Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

7 Day / weeks
Depens only by motivation and mood
TBT status! Cover teaser

So, i finished the person in the new cover photo for that last half of chapter 1, although know i have the background to do and i dont think ill do so good since i dont ever work on backgrounds. Ive work and animitronics (only at one point in my life) and people ever since i began actually drawing, its never been backgrounds. I have drawn random pictures of water falls and basically anything that youd find in the middle of mother nature in my text books and homework, but other than those times, never.

⬇⬇⬇Heres a teaser for the cover ⬇⬇⬇

I think ill color and detail eyes like this for a while. Lately in digital drawing ive been trying to find a good way to draw eyes, and i think ill use this one for a while till i find something much better. What do you think?

Also, lets play a game, only for fun. Theres no prizes, its only for fun. Lets see who can look through the first 1/2 of chapter 1 of TBT and find the one easter egg ive hidden. I thought someone would find it without haveing me to anounce a hidden easter egg. I advise you to look every detail, but heres a hint: its hidden somewhere earlier in the pages, not too early though.

Thats it for today! Bye bye! Wuvs for all and all for wuvs ○3○)/♡

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  • > ♠Pastel cloud of depression♠ Thank you ☺

  • I like that eye

  • > pikachugirl What exactly?

  • Ooooh what's that for

TBT status!

.........i finished the page were a sad plot twist begins.....i think im crying on the inside. Although it was very easy, mainly cause all i had to put were black figures, so i didnt have to do so much detail. I feel bad for you readers TvT)/♡

Off topic, but did any of you read my last status of Truth-be-Told, were i was talking about another story but was written not drawn, well that story came to a pause and i started a new one. Remember this story i thought of but cant make it into a manga? I call it Imaginary Soulz and its also being made on google docs, but this one is different, its being written and its haveing some illustrations in it to paint a picture for the story. If you dont get what i mean about making illustrations for it, let me explain.

Have you ever at least heard of "the meanest doll in the world"? Its a book about these small dolls living in a world and their number one rule is to not be seen moving from a human or else theyll become inanimate objects forever, unable to move or even have a life anymore. In this book, it was written but there were still some illustrations in some pages, all hand drawn. Thats what im doing for Imaginary Soulz.

Its gonna be very hard though since im challenging myself by putting much more detail and work into those illustrations, and theyll be colored too. I find this to be an opportunity to get myself better for even for TBT since ill be working myself to the bone, and i believe it can give me some motivation to start working hard on making TBT and make it the best i can make it to be, while i still have your attention.

I hope you liked this status! Bye bye, wuvs ♡♤♡♤

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TBT status! Productivity = 0 sleep

So, i finished 2 pages of Truth-be-Told last night but i stayed up till 4:00 in morning. Its not that i forced myself to lose sleep, its that fact that i have sleeping problems and have to take medication just to be able to sleep at night. I was really bored just sitting there staring at the ceiling so i went to work on TBT so i worked and finished 2 pages. I even went to doodle and draw traditionaly in my sketch book for some moments so that i could get my mind off TBT for a bit and get back to work.

Maybe thats what i need, a short break away from drawing, not hours through my day, and then start working on TBT. Lets see if it works for a few days!

Anyways, now im at the major break through in story wise in Truth-be-Told, you may all cry in a corner while that scene hits you in the gut and now all you have to do is let it sink in likean anchor in the ocean...nah just kidding! Thats too mean, i dont wanna be like that on you guys........ °u<)_.

*evile laugh*. Loves ○\◇/○)/♡

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  • No se esfuerce tanto amiguta, recuerda que todo en exceso es malo.

Truth-be-Told status! Ashamed...

I havent been working on TBT as much as id like to...

Ive been getting myself caught up in other things that have 0 help to TBT. I feel very ashamed because i should be working on TBT every day. One page, once a day, thats all i have to do but i havent at all. I feel nothing but shame 😓😟

I wish i could find that motivation but idk how i get it or what im suppossed to do now, cuz idk how to find motivation. Someone please help me TnT)_...

But thats not it that i wanna talk about. I also have somthing else. I found someone who is actually making 4 stories at the same time and there all really unique and really good, ive never seen anything like it! I dont feel deppression but i do feel very sad because im so unable to make just 2 stories, and the fact that someone can do that is just superhuman to me. Although he makes his stories are much differently, he writes them instead of drawing them, but he wants to find someone to work with to make a webcomic, which means he needs someone who can draw. I did tell him i could draw but even if he asked me to help him id have to turn him down cuz like i said, im super unable to make even just 2 stories at the same time.

But heres a dirty secret of mines, i AM making 2 stories at once BUT the other story im making, i call "5125", is being written in google docs and im only making it whenever i feel like it, im not working on it as if i have a deadline for it. Theres a huge difference to writing a story than drawing a story if you havent noticed. Who here has google docs? If you wanna read 5125 them message me your first and last name and ill share it to you. I know that sounds risky but trust me, im not the type to share secrets when im told not to, even promised to.

So yeah, now you know :P

Thats all i have for today, see you lovely potatos tommorrow. Loves /♡3♡)/ *hugs*

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  • > Shuggar Yup :3

  • Le gasp Are you a potatoe

Halloween contest close!!!🎃🌺

I have made my desicion on who the winners are. They are all in order below ⬇⬇⬇.

☆Sam the edgy nuggie

Note: i know i said this before but please dont take your places personally, its not you its me. Honest.

Let me explain why i chose these places. TitaniumPegasus, you were first because you put an excellent amount of detail and your porportions to me looked great, your costume was especially spooky 💀, wonderful job! Now, fluffybutter, your details were very nicely done and your character look cute, but still "mad" (PUNZ), although your porportions could use the effort, which is why you came in 2nd, but you still did wonderfully. And last is sam the edgy nuggie, your gore in your picture was fantastic and i wish i made you seacond but other things got in my way. You had glorious detail but there was no shading and no background, they are really small reasons to be last but i know you could have done better, especially with colors, but i liked how you went and tried to make it look good and i appreciate you for doing that (all of you).

Your prizes will come soon in messages, so be sure to message me winners ^♡^)/!

Note: it was very hard for me to criticize your work, i didnt wanna seem like i didnt like ur work at all which really i did. Nicely job you guys, thank you bunches for participating in my contest. Loves 😗

Heres all your guys work from 1st to 3rd place

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  • > TitaniumPegasus Ok, what do you call yourself on facebook?

  • > Maria-Senpai Try over facebook

  • > TitaniumPegasus yay! Ur prize will be sent soon, but first, do you want it to be sent to some certain place? Cuz idk how to send pictures in messages on medibang ;-;)

  • Yay, i win! Congratulations to Fluffybutter and Sam the edgy nuggie too. Good Job and GG.

True Love vs Heart Break

These are the two drawings that have a connected story that i was SUPPOSED to publish yesterday.

True love ❤
That feelin when you find someone youve been waiting for all your life. You love with all your heart and see them as the most precious thing in the world.

Heart break 💔
That feeling when youve made the biggest mistake in your life. You feel blind and hatred and broken. You wish you took everything back that you did wrong and you get a truck load of insanity. You wish you could never find love ever again.

Im not going through this phase at all, i just thought it was something really cool to draw, and im super proud of myself! I love the hair details, the line work is so smooth and the colors fit perfectly (at least thats how i see it)

Best drawings ever!!!!!! \○♡○)/

Loves to you amazing sons a' guns ^♡^)/

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  • This is really cute Especially tru luv

Halloween contest late....

Im so sorry im late but my service was being a jerk 😤. Now lets announce the amazing poeple who made amazing art!

♡sam the edgy nuggie

These are only the ones as far as i know that told me their work is done and i have downloaded onto my phone.

Luckily, for those of you that have not finished i will give you till tomorrow to maybe finish up, tell me you finished and publish it on your account. I know one person that said they would do it, pikachugirl, but hey girl! Its ok if you didnt finish, its not bad at all you did nothing wrong. But if no one tells me their finished or if there is no one else then that mean everyone is gonna have a prize to win (read the original post on this halloween contest), so i may be forced to tone down the prizes because of the small amount of people joining. If it ends like that, the prizes will now look line this⬇⬇⬇.

1st place: a shoutout by me on medibang and my facebook page (facebook is optional) and a complete page of never seen before from Truth-be-Told, my only rule for it is that you CANNOT share it with others or else youll be reported.

2nd place: a draft picture of never seen before from Truth-be-Told and a shout out by me only on medibang (facebook is not optional)

3rd place: a shoutout by me only on medibang (facebook isnt an option).

So, if any of you wanna join and finish a piece of work in the nick of time (before tomorrow afternoon), publish your work and tell me you did, or just tell me you published...then...DO IT!!!

loves 😘😘😘

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TBT status! Techinical difficulties

Im not having the best service right now so im not posting as much anymore, so sorry i didnt post anything in those couple of days.

I figured it out! TitaniumPegasus, you were right, i do need wifi in order to import pictures to Truth-be-Told's last half of its chapter. Welp, i guess ill visit my sister once im completly done with the chapter. But, on my winter break ill be visiting my other sister so ill have wifi there too, lets just hope i can work enough to finish it before or within that time. At least i figured out my problem so now i can work on Truth-be-Told in peace =w=). No more stress over how im supposed to publish TBT now °u°)_.

I dont know what i wanna do with the new cover. I know its the same chapter but i still wanna do a new cover, one that is eye catchy. Do you guys think you can share some ideas? I could use it right now.

I figured, since i cant seem to fix the pace in the chapters, im just going to ignore it till i learn more about making manga. So expect the fast pacing in the chapters till i figure things out.

Ive been thinking quite a lot about the other main characters i need to introduce to you guys but im not thinking much about Alex's right now, even though its finally past half way through that stage. But thats not bad, because ive already figured out the perfect way to end that chapter without so many pages, if i just decided to go as long as i wanted with that ending, it would have last anotger 30 pages ;-;)....or more. But now all i have to do is lay it out in art form in neat and tidy order, without adding another different scene in there (theres 2 scenes in total for the last half chapter in there, in case your wondering).

Anyways, thanks for your patience. Give me ideas on a cover photo for that last 1/2 of chapter 1, wether you think there good or not. Loves 😍😘😗😙

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  • > TitaniumPegasus Yay! \(>u<)/

  • > TitaniumPegasus Ill see about it :)

  • How about an homage to some classical art. Those make nice covers.

TBT status! Trying something quiker!!

I found a solution to make my art a little more faster for the comics. Its the stage were you draw out the anotomy and face and everything in a red or blue, or just a different color, just so that the final for the line work isnt so messy and bad. I use this stage everytime but the method i used to make the final look perfect took too of my time and 3 different colors. Yes, 3 different colors.

Red ❤for anotomy structure of a character, blue💙 for the clothes and hair on a character and purple💜 for backgrounds and characters accessories. It took too much of my time making the proccess slower.

I found a more simplier solution that could work just as good as the complex....base? Nah thats not right. Idk what you call it, ill find out soon, but yeah.

I made the "base" more simplified by using these methods.⬇⬇⬇

✏ i used only one color for everything(red❤)
✏ i didnt put as much detail into the "base" and only saved those details for final line work.
✏ everythings a mess but its meant to get better during the line work.

I found it much, much more quiker than the more complex "base", and everything can get much better in the line work for this simplified "base". This could make my work much faster for Truth-be-Told.

(⬇⬇⬇Sample of my quick and simple "base" down below ⬇⬇⬇)

If i dedicate my self and use my motivation wisely, while using this faster solution for the "base", my guess is i could get done with TBT until december. But dont get your hopes up cause i cant garentee youll get the last 1/2 of chapter 1 till christmas, i mean H E Y M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S I T'S T H E R E S T O F
F I R S T C H A P T E R, but thats only if i can keep motivation for as long as possible, and my motivation for art can last from 1-5 days. Sad isnt it?

I could ask for your guys favore but I dont wanna ask you guys for "a treat" or anything, i dont ask anything of you guys, im not the kind of person to use people for a compliment. But, all i ask from you guys is this one simple thing, that you have faith in me and quietly cheer me on. That is all i ask. You guys can show me your support by commenting or doing nice things for me but you dont HAVE to. A comment would be nice and even commenting with the stickers is A-ok but you dont have to do that either, you can just cheer me on by being pateint and considering the work i put into all this for you guys just from you doing the littlest things or not at all. Its all up to you guys. But keep in my mind, i dont want to be some godess of yours and you being practially obsess with warshipping me, thats the last thing i want. All i want you guys to see me as is a girl who just really likes to draw and wants to show some people her work.

Anyways, bye, see you tommorrow with another status update for Truth-be-Told! Happens at random times on weekends and on weekdays its in only the afternoons (for me at least, 2:10-5:00pm in my areas)

Loves 😘😘😘😘

Reminder:⬇⬇⬇sample of my quick and simple "base" method in Truth-be-Told⬇⬇⬇)

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  • > Shuggar Hey, it does :O

  • That art style some how reminds me of kill la kill

A Adorable Conffession 💌

I love makeing adorable and thick japenese girls in their school uniforms. Its just fun to make a more thick, chubby character, mainly cause i think they look better that way than skinnier girls.

Whatcha' guys think ○w○)_ <(?)

Anyone know how to make a picture NOT sideways when posting on medibangs myspace?

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  • > TitaniumPegasus Huh, i keep that in mind. Thx! :)

  • With Medibang (not recommended) 1. Open Medibang paint 2. create canvas size that you think will be big enough. the material folder in the bottom right corner ( that circle icon) the camera icon (being in material or tone mode will allow you to rotate before pasting, but it will cut off some parts if the image is too small. Item will paste the entire thing but you have to edit it afterwards.) 5. Take a picture. 6. Paste it in your layer 7. Crop or expand image 8. Export Alternative method that I recommend: 1. Get Snapseed. 2. Take a picture. 3. Open picture in Snapseed. 4. Press Tools. 5. Press Rotate. 6. press the rotation icon. 7. Export.

  • > TitaniumPegasus How do i do it?

  • > .°* H O N E Y L E M O N Z °.* Yass! I knew it XP!

TBT progress continued, Finally!!!!

I can finally start improting more pictures for Truth-be-Told, get ready medibang because here i come!

I guess the bug decided to leave me alone and give me peace, for now. Ill start using my time wisely before that bug comes back starting.

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  • > TitaniumPegasus that so? You could be right but the other times i did for the first half of the chapter, all those were imported using 4g lte service.

  • I'm sure it just your connection.

  • Noice!!

TBT status! N' stuff °p°)_

Well, im at my sisters house for the weekend, which means WIFI 24/7!!!!......for 3 i get to check up on you guys more often and whatch anime now! °♡°)/. But sad thing is, i didnt bring my computer a long and i dont quite remember the page i was working on in there, so now how am i suppossed to work on a new page for Truth-be-Told on my phone.........although i can restart that page on my computer and make it on my phone instead, besides, the page on my computer is nowhere near close to being finished so i can totally restart.

Im my free time though, when im not drawing manga, im drawing 3 illustrations right now. 1 on my computer, 2 on my phone. The 2 on my phone have a connected story though, just a little heads up. I cant wait to finish and show you guys >♡<)/ !!! Its going awsome!

But back to TBT. Can i tell you guys a secret? You all know annabelle, right? Let me tell you a story.

Annabelle was originaly suppossed to be a supporting character that was going to meet up with Alexander at an abondon street way and tell Alexander, the truth.


I later started to fall in love with Annabelle as a character, a real character, so i changed things up before it was too late. Annabelle then became a main character to the story. After i finished that part, ideas started to swarm me and i decided to put something interesting in the plot line. So i added some romantic feelings in Annabelle for Alex (i hope this isnt a suprise to you guys since the fact that Annabelle's feelings should have been obvious). I was happy with the way things turned out. At school i would day dream about the future for Annabelle and how her past made her the person she is today and added a very short part of those past memories (Annabelle's flash back at the bench?).

Ever since then, Annabelle went from being just a character to help Alex without any true feelings, only to help Alex, into a main character with a past and a goal, to at least get Alex out of her blinding situation and maybe confess her feelings someday.

And that is the story of how Annabelle changed for the story.

Anyways, i was gonna tell you all this until i completly finished chapter 1 but i got excited and just told you all anyways. Now just one question, how do feel about this secret of Annabelle?

Loves ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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Bluechair found in my purse XD

Ok, the titles weird but compared to that and the webtoon blue chair, its normal. Randomness is the key!

I found this paper in my purse that was folded in half, i looked into it and saw this XD

Me booping shen in the face whith a smug look and shen is slighty, what i would call...internaly freaking out.

Can i be honest and share some personal feelings for a minute?
I think i like shen...........shenpai? /♡□♡)/

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  • This is my cartoon, in case you obviously notice the art change....yes, i have two different artstyles.

TBT status........lazy ; - ;)

I finally got the next page done but thanks to my stressful break and the headache i had the other day, i didnt get it done until yesterday afternoon.....i feel very ashamed in my motivation /TnT)_.....baka* maria!

Im trying to do something different when drawing on my computer. Im gonna try makeing the line thickness skinner since if you noticed in the 1st half of the chapter, some pages had thicker line work than others...also very squiggly lines °>°) <(!?). So in the next half of the chapter, you may find a difference in mostly the line thickness. Trying to work on making nice smooth lines when drawing on my computer.

I just got an idea! But im only gonna tell you guys till my halloween contest comes to an end, and a week later to give you guys some time to settle. But i must say its egg-celent (PUNZ).

But i also was given another idea. Night T., i need you for an example! Ok? Good!
Anyways, night t., when you made that picture of your oc with a fullbody picture in your artstyle, and her chibi look, and also her bio (bio ex. Favorite food, likes, dislikes, background, ect.), i really never made a picture like that of my OC. As far as i know, you guys have never seen a full picture of me! As far as im concerned, thats bad...

/○\3/○)/ "" |___| <(nani!?*)

Lol. But yeah, i think i should get going to that soon. I think it would be best for the future. I may end up updating it once every few months since i change anime artstyle often.

Speaking of changeing artstyle often, im later gonna do a once a month challenge. In case you have no idea what that is (which you 100% and heres why), i actually made it up, but i wanna see how i improve within 4 months. Once every beganing of a month for 4 months straight, ill draw the same picture of a randomly choosen character in digital art. Id like to see how i improve and how quikly i change details in my artstyle.

I know, im not talking too much about Truth-be-Told, but i just dont have too much to say today, only the fact that im still putting work into it, but im not working on it often enough. Heck, im not evening finishing a page a day anymore because of my laziness! And i have an alarm to remind me to draw, only im not takeing it seriously...TnT)/♡ im sorry my beautiful frens and beautiful followers and beautiful readers. Starting after i post this (wich to you guys was most likely a few minutes before), im gonna start getting back to being motivated, but this time when i get cramps, headaches or sickness, ill take a break...hey i am a liveing human being too ya' know, im not some ghoust that lives in her spirit world and draws manga and art...i wish though but i would miss my kawwaii* dog, my loveing families and friends(=irl*), and my loveing boyfriend Q3Q).

Key words*
▪irl=in real life
▪kawwaii=cute and adorable in japanese, only spelt in american letters.
▪baka=stupid, dumb, or idiot in japanese, also only spelt in amarican letters.
▪nani=what! In get the idea now...

Now, loves ◇♡◇♡\○♡○)/◇♡◇♡

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My very own Facebook page! (2nd time)

This is my seacond time anouncing this but im gonna post this for those who came to late to see the post.

I have a facebook page! Also called Maria-Senpai. I post some illustrations and some of them are posted on facebook first, a week later it is posted on medibang by me. So you get an early look at illustrations before they get on medibang. Its not always 1 week though, sometimes its days and sometimes its a few more weeks.

So check out my facebook page! Itd be really nice if you followed me on there, since i dont have too many people there.

Loves ♡♡♡◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇♡♡♡

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  • > DemMonkeyzUwU K. Yo no tengo;Instagram "sigh". Y como para que, bueno no pasa nada y no va a pasar nada.

  • Ive always wnted a facebook account but mom wouldnt let me have one. Yet I have an Instagram account. Whyyy

  • Sabes qué, estaba pensando en una idea que podría beneficiarnos a ti, a mi y a todos los que son nuestros amiguitos. Bueno tal vez si yo creara un grupo en facebook para que nosotros podamos mostrar nuestro arte solamente con nosotros y así nos podemos comunicar más fácilmente y podamos platicar más de ideas y proyectos al igual que nuestras criticas y como nosotros podemos mejorarla. ¿Qué te parece?

  • I forgot to mention, its not only my illustrations, its also other shared artists and their work that i follow on facebook. So you may find someone you like. If any of you done have a facebook acount though, dont worry, its free to make one and easy.

Truth-be-Told status! Headaches TnT)💨

Yesterday i had a pulseing headache, but i dont even know why. I guess i just worked my brain too much, or i was on my phone too long...half of it drawing TBT. So i still drew pages for TBT but i wish i took a break because i think that headache is comming back to haunt me again 😨🤕

I wonder, if i worked on TBT with someone else, would it be better? The only thing is...
♧ i like working by myself, unless its with a friend.
♧ i didnt have too many friends when i first started TBT, so it would have veen really hard to find the right person. I once was gonna make another story a long time ago and all i needed was a background artist, but nobody commented on the post about that because no one really knew my exsistence so i ended up canceling the project, later beganing TBT.
♧ how exactly would we send eachother our pages, we'd probably have to exchange phone numbers and text eachother. But then again i dont always have wifi so there may be moments were i might never get their text till the next time i get service or wifi.
♧ who knows, maybe the friend is lazy and doesnt do much of the work.

In conclusion, it would be very nice to make a callob project but it would be really tough to. Thanks to the sitalight signal for my phone =_=).

But, what if i really did find someone and made a manga with...lets say her. I think it would be really fun, depending mostly on our project and the friend. I would rather think up how the story would go and to read the pages to make sure there in great condition, while my friend works on the pages and the art.

Now that i read the paragraph over, i think i might be putting too much on my friend since drawing many pages for even just one chapter is really tough while all i have to do is read pages and think over the story. My job takes only a brain with creativity while my friends job takes motivation, thinking, and a working hand. I dont think that should be the way to do it, its not fair.

Maybe its better to do something like that solo, unless we both think of another way to give us a fair share of work into the project. I would say who i would choose to work with but i think that would be like im chooseing favorites and haveing others think im chooseing someone whos better and saying their not. Actually, i dont have anyone mind, i guess i would like to work with any of these amazing people XP (100% truth, trust me)

I think thats all for today good frens. Loves *◇*◇*\○♡○)/*◇*◇*

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  • > Noob Allert Thanks, ill need it XP

  • Good luck with your project , it sound REALLY cool

  • > P.F.P.R. I know, im not trying to rush but i dont want it to take so long to a point that when people wait for new chapters and finally get one, their memories of the before chapter is a slight blur to them. I promise though, im not staying up late at midnight making manga. I could! Since im a night owl! But no.

  • > Magjic-starr Yeah ur right, i would never know how to handle that lol

TBT status!

I wonder, how do japanese mangaka artist draw such an interesting manga. Their work and effort they put in always looks as if they took days to make just that one page. Even more so when they make a mistake and have to restart. Not only their art is good, so is the story. Its all perfectly laid out in a perfect pace and perfect moment.

I tried to conpare my manga, Truth-be-Told, to another more famous manga. I noticed a lot of differences. I saw that TBT was a much more fast pace and went through many scenes in only under 30 pages. My art certantly is nothing compared to the more famous manga but i let that slide since, even if i put more detail or tried to fix it in anyway, id probably finish it, publish it, and read it myself and notice plently of mistakes.

This is probably my biggest problem, wich is trying to make the paceing of the story work. I believe its because when i work, the proccess is very slow makeing it seem at first that its a perfect pace, when really its not. Ive been working on my paceing in the last half of chapter 1 but im not so sure i really made a change. Maybe i need some real advice from someone whos been working on manga or maybe even comics for decades. If i was given the chance, my only question would be "how do you take your time when working with the story dureing drawing the panels?" Or in other words "how do you make a better pace when drawing manga?"

Those would be my only questions. But im curious, if any of you were given the chance to ask a proffessional manga artist, or just artists in general, what would you ask them? From advice to experience.

Loves 😙

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  • > Naufal Mashiro Do you mean like a title or character name, cuz i only think of those till im either finished with the character or till that title comes to me out of creativity.

  • > P.F.P.R. Thanks. That changed my perspective. I normaly never notice things like that unless im in an independent like mood.

  • do you draw a name first? it's important

  • > P.F.P.R. wut you saying fam

Holloween contest check-up 2!!!

I got some great work from great people and their work is amazing! But im not gonna show em yet, not till the deadline hits, which is the end of this month.

If any of would like to participate, please read the conditions/rules in the original holloween contest post. Thank you!

If any of you participated and finished, please tell me in the comments. Thank you again!

Id like to thank those of you who participated and finished their work. Your art is amazing! Heres those that i so far know have finished.

◇ Fluffybutter ◇
◇ TitaniumPegasus ◇

Thanks again! (I apologize if i spelled your names wrong, i have terrible memory)

Loves, 😘.

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  • I'll do it

2D and flowers? 💐

I didnt what to call this, lol °P°). So i made the illustration but this time i dicided to make my ears a little more cartoony and put more detail into into the coloring, lighting and shadeing.

I was worried about 2d's head when i was working on anotomy but i think it looks pretty good now °u°). It was really hard to make an alternative cartoon chracter into anime, like, really hard XP.

I think i failed a little at lighting though
; - ;) <(•••)

But anyways, loves to my favorite nuggets ♡(im sorry if i stool that line from you Sam T_T)/♡)

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  • > TitaniumPegasus Huh...i like the way you think •u•). Unlike you, im stupid • _ •)...

  • Bad? I don't think so. Great artist did this too like Picasso who went from realism to surrealism.

  • Did anyone notice, i change artstyle too often? I think i do. Is that bad? Most likely, yes... 🤔

Feel Good Inc.

I got this idea of drawing this girl spilling from ink upside down, and ended up putting the words "feel good inc." In there. Who here got the reference? *raises hand*

Lol. I think i put "feel good inc." In there cause at the same time i got an idea about drawing a Gorillaz fanart. I thought about drawing 2d and my OC surounded by pink flowers. Who likes that? It may take me a while but i think i can handle it ○w○)_.

Why do my pictures end up sideways in these pictures? T~T). Reminder, the girl is upside down, just in case you see the sketch the wrong way.

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  • > AlexTurnerUwU I knew you would 😋

  • Yaaay i get da ref *0*

  • I took this picture in the car. I already know the lighting is bad ; - ;)

TBT status 2!!!!

I just read my fixed, first half of the first chapter and i noticed the story mistakes i made but i noticed a lot more art mistakes, and i kinda died a little inside for a moment but i quikly got over it. I think its cause i just instinctively know that im only 15 and not the best at drawing yet.

I especially noticed the recommended comics at the end of it and they were really low classed comics. Is my manga really that bad? ; _ ;) <(•••)

Anyways, loves ♡\^w^)/♡

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  • The commentary more long that you never seen before (in spanish): Bueno comenzaré. Estaré de acuerdo de cómo tratas tu proyecto, que en verdad le pones empeño a tu trabajo. Pero también ten en cuenta en que estas en un mundo plagado de competencia, así que haz tu mejor esfuerzo en que tu proyecto salga como tu te sientas a gusto y que los demás lo admiren y crean que lo ha hecho una persona con capacidad de hacer las cosas, que demuestres en realidad quién eres. No critiques a tu trabajo de modo de que lo veas con dibujos no acuerdo a tu edad, pero no te preocupes, aunque no eres una gran dibujante que mereces el respeto de todos pero tampoco te sientas de que tu obra no valga nada. Tampoco seas dura contigo debido a que, al tener esa actitud, no vas a lograr nada y tu trabajo, que llevaba años planeando se iría a la basura y tu no quieres que eso pase ¿verdad? Echale ganas amiga y demuestra a todos de que tu eres la mejor!!

  • > Night T. ^_^)/♡

  • > Naufal Mashiro Thats why i try to draw anytime i could. ☆ Practice makes perfect! ☆

  • > TitaniumPegasus Yeah, i totally see what you mean. Thanks for that, that lifted my spirit ☆u☆)

TBT conffession (no worries)

I have a conffession. I havent drawn even a little for Truth-be-Told for the last 3 days. My reason though is because ive been being agitated at medibang paint and have been trying to just calm myself down, but during that time i made zero progress in the series.

I am ashamed to admit it but its the truth, and the last thing i wanna do is lie to amazing people. Id rather have your guys trust than to give out a white lie, so im conffessing. Im must say im truly sorry for my actions.

Right now im gonna face my anger and smash it by working on TBT and being patient for medibang paints fix in its bug. So without further-a-do im gonna get straight to working on TBT but first im gonna read my half-made chapter and see what i can do.

Thanks for understanding. Loves, 😗❤

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  • I think I know what is causing the bug. It is not actually a bug since it is working as intended. I think what is happening is that your internet becomes unstable and the app cannot save to the cloud correctly. It then simply says that it failed to save and they will suggest checking free space and permission. It doesn't mean that you don't have space because this message is intended to show everytime the save fails. You can induce it by saving and turning off your Internet connection during the save.

  • > P.F.P.R. Thank you, its nice someones A-ok with that. ^_^)

  • > TitaniumPegasus I would rather not actually. Its not that i dont trust em', i just think that wouldnt be the best way. And besides, im not the only one going through this (fluffybutter...i think i got her/his name right)

  • Well i don't like this bugs but is great that u are telling the truth with your project. That's it!


Look what medibang decides to do to my new chapter, after deleteing my last one to make room!?

*heavy inhale* *screams across space*

Look at this!? LOOK AT THIS!? This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! *face palm*

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  • > P.F.P.R. Its not your fault anyways, but yes its bull💩

  • > Magjic-starr Its ok, i just have to either wait or do something else, but i dont wanna do that something else T~T)

  • > FuzzyButter20 I thought i was the only one! With this dumb bug i mean. I love medibangs website and makeing art but makeing my comic AND importing it is frutrating 😠. I love makeing my comic but importing them into cloud saves is a pain.


Truth-be-Told status!!! ❤

I notice, i made some mistakes in the chapter. But i did waen you guys once before in a different post that i dont fully know englands culture and how they work there. Im now starting to be very careful to search up something on england and put it in Truth-be-Told. Thank you for spotting my mistakes TitaniumPegasus. ^3^)/♡

I know im not the best at makeing a story or even drawing one, im not ashamed to admit that. In case you all havent noticed, its actually really hard to make even just 30 pages of a manga. Unless you work fast and know good shortcuts in drawing ; - ;)

But im glad people actually i still cheering for me to finish this, even thpugh its not the best and could never become a real manga, i still love the people who enjoy what i do and wanna see more. Thats what i love about you guys ^_^). Thats also a thing that i noticed made me work just at least a little faster, haveing people waiting and being excited for a new update. If you guys can keep that up, ill be the happiest artist XD.

Anyways, thats the end of this post, see you guys tommorrow! Loves 😘

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I posted the first half of the chapter. I knida just sat there for a little bit but then thought "ya know what, i might as well" then i was like *BOOM* FIRST HALF, FIRST CHAPTER POSTED, WHOA!!!

sorry if this is so sudden but its posted. Turns out though that since i used the same cloud save from the demo, the chapter updated from a demo to a first half of the chapter. Yay!!

So go check it out guys and tell me anything that you think about it. Dobt worry, im ready for any crtizism. Btw i didnt change my 2nd cover but hey at least its not the one with the hideous colors °\°)

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  • > TitaniumPegasus Yes, thats the same person. Long wavy hair, feminine clothes, same person ^u°) Sorry about that mistake. It is a manga, but then again your right, its all in england. I try my best next time. No, Alexander is 14 at the time while Anbabelle is 18. In case your worried by the age groups and annabelles feelings, that will be explained later in the chapter. Actually, the newspaper agency not gonna spoil it. Alex payed the taxi ride, dont worry. Im super sorry for my mistakes and i will try better next time. Thank you, T3T)_♡

  • u did it, u save the world!

  • So wait, Annabelle is the same one at the train station and in the office right? Annabelle is calling Alex senpai in a british setting? And is Alex actually older? I hope that newspaper agency is adhering to UK child labour laws, with late night work and all. Also Taxi Fare is expensive. Keep up the good work.

  • Nice! Ill read it soon