插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

MediBang's Art to Paper Illustration Contest 2017 | Contests - MediBang

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

Post your art on MediBang and get it printed into postcards and business cards!

We will send winners 20 postcards and business cards each of their artwork for free.

Share your own art with your friends and family!

Win and have your art turned into customized postcards and business cards!
Share your art and give them away to everyone from friends to professionals!

We are now accepting work from all over the world for the first Art to Paper illustration contest!
10 winners will be chosen and their art will be printed into postcards and business cards and sent to them.
Win the contest and share your art with your friends and family!!

Submission Details

Entry Period
Nov. 1, 2017 to Nov. 30, 2017 (11:59 p.m. JST)
Entry Requirements
None. Anyone can enter the contest, regardless of whether they are a pro or just draw as a hobby.
Entrants are welcome to submit as many times as they like.
Published illustrations will also be accepted, however the rights to the illustration must belong to the applicant.
How to Enter
1. Create an account on MediBang.com and log in.
2. Click Submit at the top of the page on the MediBang website.
3. Next click Submit again on the MediBang Creators page.
4. Choose the Illustration tab and then upload your file in a JPG or PNG format.
5. Enter the title and description for the illustration and make sure to add the tag ArtToPaper2017.
6. When you're finished, click Submit & Publish at the bottom of the page.
After the judging process is completed, 10 winners will be chosen and get their art printed into postcards and business cards.
The winners' submissions will be posted on the MediBang website.

Each winner will have their winning artwork printed into a set of postcards (20 copies) and business cards (20 copies) each.

The prizes will be sent to the users' provided address.
Make sure to check your mail box if you are one the winners.
Submission Format
Please use the following guidelines for your submission.

1. File Format

2. Dimensions (Width x Height)
10.6cm (1461 px) x 15.4 cm (2122 px)

3. Other Requirements
File must be at least 350 dpi.
Must be in color.
Must be a PNG file.
By entering in this contest, you are agreeing to all the terms and conditions detailed in the Contest Rules, so please read them thoroughly before you enter.
