Entry for RiiRen's Contest LEVEL 2
woah ahaha i don't really know where this came from
i was kind of losing motivation tbh, so i'm glad this came up. contests are fun, and so are drawing my buddy ren's ocs. your ocs are very creative tbh ren i'm glad i got a chance to participate
i understand this design is a little complicated haha, plus he looks a little too much like MT, so i don't count on myself to win for best design choice. designing and colouring Router boy was fun anyway!
i think i went overboard on the sparkles so i'm sorry about that eheh. i kind of tried to make him look like he was from fnf, (or atleast a fanboy of it) but i don't know much about the game so i couldn't really incorporate (?) that into the design
also just a note for ren, i did use a filter, so the colours in the little circle things are more accurate versions of the colours i used. just letting you know. idk long desc already but fuck it
time taken: about 4 hours?
oc belongs to wifi/ren (RiiRen) ofc