100k Subscribers Celebration Q&A!
MediBang official YouTube channel has reached 100k subscribers!
To celebrate, we will do a Q&A.
We asked you guys to send us questions in our social media accounts and on ART street.
Thank you for your participation!
16 questions were selected.
Also the winner of the "iPad Raffle! YouTube Channel 100k Subscribers Special!" will be announced at the end. Please keep reading!
Do you plan to add more brushes and screentones?
We are releasing brushes/resources every month!
On October, we released 3 Halloween brushes.
Download the brush!

Is there a limit to the amount we can upload to the cloud storage?
Currently there is no limitation.
Please upload as much as you want!
Which brush is recommended for painting clothing, skin, sky, tree, and metal?
1. Clothing and skin…Watercolor, airbrush, blur
To express the softness of the skin and cloth, we recommend the watercolor or air brush.
It will look interesting if you blur some areas.

A…Watercolor B…Airbrush C…Blur
2. Sky…Fluffy watercolor, cloud
It's difficult to draw a realistic cloud isn't it?
We recommend the brush fluffy watercolor and cloud.
Drawing those complex cloud shapes and making them look fluffy is quite easy with these brushes!

A…Fluffy watercolor B…Cloud
3. Tree…Pencil, watercolor (rough), crayon
Watercolor (rough) and crayon is good for drawing the roughness of the tree.
For the branches and the trunk, I recommend using the pencil.

A…Pencil B…Watercolor (rough) C…Crayon
4. metal…Drawing pen, marker, blur
To express a shiny metallic texture, we recommend a hard edge brush like the drawing pen and marker.
If you blur some areas, it will look more realistic.

A…Drawing pen B…Marker C…Blur
How do you draw a straight line with MediBang paint iPad?
Use the line option from the shape tool. Please see this video for details.
Video "Basic functions of MediBang Paint for iPad (Drawing shapes)"
How do you create a bitmap/script brush on MediBang paint iPad?
You can add from the brush menu. Please check the video below.
Video "Basic functions of MediBang Paint for iPad (Adding bitmap brushes)"
How do i get my rank up to platinum?
How do I level up my image?
Just keep practicing!
Look at some of the tutorials on ART street.
Also share your artwork on social media so you get more views!
Which of your contests had the most participants so far?
The Demon Slayer fanart contest had 10222 entries!
How do you judge the entries of a contest?
Is it based on like, comments, and views only?
For the contest that is organized by MediBang, it is not judged by likes, views, and comments.
(Unless it's specified)
How do you download the Trace&Draw templates?
1. Download the MDP file.
On the Trace&Draw page, there is a "Download MDP" button under each image.
(You need to use MediBang paint to open MDP files)

2. Download PNG
This depends on the device you are using, but for the most part, right click (or tap and hold) the image, and click download from the menu.
I sometimes see "The challengers" on people's artwork. What's that?
"The challengers" is an extra comment section that artists can add when they post a tutorial.
When users see the tutorial, they can try it out, and post what they made along with a comment.
Try enabling it if you post a tutorial!
Learn more!

Do posts through the challenger system also show up on the artist's page?
Yes! It will not be shown in your gallery, but in your activity page.

I saw on your site that Creators who achieved platinum rank will receive a copy of the annual medibang artbook with some of their artwork in it for free.
However, I can't find that book on any website. Please tell me where I can buy it, thanks.
We are currently getting the book ready. It is planned to be released early next year. Please stay tuned!
Favorite type of coffee for the staffs to drink while working? ^w^
Many of us like ice coffee or canned coffee from the convenience store!
Coffee is a must have to have a sharp mind.
Hmmm....Can staffs be from other countries too?
Many MediBang staffs are from other countries!
USA, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong... etc.
Can you add more brushes?
Or maybe you can make online brushes created by users and they can share it in the cloud?
Thank you for the suggestion!
We plan to make this come true.
Also we already release new cloud brushes frequently, so please check that out as well.
Hello people behind the scenes (I mean staffs)! I wanna ask you opinion -- How do you see Medibang Paint in 5 years?
The mission of our company is "Anyone anywhere can become a creator".
We want to continue to make our app better, and provide new services!
That's it for the Q&A!
The winner:PurpleUniverse
Artwork title:Random drawing 2- Playtoy
Congratulations! Also a big thank you to everyone that participated.

We hope you continue to enjoy MediBang Paint and ART street!