Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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【日本語/ENG】メリークリスマス~Merry Christmas

I think 2016 went quite well. I met many kind people on medibang, improved my drawing skills (i think), got a scholarship...It went really well! lol
Thank you for everything so far, looking forward to 2017!
Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year (soon)!!

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SUGA Min Yoongi (Realism) UPDATE

I did Suga. Anyways, I finished it but I'm too lazy to post it right now because:
1. My back hurts
2. My neck hurts
3. My head hurts
4. I cut my finger and it hurts
5. Lazy like Suga*
6. I wanna sleep
7. I'm hungry
8. >w<' Heheh
9. Stop judging meh
10. Most of these aren't even reasons, they're just me being lazy

Okay well anyways, I'm going on a cruise tomorrow for about 8 or more days so I'll post it after that. I won't be able to post any art then. Byeee~!!!!

*Suga is lazy like meh >0<'

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>0< AHHH (read till end)

Oh frick ahhh so sorry! Doubt u people care, but I haven't uploaded anything since.. *checks* December 5! (i think) Anywayss, that's like 2 weeks! >0< I'm really sorry, forgive meeee!! *bows down* A lot of my friends have been coming over, some weird stuff happened (which is none of yo beezwax xD) and I've been working on art for this contest at school! It took a lot of time. And then in a week I'm going on a cruise to Mexico! I'll try to bring my tablet there and upload some art but I doubt that will happen. So I will TRY to draw something before the cruise but right now I just finished my picture and I am really tired. :3 Also... (dun tell no one) I've been listening to a lot of BTS.. Heck, right now I'm listening to them xD So anyway, suggestions plzzz :) I dunno what to draw. Thank youuuuuuu~! >w<

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