Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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MediBang Paint official mascot design contest! Winner Announcement!

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

To celebrate MediBang Paint having over 1 million downloads we’re going to hold an official mascot design contest!

  • Deadline

    March 13th 2016 11:59pm JST

  • Submission

    Design a MediBang Paint mascot (mascot) and upload it to

  • File formats
    • jpg、png(File size:Under 30MB)
    • Submissions may be in color or black and white
  • How to enter
    1. Click ‘Submit’ on ART street
    2. Upload a jpg or png illustration.
    3. Enter a description and title for the submission
    4. Choose your language settings from English, Japanese, Korean, or Chinese (traditional or simplified)
    5. Add the tag “1millionDL”
    6. Submit
    7. Make your submission public on ART street
  • Winner

    After a strict a screening process the winners will be announced on ART street

    Grand Prize(1 winner): An iPad Pro and ApplePencil
    One winner will be chosen from

    Second Place(12 winners): Wacom Bamboo Duo Stylus Pen
    Winners will be choosen as follows
    (Japanese:2 winners、English:3 winners、Korean:2 winners、Chinese (simplified):3 winners、Chinese (traditional):2 winners)

    ※The winning mascot will be used as an official mascot on

  • Winning Submissions

    The intellectual property rights of the winning designs will be transferred to MediBang (Japanese Copyright Act)
    Winners will be contacted be MediBang individually. Winners will have the right to refuse at that time.