일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Delusion의 일러스트


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  • 1stHikarikoコンテスト

Name : Hujan
Sex : Female
Age : 18
Personality : She is very cheerful and kind to anyone. She can easily be familiar with anyone. But her nature can suddenly change drastically when she knows someone is lying to her. She will feel upset and will completely ignore anyone around her.
Way of speaking : She speaks politely and always cares about the feelings of others when talking. But when she is upset she can speak very rudely.
Likes : She likes rain because the rain can make her feel calm and remove all her negative feelings.
Dislikes : She does not like when someone is lying to her.
Ability : Her orb gives her the ability to manipulate all the water in the atmosphere. The extent of its power is creating dewdrops to cause an ice storm. Her power depends on his mood.
Character's Trainer : Tlaloc (A Aztec God).
Trainer's Comment : She's a good girl but I have to always look after her because somehow she can not accept the cruelty of the real world.

    다음 작품

    신작순 Delusion의 일러스트


    Just A Guy


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