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5 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

  • girl

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Name: Aima
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Personality: Aima is aggressive and stubborn. She lost a friend because of a Trainer who discarded her, since then she hates all Trainers and doesn't form any bond with others. Despite hiding it, she still cares about the fate of some Hikariko similar to her lost friend.
Way of Speaking: Only if necessary, but she's good with sharp and witty replies.
Ability(s): Her whip-swords can drain energy from stabbed enemies and release it as destructive explosions, or infuse it in other enemies to make them bombs. Also, they can extend to a long range and grant her mobility by using them as grappling tools.

Likes: To overcome far stronger enemies and rivals.
Dislikes: Cowards and traitors.
Weakness(es): Bonds of friendship and love.
Character's Trainer: Hephaestus (a Greek god)
Trainer's Comment: What she thinks of us Trainers is irrelevant, as long as she keeps focused on her task. Her rage, however, can be fearsome and troublesome to control.

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