Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Cover Art Contest

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Gold Winner$ 1000

Devita Krisanti/Alice in Wonderland

ArtistDevita Krisanti

Book TitleAlice in Wonderland

Ron's Comment
A really fantastic piece of art. This is extremely well rendered, has an eye-catching design, and effectively places the text in a way that is both legible and does not interfere with the composition. I have very few critiques to offer here. The only thing that really pops into mind here is the use of the color red in the card shapes at the lower left feel a little too strong in comparison to the rest of the picture, and tends to draw your eye too much towards it. If a similarly more saturated red were used for the rabbit's jacket, as well as more red worked into the opposing cards, and her headband, it would help balance the color in the composition.

Silver Winners$ 100

  • KATZ/Alice in Wonderland


    Book TitleAlice in Wonderland

    Ron's Comment
    I really love the strong conceptual nature of this piece and the use of opposing images, similar to a playing card! My main critique for this design is that while the Wonderland stands out very nicely, the Alice and the In of the title are kind of lost in the design. I also feel like there may be too much dead space on the left and right of the composition. I would have loved to see maybe the two Alices staggered left and right so that they fill more of the space, as well as push the similarities to a playing card even further.
  • Fuyuure/The Secret Garden


    Book TitleThe Secret Garden

    Ron's Comment
    Very good sense of wonder and intrigue in this! I love the use of shadows and negative space here. My main critique is that I feel like the title text doesn't feel like it fits over the image design that well. I think maybe using either more leaves (so that the majority of the text overlaps the leaves) or less leaves (so that all of the text sits within the white negative space) would create a more cohesive design. While I really like the use of depth of field blur on the leaves, I feel like they should all be blurred, rather than have a few ones (like on the upper right) still in focus. Depth of field blurs should mimic how a lens really focuses, and as such it would not be possible for the girl to be in focus, the middle leaves to be blurred, and then the close leaves to be in focus again.
  • RikkuHanari/Alice in Wonderland


    Book TitleAlice in Wonderland

    Ron's Comment
    Great sense of action and rendering in this illustration! My main critique would be that Alice feels oddly placed in the composition, leaving a lot of dead space near the center of the image, a somewhat ambiguous focal point, and not enough space to fit the title at the top. If Alice were moved further down, she would stand out more as the focus, and it would also leave more room for text. Additionally, since you've set up a strong spiral with the background, it would be awesome to see more of the foreground shapes mirror the flow of this, creating a more complete spiral composition.
  • CHIDANK0/The Invisible Man


    Book TitleThe Invisible Man

    Ron's Comment
    I really love how simple and eye-catching this design is. With such a simple design, however, you have to really careful with the details, since each one will stand out so much more. The treatment of adding the outline to the BLE of invisible isn't quite working for me, as it creates aesthetically larger letters. I also feel that since most of drawing is down without clear outlines, it feels a little odd that there are the black outlines in his shirt and bandages. I would love to see how this looks using only shapes with no outlines.
  • picolo/The Jungle Book


    Book TitleThe Jungle Book

    Ron's Comment
    Lovely design! I love the watercolor texture, vignette layout, and earthy palette. The little embellishments on the authors name are a nice touch, but I wish there were some similar attention paid to the title of the book as well. In terms of design balance, I think the space between The Jungle, and Book could be lessened so that they read closer together, and leave more space at the top of the design. In the drawing itself, I feel like more tension could be brought to the piece by giving the panther a more distinct facial expression, instead of the sort of blank look he has now.
  • eweFace/The Jungle Book


    Book TitleThe Jungle Book

    Ron's Comment
    Excellent and brave design! I really like the bright palette and iconic look. My main critiques would be that some of the elements feel like they could be a little more balanced. Would love to see the space between The and Jungle, and the space between Jungle and Book be even. Also, I think the text treatment should be the same for all three words. Would look really striking if THE JUNGLE BOOK all had matching font, perspective, and spacing. I would also like to see the dark green outline of the snake more consistent. As it stands, it feels a little odd that some sides have the outline, while others do not.
  • Kyuukir/The Secret Garden


    Book TitleThe Secret Garden

    Ron's Comment
    This is one of my favorite entries! I adore the lighting, depth of field, and title design. My main critique would be that the areas of the strongest contrast are in the background rather than on the character. This leads her to feel a little bit out of focus, and not as much of a strong focal point as she could be. Giving her stronger edges and darks while softening some of the background edges and contrast would really make her stand out nicely. I also feel the the text could be moved up so that it doesn't interfere with her hat, and that the bird could actually be removed entirely so as not to be a distracting element in an otherwise very pure composition.
  • x2nat/The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


    Book TitleThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    Ron's Comment
    Really great use of the paint stroke as part of the design, and very nice lighting! One thing that stand out to me as odd is the use of the straight white edge at the top of the paint stroke, rather than just letting the paint arc continue uninterrupted. I also feel like a little more attention could be paid to the wrinkles in his shirt. Either leave them out entirely so that it stands as a more graphic shape, or render them a little more carefully so that they match how a shirt would drape naturally.
  • Salma/Oliver Twist


    Book TitleOliver Twist

    Ron's Comment
    Really eye-catching simple design with strong negative shapes! Given the simplicity of the design, you have to be really careful that the parts are interacting well, however. For instance, I feel like having the tallest building be right next to his face, pointing at his nose, feels a little compositionally unbalanced. It would work better to shorten or move that building to give his face more space. I also feel that the subtle rendering on the title feels a little odd, like it's matching the lighting on his shirt, but I'm not sure that's really working. The title would work better standing out as a graphic element, rather than fitting into the scene with the character.

Bronze Winners$ 75