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Latest Ran Do Oniisan’s art


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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

  • illustration

  • original

  • Murasaki

  • RanDoOniisan

  • お兄さんランド

Name: Murasaki
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Personality: Murasaki is a shy, insecure and clumsy person. She cries easily.
Way of Speaking: Being shy, she speaks little and when she does, she is cute and sweet.

Ability(s): She is a sniper. The holding bow allows her to kill the enemy or more enemies at once.
Likes: She likes outdoor life and nature. She loves the Pandas and she likes to wear objects with the pandas depicted.
Dislikes: She hates closed places and she is therefore claustrophobic.
Weakness(es): Claustrophobia and Pandas. She can't stand it when Pandas get hurt.

Character's Trainer: Panda
Trainer's Comment: She always looks like a crybaby, but when she holds her bow, no enemy can stop her.

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