일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Jewel의 일러스트

pfp update~

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Time for a change~

Honestly, this is pretty rushed. I actually finished this about a week ago, but I decided to post it now. I rushed this to finish it before my birthday on the 11th, which I did, but at the cost of a couple lacking details and rushed shading. I'm happy I finished it, but I've really looked at this with a critical eye and have been forcing myself not to change anything. I kind of want this to be a checkpoint in a way of my art journey, as the last piece I did before turning a year older. But yeah, that's the story behind this haha

The character in this is actually a Pokémon oc of mine, Jade. I don't want to give any details as to her character, since I don't want to make anything about her public (at least just yet). The one thing I'll say, even though it's pretty obvious, is that her main partner is a Minccino. Not sure how much I'll post of her, mostly depends on how I feel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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    신작순 Jewel의 일러스트




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