일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Elise525의 일러스트


즐겨찾기 15


  • 1stHikarikoコンテスト

Name: Rita
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Personality: Rita is fluffy, romantic, and likes to dream. She's brave and isn't afraid to give up anything just to protect those she deems worthy. Rita may seem all nice and kind but she has a cruel and cold-hearted side that she tends to hide.
Way of Speaking: She talks in a bright, optimistic tone. Jokes around a lot. Sometimes speaks in a flirtatious way.
Ability(s): She stores all of her negative emotions: anger, jealousy etc in the axe. A hit by the axe can cause one to go crazy and the craziness can only be "cure" through getting hit by the crystal on the handle of the axe. One will see nightmares, can't control their emotions, hallucinate etc when is hit by the axe.
Hobby(s): Reading shojo manga while having snacks.
Weakness(es): Anything sweet. Rita hearts melt when she sees desserts.
Character Trainer: Parashurama (A god that appears in Hindu mythologies)
Trainer's Comment: I wish she could be more mature...like, look at how old she is.

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    신작순 Elise525의 일러스트



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