'
it hEre
noice ๐
> โขโกโจ๐๐ธ๐ต๐ฒโจโกโข> โขโกโจ๐๐ธ๐ต๐ฒโจโกโข and I oop
If you have any burning questions you want to ask me about myself, or my art-
Ask AwAy-
( อก๊ อสฬซ อก๊ )
> paper I listen to just about everything, though.
> paper syrup Well, I don't particularly have a favorite genre, but I have a select few. I listen to Heavy Metal, Rock, as well as Alternative. Every now and then Lofi Hip Hop. aNd bTs- (They are the only K-pop band that I actually like :/)
What's your favorite genre of music?
> โขโกโจ๐๐ธ๐ต๐ฒโจโกโข IKR ITS CRAZY
I actually took like 5 minutes to do thiS
> DADDYFIN indeed
this is true beauty
since I forgot to save it it got eleted :'0
> โขโกโจ๐๐ธ๐ต๐ฒโจโกโข :'0 I forgot to save it, and I closed Medibang- AnD I hAvE tO ReDraW It *cries in saD*
uUh thanks for the 130 followers?
no really ilysm
I'll be taking requests
Again, ily 3000.
( โพ สฬซ โพ)
> papel dรถg HhHhHH Sorry, I didn't see yOur commenttttttt. Obliged means Grateful, or appreciative. It can also mean that you're indebted. Which essentially means that "I owe you one." Stating that "I am much obliged," is another way of saying "thank you," basically.
whats obliged-
> Pixel Planet> Pixel Planet Ok, thanks.
> สษชสแด ษชแดโข Male
while I didn't have my laptop to do digital art, I did some traditional
(sorry for the shit quality I didn't care about that when I was taking the picturesss
and the last one is my mom
of when she was like
20 or some shit idk)
> DADDYFIN i wouldn't saY that . and all it takes is practice tbh i know everyon says it but its tru
ur doodles ar elike betterthan anYthing ive ever made holyshiT
> ๐๐๐๐Quini-bi uwu๐๐๐๐ rev ers e car d cau se I lov ur art 2
i lo af your a rt
i didn't mean to be gone for so long (idk how long its been, like a week im guessing?)
but I was over at my sisters house and didn't bring my lAptOp sOoO
I might draw a lot cause ive been away from digital art for a week as well as my cat and i cried
im back now.
> macaroni hawyee thankee
yeehaw welcom bac pardner
> DADDYFIN tha nk
tomorrow is my last day of sch oo l
fin all y
ug h
also take this crying cat photo cause its how i feel rn:
Ayeee itโs LuckyCat
:o it's an amusement park it's pretty cool
> Pumpkine No, but our school's field trip was Universal Studios. Then again, they don't have "Kings Dominion" in my state. To be honest, I've never heard of it.
mine isn't until next Friday but ur probably not going to kings dominion for a field trip ha-
(If you can't click the link, it's also in my bio.) is my new acc ๐ค๐ค
also wb ?
e okii and yes the new update is wack