일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Pishi PishPish의 일러스트

Rivals (pls read desc ^^)

즐겨찾기 0


  • YandereSimulatorFanArtContest

  • YandereSimulator

  • Rivals

I'd like to take this opportunity to express my thoughts lol

I don't know how you win this contest but if it's based by the numbers of viewers and things, I think people who already use Medibang have an upper hand. But if it, isn't then all is well XD

Also, I wish Yandev can see all my submissions and hopefully cheer him up and things ^^ I don't know how to explain it in English but I think that's the idea. I hope people have fun seeing my art and reading those mini stories I put in the decs XD

I thank Yandev for all the effort in the game and I truly appreciate it ^^ I only played for a while because I don't have good gadgets to play on and my parents are not that okay with me playing XD but I do look forward to the updates and watch other YouTubers play the game. I hope I can support the development more but this is all I can do for now T^T

Thank you, Yandev ^^ Ganbatte~~

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    신작순 Pishi PishPish의 일러스트


    Pishi PishPish


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